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Fall Further - The Original Thread

Patch B
1. Updated for 033c
2. Artwork for Volcano replaced with HRochland's volcano
3. Mount Kalshekk unique feature added. Volcano which the Mazatl sheltered in during the Age of Ice - appears in Jungle, +2 hammers, +2 hammers with Mining, Provides Earth Mana
4. Standing Stones now grant Nature Mana (switched to prevent duplication of unique Mana sources)
5. Raiders icon altered (no longer looks the same as Bronze Working)
6. Armageddon counter/End Turn button reworked (should look/work better now).
7. Bad reference to python prereq on CommanderSplit removed.
8. Bad reference to python prereq on TreetopDefense removed.


Zakouski said:
I confirm the installation process ; just re-installed your mod, same situation.

Try it with this patch (and Patch C for the main mod), then I'd try what Woodelf suggested.

woodelf said:
Clearing custom assets used to fix interface issues.

Failing that - can you turn on the Python Popups in the Civ4Config file ("HidePythonExceptions = 0") and post what that shows? (there's actually an error message in place of the interface, Civ4 just hides it by default).
This time I have the following pop-up message showing at loading :

"Tag : Memory_Somnium in Info Class was incorrect
Current XML file is xml\Civilization\Civ4LeaderHeadsInfos.xml"

and CTD.

EDIT : this was due to the wrong patch ; downloaded and installed patch B and loading ok.

But I still do not have any interface.

One possible reason : I have Rise of Manking 2 installed, + all add-on for this mod, and I think they modified the interface and changed some code ; but what I do not understand is that FF2 is working perfectly:confused:
But I still do not have any interface.

One possible reason : I have Rise of Manking 2 installed, + all add-on for this mod, and I think they modified the interface and changed some code ; but what I do not understand is that FF2 is working perfectly:confused:

EDIT: I've replied to your PM instead - hopefully can work it out from there.
well i made a quick attempt at bradalines well, used this as a reference:


and heres the teaser:

i havent put in the floor or mist yet, ill post that later. not bad for an hours work if i do say so myself :)
Okay, yesterday people were posting about this and now I can't find it, but what's up with the summoned creatures/fireballs just disappearing? I must say it's been interesting playing without fireballs. =( Not to mention that Archmages are practically worthless since their summoned critters just up and disappear. (Although I noticed the Flesh Golem stayed)

Plus with FfH patch C out along with the new media pack what order are we looking at? Right now I have:
FfH: 0.33
Patch A & B
FF: 42
Patch: A & B

So should I wipe everything out, reload everything in order? Or can I do the FfH patch C and the new new media pack and wait for FF patch C?
FF Patch B is for FfH Patch C. If you already have FF patch A (or base 42) installed, you just have to apply patch B and you are set.

Summoned units issue is solved in Patch B too.

Okay, I just realized that I didn't have FF patch B installed yet. So should I install FfH patch C first or the media pack or does it matter and then patch B or should FF B go first and then add the new media pack and Patch C? Plus, I take it all this will break saves, right? =[

Plus, I hate to be a noob, but is there somewhere in this on the CivFanatic site that has an easy cheat sheet for where to put things? I download stuff like a RAR file for North & South Koreans and then realize I have no idea where to download them to when I unzip them.

Plus, a question about FF: prior to the new version, I used to get little smiley type faces next to all the other civs that would tell me how they felt about me. This was VERY useful, but in the new version it's not there. Was it causing problems and needed to be removed or did I not flag something?
It was a part of BUG Mod that was causing issues and thus removed. That particular portion ought to be fairly easy to add back in, just need the time for doing it.

Instalation of FfH should only matter when you install a new number version of FF. So you can upgrade to patch B without ever upgrading FfH, and actually I think we are removed enough from the base Mod now that you could even delete FfH completely and still run FF just fine, as well as all future patches until we do a new version number.

Getting the media pack files into FF will require manually copying them, retargetting the installer, or doing a fresh install of FF after you install the media pack to base FfH.
Hi all, thanks for making a grand modmod to the greatest civ IV mod in my opinion.

Which maps do you prefer to play FfH modded with FF and how many opponents?

I'm often trying to cram everyone into the game, but end up on maps with too little room to maneuver... So I'd like to know what you guys think is the best balance.
Is smoke removed from FF like with FFH patch B? If so, I'll have to reinstall, in my last game, smoke was still there. (attached picture with the following installation process: FFH 0.33, then patch ffh B, then FF042, then FF patch A, then Mediapack manually copied)

I really like Earth 2 - it's quite different than Earth and It always has plenty of room later on (America and Australia, sometimes Africa). And I can imagine, that this was in a time long befor our ancestors built their first settlements. kind of Tolkien Map this Earth 2.


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Vehem would have to answer if he removed the smoke the same way that Kael did (modified NIF I assume? Maybe just an XML effect attachment though). But installing FfH patch B before installing any FF at all ought to have carried that over for you...
thanks for the information, I just reinstalled everything following these steps:

1. FFH 0.33
2. FFH 0.33 media pack
3. FFH 0.33 Patch B
4. FFH 0.33 patch C
5. FF 042
6. FF 043 patch B

but still the flames have smoke (to much, that is).
don't know if this a FFH bug or FF: I'm leading the bannor as Decius and at the start of the game it asked me what I alignment I wanted to be. I choose good, and it correctly changes from neutral to good. but then when I end turn, it reverts me to neutral again. I'm posting the savegame: it's FFH 0.33 patch c + mediapack + FF 0.42 patch b + SOP patch b with vehem's additional art. btw, I did a reinstall of FF after upgrading FFH to patch c + mediapack , and the movies are working correctly.
[to_xp]Gekko;7159806 said:
but then when I end turn, it reverts me to neutral again.

I tried it and the same thing happened to me.

I tried looking at it in a WB save and couldn't figure out how or where Decius' alignment, or anyone's, is stored. (Removing Broader Alignments from the WB save, btw, makes him Neutral.)
well i made a quick attempt at bradalines well, used this as a reference:


and heres the teaser:

i havent put in the floor or mist yet, ill post that later. not bad for an hours work if i do say so myself :)

Looks brilliant - it always amazes me how quickly you can produce work like this. Top stuff :goodjob:

It was a part of BUG Mod that was causing issues and thus removed. That particular portion ought to be fairly easy to add back in, just need the time for doing it.

Instalation of FfH should only matter when you install a new number version of FF. So you can upgrade to patch B without ever upgrading FfH, and actually I think we are removed enough from the base Mod now that you could even delete FfH completely and still run FF just fine, as well as all future patches until we do a new version number.

Almost... You no longer need the FfH install to be present once FF is installed (though it does rely upon it for installation). It has just occurred to me though that unless you're doing a fresh install (FfH033, FfH PatchC, FF 042, then FF Patch B) there may be a couple of text key entries missing. I'll make sure these are including in Patch C.

Patch C is primarily a content release - I've got the "Silver Circle" quasi-guild implemented from Apepis, along with a couple of other ideas that should be complete fairly soon. 043 is going to be the "Scions of Patria" release - I've been speaking to Tarquelne regarding artwork and tweaks that we can make to make things easier.

Is smoke removed from FF like with FFH patch B? If so, I'll have to reinstall, in my last game, smoke was still there. (attached picture with the following installation process: FFH 0.33, then patch ffh B, then FF042, then FF patch A, then Mediapack manually copied)

The changed nif files are in the patch - I'll double check if anything else was changed.

EDIT: Nothing that I can see...

[to_xp]Gekko;7159806 said:
don't know if this a FFH bug or FF: I'm leading the bannor as Decius and at the start of the game it asked me what I alignment I wanted to be. I choose good, and it correctly changes from neutral to good. but then when I end turn, it reverts me to neutral again. I'm posting the savegame: it's FFH 0.33 patch c + mediapack + FF 0.42 patch b + SOP patch b with vehem's additional art. btw, I did a reinstall of FF after upgrading FFH to patch c + mediapack , and the movies are working correctly.

It's a known issue with Broader Alignments and Decius. It was originally left as I was going to work on Broader Alignments as a whole, but that hasn't happened yet. Decius should work fine with the Broader Alignments option disabled however, and you can still alter his alignment as usual in-game even with the option on - it's just his initial "choice" that is disabled (it changes, then changes back next time the alignment score is checked).
Not sure if there is any code in place to handle the alignment selection with Decius and Broader Alignments.

BTW, if anyone plays Elohim I applogize, but it seems when I merged for Patch C of FfH I missed a line of Kael's code. As a result for this patch the Elohim don't seem to be able to construct UUs in their Assimilated Cities. However, I have fixed that AND the upgrade issue for the next patch, so now you can upgrade Adepts to Wizards if you capture an Amurite city and things along those lines.
[to_xp]Gekko;7159806 said:
don't know if this a FFH bug or FF: I'm leading the bannor as Decius and at the start of the game it asked me what I alignment I wanted to be. I choose good, and it correctly changes from neutral to good. but then when I end turn, it reverts me to neutral again. I'm posting the savegame: it's FFH 0.33 patch c + mediapack + FF 0.42 patch b + SOP patch b with vehem's additional art. btw, I did a reinstall of FF after upgrading FFH to patch c + mediapack , and the movies are working correctly.

I'm betting you are using Broader Alignments. The event changes his alignment, but does not change his numerical broader alignment; the python portion is unaltered from vanilla FfH. Thus, it reverts to neutral almost immediately.

This event really needs to be set to change his broader alignment too.
Not sure if there is any code in place to handle the alignment selection with Decius and Broader Alignments.

BTW, if anyone plays Elohim I applogize, but it seems when I merged for Patch C of FfH I missed a line of Kael's code. As a result for this patch the Elohim don't seem to be able to construct UUs in their Assimilated Cities. However, I have fixed that AND the upgrade issue for the next patch, so now you can upgrade Adepts to Wizards if you capture an Amurite city and things along those lines.

I'm betting you are using Broader Alignments. The event changes his alignment, but does not change his numerical broader alignment; the python portion is unaltered from vanilla FfH. Thus, it reverts to neutral almost immediately.

This event really needs to be set to change his broader alignment too.

Maybe Patch C will have a few bug fixes after all :D

This week is pretty much going to be a "patch week" - as is normally the case after a FfH release and doubly so given how much new stuff we tried to stick in at the same time. Hopefully that will settle down after this weekend and any patches after that will be mostly new content - though most efforts will be going into preparing Scions for 043.
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