Favorite Star Trek Episode?

TOS - Balance of Terror, easily. I honestly don't understand people's fascination with Tribbles.

TNG - Many great episodes. Darmok, The Offspring, Yesterday's Enterprise, Birthright, Preemptive Strike, Elementary, Dear Data, Ship in a Bottle ...

DS9 - Far Beyond the Stars, Blaze of Glory, In Purgatory's Shadow, just about anything heavily involving the Dominion

Voyager - The first time we meet species 8572 (couldn't find the episode title)

Enterprise - Haven't been able to sit through a whole episode yet.
TOS - Trouble with Tribbles, ITS SO FRICKEN AWESOME!!!
TNG - Best of Both Worlds
DS9 - Trials and Tribble-ations Tribbles are so darn cute :love:
VOY - Year Of Hell
ENT - Terra Nova
Originally posted by Dralix
Voyager - The first time we meet species 8572 (couldn't find the episode title)
What species is 8572? :D

The episode you are looking for it called 'Scorpion' I think, when we meet Species 8472. It was a two parter and Jeri Ryan joins the cast.
"Best of Both Worlds" and "Rascals," the one where Picard, Guinan, Keiko, and Ro get turned into children. Hilarious!
The Original series: Amok Time or Balance of Terror, Im leaning more towards Amok Time (that music!!!)
TGN: Q WHO? I think this is the first Borg appearance, though any episode with Q is good (Deja Q was on last night)
DS9: Trials and Tribblations
VOY: no real favourite, but the series wasn't that bad.
Any thing with my idols in it.... who else but "The Borg"

LoWer youR shieLds and PrEpare to bE AssiMilaTed!!!!!!!!!!

And remember resistance is futile
TOS: The Trouble With Tribbles. Classic.

TNG: All Good Things (series finale), Where No One Has Gone Before, Relics, Yesterday's Enterprise, Q Who?

DS9: Can't think of any in particular. Basically, most of the episodes relating to the war were very good-- I liked "Sacrifice of Angels" and "What You Leave Behind."

VOY: Living Witness, Scorpion, Year of Hell, Pathfinder, Relativity, Timeless.

Haven't seen Enterprise yet, so no opinion there.

As for the movies... I'd say "The Undiscovered Country" (the sixth one) was best.
TOS: Tie between Balance of Terror and Amok Time (da da da da DAH DAH DAH da da DAH da!)

TNG: Tie between two of the confusing time-dilation episodes: The one with the Enterprise C with Kelsey Grammar at the helm that keeps crashing into them in a temporal loop, and the one where Warf gets back from a tournament to the 'wrong' Enterprise. (Captain, we are receiving 285,000 hails.)
(I love confusing time-dilation stuff.)

DS9: Never liked the series as a whole, but the NoJay Consortium episode was pretty funny.

Voyager: The one where the Harojan took over Voyager and turned it into a hunting preserve with the hologrid. I really liked the Harojan. (The Borg are a good enemy too, but the Queen ruined them forever. They are SUPPOSED to be a faceless terror. Giving that headless amphisbaena a recognisable head was a horrible mistake, IMHO. The writer that came up with the Queen should be shot, after being drawn and quartered over hot coals while being stung by bees. LOTS of bees.)

Favorite movie is still STII WoK. KHAAAAAAAAAAAAN!
Have not seen many, and I normally hate Kirk ones, but I'll say the Kirk episode where they are on a new theme park planet where whatever you think of becomes reality. Including Japanese Zeros from the "Early Wars" and Siberian tigers. :goodjob:
The five best:

Amok Time
Devil in the Dark
City on the Edge of Forever
The Trouble With Tribbles
Space Seed

There are OTHER Star Trek series?
TOS - Space Seed
TNG - The Defector - its so cool when the Klingons de-cloak and the romulan played by G'Kar poos his pants.
DS9 - The one where Sisko is a science fiction writer
Voyager - first meeting of 8472
Enterprise - any episode that has had the opening credits removed.

Originally posted by FearlessLeader2
TNG: Tie between two of the confusing time-dilation episodes: The one with the Enterprise C with Kelsey Grammar at the helm that keeps crashing into them in a temporal loop, and the one where Warf gets back from a tournament to the 'wrong' Enterprise. (Captain, we are receiving 285,000 hails.)
(I love confusing time-dilation stuff.)

Voyager: The one where the Harojan took over Voyager and turned it into a hunting preserve with the hologrid. I really liked the Harojan. (The Borg are a good enemy too, but the Queen ruined them forever. They are SUPPOSED to be a faceless terror. Giving that headless amphisbaena a recognisable head was a horrible mistake, IMHO. The writer that came up with the Queen should be shot, after being drawn and quartered over hot coals while being stung by bees. LOTS of bees.)

Yep...those were excellent episodes too!
TNG - The Defector - its so cool when the Klingons de-cloak and the romulan played by G'Kar poos his pants.
This is a great one. I saw it recently on reruns for the first time. Must have missed it when it first came out. What season was the episode from?
Season 3 - original air date 01/01/90 stardate 43462.5


A Romulan defector leads the U.S.S. Enterprise into a deadly face-off that could erupt into full-scale war.

Answering a request for asylum from a Romulan scout ship, the crew beams aboard. Although he claims to be a low-ranking logistics officer, the vessel's pilot, Setal, shares a startling revelation: the Romulans have established a base on Nelvana III, from which they plan to launch a major offensive to reclaim the Neutral Zone. Informing Picard that the assault against the Federation will begin in 48 hours, the Romulan defector begs the captain to destroy the base to prevent a catastrophic war.

Without firm evidence supporting Setal's claims, Picard fears that Setal's story may be a Romulan ploy to trick the U.S.S. Enterprise into initiating war. His suspicions are heightened when Setal informs Picard that he is really a Romulan Admiral named Jarok, who once led a massacre of Federation outposts. Although Jarok now claims that he only wants to keep the peace, Worf alerts Picard that Klingon ships in the area have warned him not to trust the Romulan, since his race had once tricked a great Klingon commander into appearing the aggressor in a war.

With time running out on a volatile situation, Picard meets with his security officer, Worf, and then leads the U.S.S. Enterprise through the Neutral Zone to Nelvana III. When a closer probe of the planet reveals no Romulan power base, Jarok is dumbfounded.

Suddenly, the U.S.S. Enterprise is surrounded by three Romulan warships and ordered to surrender by Tomalak, a commander who once confronted Picard over a skirmish in the Galorndon Core. Picard realizes that Jarok, who had recently been reassigned to a position of lower rank, was used by the Romulans to lure the U.S.S. Enterprise into a trap. The information about the base was all just a ruse to test Jarok's loyalty to his leaders.

Picard refuses Tomalak's demands that the crew surrender and, at a prearranged moment, three Klingon warships uncloak, surrounding the Romulan ships. The odds stacked against him, Tomalak backs down and retreats, promising Picard that they will meet again. Knowing that his defection has cost him his family and his homeland, a despondent Jarok commits suicide.

Every episode with the borg playing a large role.
And from DS9 every episode about the Dominion War.
I don't like the original series.
The one where they all die and decide not to make any more. :p ;)
Yeah time travel ones are cool. I now remember the TNG episode where they find a shuttlecraft with unconcious Captain Picard on it, and then he wakes up and tries to leave because they see the enterprise is going to be destroyed. Then there's the one where time freezes and the come up in a shuttlecraft to the enterprise in a battle with a romulan warbird. Future Imperfect was good too, when Riker woke up 16 years later. And the one where that alien pretends to be a crewman trying to get the enterprise to attack this defenseless space station but they figure out his plan.
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