FfH2 Bug Thread

In Hot Seat and Multiplayer team members research at Full Speed, in contrast to Civ IV. That means a team of 2 members researches twice as fast as other groups. This is imbalanced and makes teams not playable, except all teams have same size.
In Hot Seat and Multiplayer team members research at Full Speed, in contrast to Civ IV. That means a team of 2 members researches twice as fast as other groups. This is imbalanced and makes teams not playable, except all teams have same size.

That's not a bug. If you want to change it back to BTS style, you should find what you need in the globaldefines.xml. Keep in Mind that in MP everyone needs the same globaldefines.xml file.
This is imbalanced and makes teams not playable, except all teams have same size.

This was always true, except in the one team case which actually comes up a lot: Basium + someone else.

If 2 mature empires join up against 1 as an actual permanent alliance, the production advantage they get is overwhelming, and making them tech at the same speed as a single empire never magically balanced that.
I accidentally downloaded 3.19, should I DL FfH2 yet?

Kael last logged in on the 29th...
I thought this had been fixed, but maybe the latest patches messed it up again?

Playing as the Illians, 0.41b, I was able to found Esus by being the first to research Deception. Someone else got Honor/Empyrean first, but once I researched Honor I got an Ecclesiastic and was able to spread it to my cities and build its Temples.

I assume this is a bug and not intended. It doesn't seem to make sense that the Illians can found 2 of the religions and build temples for 1 religion but none of the others. I expect that they're not supposed to be able to found ANY religion or build any temples other than the Temple of the Hand, right?

Don't know if there's some way to program a block on the Illians' founding Esus or Empyrean. They definitely should be blocked from receiving an Ecclesiastic when they research Honor and shouldn't be able to build Temples of the Empyrean.

Maybe a solution would be to split each of Deception and Honor into two separate techs, one to found the religion (Esus/Empyrean) and one to enable the Undercouncil/Overcouncil civic. So you'd have a total of 4 techs, with the Illians being blocked from researching the tech that founds the religion.
When I played against the Shieam in a regular game they were getting Death Knights, demon crossbowmen, and ritualists. They never had the AV religion and they cannot build demon crossbowmen and Death Knights. Do they come threw the planner gates? If so how do you increase the frequency that you get them. I am play a game with the Shieam and I have not recieved any of these units
Anyone else running into the faithless AI? Im on turn 600 now and more of the same...

I am on turn 800 now and only the Amurites and myself have founded religions out of 19 players...

I wonder if this new change made the AI faithless?

3. AI will pursue favorite techs (usually religious techs) correctly now, weighting improved and it looks deeper in the tech tree when considering techs).
When I played against the Shieam in a regular game they were getting Death Knights, demon crossbowmen, and ritualists. They never had the AV religion and they cannot build demon crossbowmen and Death Knights. Do they come threw the planner gates? If so how do you increase the frequency that you get them. I am play a game with the Shieam and I have not recieved any of these units

I can confirm this. While playing with I encountered a Sheaim city with an Infernal longbowman and mage. I was also playing a game where the Balseraphs somehow had an Infernal phalanx. Hyborem didnt even appear in either game.
I can confirm this. While playing with I encountered a Sheaim city with an Infernal longbowman and mage. I was also playing a game where the Balseraphs somehow had an Infernal phalanx. Hyborem didnt even appear in either game.

I am trying to remember... but I think some of these happen during events. usually associated with a mana node... IF they built the infernal grimore and are ACTUALLY using it to cast spells then that could have done it as well. To get the "Infernal" units all it is needed is for a corresponding normal unit to get the demon trait/race. And the grimore and a few events will do this (not to mention some dungeons).
I thought this had been fixed, but maybe the latest patches messed it up again?

Playing as the Illians, 0.41b, I was able to found Esus by being the first to research Deception. Someone else got Honor/Empyrean first, but once I researched Honor I got an Ecclesiastic and was able to spread it to my cities and build its Temples.

I assume this is a bug and not intended. It doesn't seem to make sense that the Illians can found 2 of the religions and build temples for 1 religion but none of the others. I expect that they're not supposed to be able to found ANY religion or build any temples other than the Temple of the Hand, right?

Don't know if there's some way to program a block on the Illians' founding Esus or Empyrean. They definitely should be blocked from receiving an Ecclesiastic when they research Honor and shouldn't be able to build Temples of the Empyrean.

Maybe a solution would be to split each of Deception and Honor into two separate techs, one to found the religion (Esus/Empyrean) and one to enable the Undercouncil/Overcouncil civic. So you'd have a total of 4 techs, with the Illians being blocked from researching the tech that founds the religion.

I suggested this same change in another thread (last paragraph of that post), but I doubt it will be implemented. The situation isn't limited to Empyrean and CoE...with The Eyes and Ears Network it is possible to get the other religious techs and then you can build other temples as well.

I thought this had been fixed, but maybe the latest patches messed it up again?
No, not fixed and then broken - no change was made. I suspect that it isn't seen as a problem, or else it is very low priority.
I hope that in the next patch (c) there will be some AI works. As it is now, this game turn into a quite ridiculous game or should I say it usually does. I know this is "old stuff" and the team probably knows it, but I think a little reminder can be a good thing.

1) There is very little research in religion. Sure the dwarves (non-magical variant) usually (eventually) research RoK. and in my latest game Hannah researched OO (wow). but this is really exceptions. The most common is that I research a religion and then all other follows. In large game I don't come into contact with civs on another continent for a very long time and then that continent's civs can have Emp. or something. The game usually becomes very dull (very monotonous).

2) Shaeim never research Exploration. I give it to him when I have Trade just to make the game more playable. Then again, he isn't much of a factor then, he has missed much by don't have it.

Then a question (perhaps it is mentioned above in this thread), is it something wrong with the Blight. I played the clan and had AV as a religion. I was utterly viped out, but this happened only to me. Although sure I never checked for a while the other civs, I had a full time micromanaging to keep me alive. But other times with I have played (with other religions) I have never been hit that hard. And if this happens to all those that have AV, poor bastards, I (human player) knows when it is going to happen and can at least prepare for it, not that it is much you can do. Oh and yeah, I usually play OO or RoK and I usually develop my land in the same way and all those times I wasn't hit that hard. Okey this can be just bad luck, but I have played AV two times of my latest 10 and this has happen both of those times, but not on the other 8.

One of these two AV times, I hit AC 100 (I was killed the other, hard to build things with just Size 1 cities). At AC 100 I know I'm going to be more or less utterly viped out, I guess more was the right word here. I never recovered from that hit (even with my planning with "Not Alive" troops and so) and OO Hannah made it quick. But perhaps it is just me nagging and it was just bad luck, twice (hmm, thrice).
Adding this to cannotconstruct callback fixes the agnostic leader can build temples issue. Might not hurt to remove all non religion benefits from honor/deception to way of the wise/wicked and then block honor/deception for agnostic leaders in cannotresearch.

		if pPlayer.hasTrait(gc.getInfoTypeForString('TRAIT_AGNOSTIC')):		
			if eBuilding == gc.getInfoTypeForString('BUILDING_TEMPLE_OF_LEAVES'):
				return True
			if eBuilding == gc.getInfoTypeForString('BUILDING_TEMPLE_OF_KILMORPH'):
				return True
			if eBuilding == gc.getInfoTypeForString('BUILDING_TEMPLE_OF_THE_EMPYREAN'):
				return True
			if eBuilding == gc.getInfoTypeForString('BUILDING_TEMPLE_OF_THE_OVERLORDS'):
				return True
			if eBuilding == gc.getInfoTypeForString('BUILDING_TEMPLE_OF_THE_VEIL'):
				return True
			if eBuilding == gc.getInfoTypeForString('BUILDING_TEMPLE_OF_THE_ORDER'):
				return True
That's not a bug. If you want to change it back to BTS style, you should find what you need in the globaldefines.xml. Keep in Mind that in MP everyone needs the same globaldefines.xml file.

It is a bug. In 2.033z(or what ever the former version was) this was not the case. It simply makes no sense, except you like unfair advantages.

This was always true, except in the one team case which actually comes up a lot: Basium + someone else.

If 2 mature empires join up against 1 as an actual permanent alliance, the production advantage they get is overwhelming, and making them tech at the same speed as a single empire never magically balanced that.

If 2 empires join against one this is always a big problem for the poor defender. But it is not that easy, even for team players. But with great technology advantages it sure is easy.

I got back to the earlier version. Working teamplay and working adaptive empires makes much more fun and I dont see any advantage in 41b.

Besides, FFH2 is an absolute great mod and I admire the people who did that. So dont get me wrong.
I hope that in the next patch (c) there will be some AI works. As it is now, this game turn into a quite ridiculous game or should I say it usually does. I know this is "old stuff" and the team probably knows it, but I think a little reminder can be a good thing.
you know there are many FFH modmods already that greatly improve the AI. Just a little reminder :D
Modmods come with their own host of issues and almost certainly make things worse rather than better. The AI is utterly broken atm. On Immortal difficulty they start with four warriors two scouts a worker and a settler. So why and how are they being wiped out on turn 8, turn 18, turn 80 etc? Could we please do something so that AI will actually be a viable opponent? I understand that this must be the most complicated and difficult portion of the mod but it is also the most important. The AI do research religions now, but with the exception of declaring war at the worst possible times (for them) and sending pathetic stacks of warriors and scouts they seem to just roll over. They don't seem to cooperate in terms of tech trading and just stagnate and fall behind. I can have as much as an 800-900 point lead on the median civ after only 350 turns.
In Hot Seat and Multiplayer team members research at Full Speed, in contrast to Civ IV. That means a team of 2 members researches twice as fast as other groups. This is imbalanced and makes teams not playable, except all teams have same size.
That's not a bug. If you want to change it back to BTS style, you should find what you need in the globaldefines.xml. Keep in Mind that in MP everyone needs the same globaldefines.xml file.
It is a bug. In 2.033z(or what ever the former version was) this was not the case. It simply makes no sense, except you like unfair advantages.
A team of two players should research twice as fast as a single player. It's not a bug. After all, if those two players didn't officially team up, but instead just cooperated (researching different techs and gifting them to each other) they would be twice as fast. It doesn't really make much sense that they would be penalized for formalizing their cooperation as an alliance.

If you are going to be playing a game with someone, teamed up from the start, then for balance all the other players also need to be on two-civ teams as well. If it bothers you that people team up in mid-game then you can leave the "permanent alliances" option off. I don't see any reason to change how team research works.
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