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Favorite "defeated" animations?


Sep 20, 2010
I just defeated Denmark and was wow'd at how great the animation looked when he was defeated. He called me an honorary Jarl and then he just kinda looks at his helmet for a moment before tossing it overboard. He turns around and just walks his ship with his back to the player. All you see at the end is his ship floating in the end. :goodjob:

I haven't defeated all of the civs, so I'm curious about what else is out there that's really great.
This is one of the better ones.

Most of the standard ones just turn their back on you and look sad.

This. All of Denmark's animations are better. Especially compared to some of the really lazy jobs such as England, France and Arabia.
Oda nabunage should have done harakira if he was defeated like in old japan !!!!!!

But my favorite:

I allways laugh at washingtons defeat he says "The day...is yours. I trust you will be merciful in your triumph"

And he was the one who started the war....

Yes washington you are a real idiot And i enjoy your dead
I wish someone would compile these and put them up on YouTube; I rarely see them as I rarely bother to take out civilizations entirely

One of my favorites I've seen is Isabella's, when she drops her holy cross. That alone makes her look more defeated than anyone I've beaten
I wish someone would compile these and put them up on YouTube; I rarely see them as I rarely bother to take out civilizations entirely

One of my favorites I've seen is Isabella's, when she drops her holy cross. That alone makes her look more defeated than anyone I've beaten

I have had this one gonne try that:lol:

Its like i am doing the inquisition now
Agreed with you, Keejus, on the YouTube compilation suggestion. I would also like Declarations of War, Peace reactions and trade agreement reactions recorded. Peace reactions in particular are RARE and also entertaining (ignoring the fact that Alexander's has no sound and that Wu's peace reaction doesn't exist, leaving a poor segueway animation of frowny to happy face instead). :)

My favorite defeated reaction is Rameses II's, because of his awesome voice and the things he says. He truly believes he's a god, deluded fool. Also Alexander's, because I hate that little boy-who-murders-everyone. Seeing him so shocked and surprised is rather hilarious. XD
He doesn't have Declarations of War from the AI, Peace or trade agreement suggestions (the most repeated lines in the whole game) though. Still, it's a good start. =|
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