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FfH2 0.31 Bug Thread

124 turns in on quick got OOS error with 3 human players - no ai on small map. One player researched Sanitation and I had just got the "spider infested a mine" This is patch D. This seriously needs some major attention ahead of anything else in the game unless FFH 2 is designed to be played single player because I for one have not been able to get a single game past around 175 turns MP without getting constant OOS's after a certain point. We realize the game is in beta and we're doing what we can to help debug but we really need to see that the devs are giving this specific attention. give us test cases to try areas that you think cause it and we will try to make them duplicatable.

-- update --
Ok got another one on 144 after reloadign the last autosave. This time a player got the burn witch event and I finished a tech. Is it possible that the event fires while a player is busy reading a tech or chosing what to research and since the game is waiting for them to acknowledge it it OOS'? So far both OOS' have been on a turn with event + tech by different players.
Playing as the Sidar on .31d I am able to build FOUR BeastMaster units.

That's my first Tier IV unit, so I'm not sure about the rest yet.
Kandros Fir just built the Mercurian Gate and summoned Basium.... before anyone had even discovered the Ashen Veil, let alone actually summoned Hyborem.


  • mercurian gate with no AV.CivBeyondSwordSave
    154.4 KB · Views: 34
Python exception, which happened the same in-between turn Loki converted a Luchuirp city for me (may or may not be related):

File "CvEventInterface", line 23, in onEvent
File "CvEventManager", line 194, in handleEvent
File "CvEventManager", line 1962, in onCityDoTurn
Runtime Error: unidentifiable C++ exception

I've also had a few occurences of the game failing to load a soundtrack file - once a Runes track, once an Overlords track. But both files are there, and load fine out of game, so may have just been a hiccup.
Edit: removed since the origonal problem seems to have been a bad download, and so the saves were not playable by others.
Kandros Fir just built the Mercurian Gate and summoned Basium.... before anyone had even discovered the Ashen Veil, let alone actually summoned Hyborem.

It was changed so ppl could play as the Mercurians even if no one summoned Hyborem. There were games were AI did not summon him and this ruined some game concepts for RPG-like players. - not a bug
Racial promotions seem to be overriding others, or being applied where it shouldn't be.

As Svartalfar, everything living is getting the Elven promotion. Mercenaries, OK, fair enough. Mercenaries from events, not so great. Namely, I now have an Elven Taskmaster, Elven Lizardman, and an Elven Acrobat. I suppose the Acrobat and Taskmaster might be possible, but the Lizardman is clearly not right. Come to think of it, I think my captured workers also got Elven.

Also, my Archmages when I turn them into Liches also are retaining the Elven racial promotion, rather than switching to the Undead racial promo. They still get the 'Not Alive' tag but don't have the resistances/weaknesses of the undead.
As Svartalfar, everything living is getting the Elven promotion. Mercenaries, OK, fair enough. Mercenaries from events, not so great. Namely, I now have an Elven Taskmaster, Elven Lizardman, and an Elven Acrobat. I suppose the Acrobat and Taskmaster might be possible, but the Lizardman is clearly not right. Come to think of it, I think my captured workers also got Elven.

Maybe they just have Elven guides and advisors? :)
Edit: removed since the origonal problem seems to have been a bad download, and so the saves were not playable by others.
Come to think of it, I think my captured workers also got Elven.

That part, at least, is intentional. Imagine if it weren't the case. You'd capture a human worker, give him a task and whoops, there goes your ancient forest. Conversely, everyone else would be trying to capture your workers because they're so much better... Nice bullseye...
124 turns in on quick got OOS error with 3 human players - no ai on small map. One player researched Sanitation and I had just got the "spider infested a mine" This is patch D. This seriously needs some major attention ahead of anything else in the game unless FFH 2 is designed to be played single player because I for one have not been able to get a single game past around 175 turns MP without getting constant OOS's after a certain point. We realize the game is in beta and we're doing what we can to help debug but we really need to see that the devs are giving this specific attention. give us test cases to try areas that you think cause it and we will try to make them duplicatable.

-- update --
Ok got another one on 144 after reloadign the last autosave. This time a player got the burn witch event and I finished a tech. Is it possible that the event fires while a player is busy reading a tech or chosing what to research and since the game is waiting for them to acknowledge it it OOS'? So far both OOS' have been on a turn with event + tech by different players.

Would it be possible to set events to fire 30 seconds after the turn starts? That should give us enough time to verify whether or not it has anything to do with events firing for some players while others are tied up and unable to view them.
Ok, here comes a bug. First of all there are multiple Rathus Denmoras, but I suppose that's all right and it is just some nasty Balseraph spell unknown to me which is duplicating my lovely Sidar units.

The problem is, when these "illusions" of Rathus die they drop a Netherblade. Either that's bug or someone wants to give heroes a really hard time.

I've added a screenshot and a save game, saved just before one of the Rathuses is going to die north of Guel. Hit enter and you'll see.


  • Bug - Multiple Nether Blades.CivBeyondSwordSave
    511.3 KB · Views: 39
  • Bug---Multiple-Netherblades.png
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I got a 'Guild of the Nine' event, offering me to pay some money to found the guild in one of my cities. I didn't have the money and declined, but the guild was founded nevertheless.
I got a 'Guild of the Nine' event, offering me to pay some money to found the guild in one of my cities. I didn't have the money and declined, but the guild was founded nevertheless.

did it get founded in one of your own cities or someplace else?

It's possible they went and asked someone else for money.
Ok, here comes a bug. First of all there are multiple Rathus Denmoras, but I suppose that's all right and it is just some nasty Balseraph spell unknown to me which is duplicating my lovely Sidar units.

The problem is, when these "illusions" of Rathus die they drop a Netherblade. Either that's bug or someone wants to give heroes a really hard time.

I've added a screenshot and a save game, saved just before one of the Rathuses is going to die north of Guel. Hit enter and you'll see.

That is due to you leaving him next to their City and the building "Hall of Mirrors" which will create a temporary duplicate of one enemy unit in the tiles next to the city each turn.

So the main bug is that it needs to add a check to prevent the duplicate from gaining Weapon promotions, basically the same check which was placed on Alazkan the Assassin's Mirror Spell.
did it get founded in one of your own cities or someplace else?

It's possible they went and asked someone else for money.

Not to annoy the designers and others for this mod, but could you guys check out my savegame? I don't know what is going on, but there is some kind of game-breaking bug (the crashes) happening there. I wasn't having any issues until that point in the game I put up, or even any other issues with this mod.

Are you sure this wasn't the "do you wish to buy mercenaries" event that comes on getting currency first where if you say yes you get the 3 mercs + guild of nine and if you say no you just get guild?
There seems to be a problem with Kuriotate settlements. The most recent settlement built costs full maintenance. When you found another city or settlement, the last settlement is set to 0 maintenance. So you're basically always paying for one settlement. I'm not sure if it applies to settlements gained by conquest.
Are you sure this wasn't the "do you wish to buy mercenaries" event that comes on getting currency first where if you say yes you get the 3 mercs + guild of nine and if you say no you just get guild?

I haven't played enough to see that event yet, but that does sound like a logical explaination.

The problem I'm having though is different from this and there is clearly something in that game which is causing it to CTD, IMO there is a potentially gamebreaking bug going on.
@Calbrena: That's possible, it was something about the guild of the nine offering me their service, but this could have meant mercenaries.

Another bug:

Traceback (most recent call last):

File "CvEventInterface", line 23, in onEvent

File "CvCustomEventManager", line 75, in handleEvent

File "CvCustomEventManager", line 86, in _handleDefaultEvent

File "CvEventManager", line 1859, in onCityDoTurn

UnboundLocalError: local variable 'iValue' referenced before assignment
ERR: Python function onEvent failed, module CvEventInterface
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