FfH2 0.30 Bug Thread

- Tomb of Succelus doens't provide bonus Life Mana (at least not if you already have Life Mana)
You need the relevant tech to get it from the terrain bonuses - the same one which would let you build the nodes.
- Grouping of units doesn't not work (at least not with units that have hidden nationality)
I assume this was a deliberate fix for spinlocks caused by the AI grouping HN units.
- Game Options aren't saved for custom games (you have to recheck the boxes each game)
Vanilla "problem". If you use the same regularly, you can edit the flags in the .ini file.
1.) My Ljosafar Elven Workers cannot build a farm or a cottage in a forest. This seems to be true for both a forest in plains and forest in grassland. Both tiles are next to river. The text says requires bronze working to clear the forest.

2.) Alechemist event triggered on a unit, which just before the event died in combat. I bought the healing salve (not knowing, which unit does the transaction) and then found out the event was triggered by my scout, which had been slain in the same AI turn just before the event.
So far you can't switch to Undercouncil if you select it alone and start a revolution. It works only if you choose Undercouncil plus any other change before starting it, though. I haven't checked if it happens with Overcouncil also.

And as I've never have said this on this forum (not that I post that much anyway :)): excellent mod, it's the main reason why I keep Civ4 on my hard drive. You guys have one of the best games (yes, I know it's "only" a mod) that I've ever played. So, congratulations and thanks a lot for all the good times you're giving to me.
1. Steal didn't work for me either.
2. I got an event to let a rebellious apprentice continue with his experiment, from the civpedia, it sounds like this event was suppose to establish Circle of Gaelan? But it didn't.
3. Playing with Sidar and Esus, in the undercouncil resolution menu, it says as head of the UN you can vote the follow resolutions....
4. As noted smugglers port resolution doesn't seem to do anything.
1. Steal didn't work for me either.
2. I got an event to let a rebellious apprentice continue with his experiment, from the civpedia, it sounds like this event was suppose to establish Circle of Gaelan? But it didn't.
There are more events which follow one of the choices on that event - if you follow the chain the Circle is founded.

The elves and forests thing is fixed in the next patch - see the first post.
about the steal spell (and others): it seems like you can only have 1 item at a time. Since the sidar hero already has an item (the blade), he can't steal/pick up a 2nd one. Just a guess, but as far as i've heard this should be it.

edit: just tried it out. created 2 rathus hero's in the world builder, and gave away the sword of 1 of them. Both could still pick up an othus axe, so i suppose it is possible to carry more than 1 item (1 hero had both the axe and the nether blade).
Ah, well then its bugged. i was playing CoE as Sidar, lead by Cardith. i had Gibbon and the hero with the nether blade (forget the name) he has the steal option, but it never worked.

I would suspect you can't steal anything if you are already carrying something. (Or can you carry multiple pieces of equip?)
Great update, love it already!

Unfortunately I'm getting a recurring CTD. I'm attaching the savegame. Whenever I move my HN Giant Spider north onto the hill, the game crashes. I would surmise the newly discovered territory holds an improvement for which the game can't find the graphics...

No crash for me.
My Ghost tried stealing and he couldn't. It just said Steal, and nothing happened, I tried it several times.

About the circle ahh ok, just seemed like after 50-100 turns there was no other chain of events, thought it mighta been buggy.
By ME: my game froze upon attemting my first game as Cardith Lorda of the Sidar. didnt get past 'Finished' on the Loading screen.

I was wrong. its the End of Winter game option that causes the freezing.
I have been trying to download the mod from GameFlood for 15 hours without success.

I downloaded their installer.

The first attempt at 65% ended with the word "ERROR."

The second attempt after 70% also ended with the word "ERROR."

I let the third attempt go all night and woke up this morning to the following cryptic (to me) message:

"bad argument #1 to 'ipairs' (table expected, got nul) -1

Is there an alternate way to get the mod?

I never had problems like this before getting the mod and updates. GameFlood doesn't seem to be working for me. :(
i made a road to the mirror of sun and it didnt give me a sun mana does it need another addition that it doesnt say or is this an error?

yeah it needs divination (or poss knowledge of the either)
Must be Knowledge of the Ether. I've got a Mirror and its given me the mana.
I don't yet have Divination or any other magic techs besides KoE.
Ah, well then its bugged. i was playing CoE as Sidar, lead by Cardith. i had Gibbon and the hero with the nether blade (forget the name) he has the steal option, but it never worked.

I just tried it and it is working fine for me. Gibbon can never steal because on recon units can. Rathus (the guy with the Nether blade) can steal if he (not your civ) is following the Council of Esus. It would be unusual to see Rathus worshipping Esus though so make sure to mouceover his unit icon and make sure he is an Esus follower.

If he is then you have to move him into a plot with another unit with an equipment for him to steal, or a city with an equipment in building form. That unit/city you are stealing from cant be a member of your team (you cant steal from team members).
Here is the error screen I get when starting a game. After clicking on 'ok' I can do my first turn, it then runs the AI turns (or at least the barbs) before having a hard CTD.

I have the 3.13 patch and I tried reinstalling 0.30 twice from two different downloads.


  • error screen.JPG
    error screen.JPG
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I guess it should technically be in the cosmetic thread but it's a bit of both. In the options page you changed the wording for cultural conversions so that the base setting is that you can capture with culture and you have to click the option to turn it off. Well the way it's currently playing you still have to click the option to turn on cultural conversion, I've had two cities sitting at 1% them/ 98% me with not so much as even a revolt in 50 turns.
Here is the error screen I get when starting a game. After clicking on 'ok' I can do my first turn, it then runs the AI turns (or at least the barbs) before having a hard CTD.

I have the 3.13 patch and I tried reinstalling 0.30 twice from two different downloads.

That file you are getting errors from (CvCustomEventManager.py) isn't a FfH file or a Civ4 file.

I know a file with that name exists in Warhammer. Is there any chance that you installed FfH over a warhammer install (like in the exact same directory) or that you installed warhammer files in your custom assets or over your base Civ4 files?
I founded The Empyrean and was granted the Holy City as normal. It founded during a Golden Age and I immediately adopted Overcouncil along with a couple other civics. But I did not adopt the religion yet (should I have adopted the religion first?). There was no council election and no measures to vote on many turns after I adopted it. Some time later my Prophet was born and I moved him to the Holy City only to discover that the Holy City was absent!?! It disappeared though the city still had the religion. I didn't have any saves other than the one-turn autos and the turn 1 save. So I couldn't determine when I lost the Holy City. Or if I lost it due to not having adopted the religion before adopting the OverCouncil.

Desiring to play on, I WB'd the Holy City back in the original city. The next turn I meet all the civs from another continent. None of us had ocean going vessels. Then when Hyborem entered the world (on that distant continent) I meet him as well. Is it intended that the Council Leader meet all undiscovered civs?

Also I was still able to vote on resolutions despite being the only member. I passed Single Currency and the 'all foreign trade routes' measures. But my trade routes were unaffected. I've noticed other possible trade route problems so I don't if this is a Council problem or related to the other problems. Once I build The Great Lighthouse I will report on the trade route issues.
Here's a save 3 turns before Acheron is suspiciously "killed"
View attachment 165884

Also of note, Barbarians founded Octopus Overlords.

He didnt die in my play through (though he was wandering).

Its possible that the barbs can found a religion, its just very rare. Since the barbs dont tech (they just get points towards techs for every other civ that has the tech) its rare that they get a tech first. The only occasion that they can is if they get a wonder first that gives them a free tech (barbs can build wonders in ffh, unlike vanilla). In those rare cases im cool with them founding a religion.
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