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FFHOTM 01 Reloaded: Saves available


Aug 9, 2005

FFHOTM 01: Valledia the Even

Welcome to the second attempt at the first fall from heaven game of the month!
The saved files are now available.

Smarter orcs kept crashing on my computer for some reason, so i eventually made the map without smarter orcs.

now we can play againse dumber orcs, i put the dificulty range up to empror. should i also make a game on higher dificulty to compensate?
now 0.16 has been released i'd like to give it a go for the next month(hopefully they fixed the bug that made my machine crash).

It should still be an interesting map despite the dumber AI

Game settings:
Civilization: Amurites (Leader: Valledia the Even; Traits: Arcane Organized)
Rivals: 5
Difficulty: Prince/Monarch/Emperor (depending on game class chosen)
Map: Continents
Map size: Small
Climate: Temperate
Water level: Low
Starting Era: Ancient
Speed: normal
Options: Aggressive AI, Raging Barbarians
Victory Conditions: All enabled

Unique units:
Wizard: Has the Spellstaff ability for twice as many spells as a mage
Firebow: Replacement of longbow with flaming arrows, sorcery, channeling 1, channeling 2, and fire. Time for some fireballs!

Govannon: Str 4, Sorcery, Channeling 1,2,3, Trainer.
He is a master trainer, and can train other units to cast spells.

Unique buildings:
Cave of Ancestors: gives +1 xp per mana to adepts created in the city

Saves are available here:

Adventurer at monach dificulty

Contender at empror dificulty

Challenger at immortal dificulty

Please let me know if the saves work on your computers
Apparently the unmodified assets in my mod folder aren't unmodified enough for the save, so no it doesn't work. They also aren't the right saves, your names don't match up.

Edit: You do have civ version 174 right? No modifications to your game mechanics?
Is the asset lock itself the problem? Are your modifications in worldbuilder "cheating"?
smarter orcs worked for a day or so and then refused to load maps. always freezing on waiting for leaders page. i re-installed fall from heaven 3 times, and the same problem came with smarter orcs, then one time after re-installing fall from heaven i must have forgotten to install smarter orcs, and then it worked fine.
hence i accidently created a map without smarter orcs. i think it's just strait 0.23. as the customFunction.py is dated 14.7.07

i've been testing the map, and got stuck into a game. it's actually still supprisingly fun without smarter orcs. :)

naturallt this game will not load under smarter orcs, (unless someone has a way to convert world builder files to smarter orcs compatible files)
Is the asset lock itself the problem? Are your modifications in worldbuilder "cheating"?

it works fine on my computer, i generally open up a saved game, and don't save it in WB while modifying but save it in the dame (otherwise there'll be 1000 sailers diege spawned). then when the map is ready and tested i load it in custom scenario, where you can then change modified assets, dificulty etc before creating the final save.


Have you made a non-FFH GOTM before? Perhaps that is something we should test.

yes i tested it before with a test map. which some people from civ fanatics could open. that was before i had to re-install ffh a couple of times from it not wanting to open up saves from 2sec before.

could someone please try the map without smarter orcs.
Did you password the games or anything like that?

On the 2 harder versions it starts to load and then fails with a prompt "Login Failed" then drops back to the desktop.
I hope that little bit of info may help. :)

Not having much luck. :(
i made a few more custom scenarios out of the saved file, modified assets is not locked, on my computer you can access WB etc from these files.
i replaced them in the link in the OP. check if these ones work better.

i've never seen any of the "login failed" stuff on my computer, i didn't know you could pasword protect them. i'm not trying anything like that, i'm just trying to get a normal custom map to work on other peoples computers.

WB save is located here
has anyone had any luck with the new save files i put in the origional post? or the WB file in the previous post?
great that someone can finally open one of the saves. :)

it's strange that the interface has vanished. i wonder why that could be. has anyone else seen that problem?

maybe it's something to do with the graphics files in the interface somehow not being compatible. do you have a interface when you open another game?
I can open and play the game, but I have to be in vanilla 0.23c. I also get a CTD if I try to play with smarter orcs. I'm glad in a way... with a smarter AI would be be sooooo toast with this starting layout.

Ok works fine now, with vanilla civ no orcs patch.
I have only tried the contender file at this stage but it works fine, no problems with a missing console.

I don't want to be a spoiler but.... DRAGON!!!! :D

The World Builder file didn't even show up in the list of available files to load.

So what was the problem with the files?
How did you fix it?
Well. That was... not fun. Gave the emperor level a try because I had been doing ok on that difficulty level WITH smarter orcs. Let's just say that was a monumental error in judgement. Guess I'll try again next month.
Just downloaded it and got it working first time. (with vanilla 0.23c). Looking forward to having my ass handed to me even on Adventurer and did somebody mention a dragon??

Cheers for all the work Vulcans.
it'll be interesting to see how you guys handle the situation in the first spoiler. at least it's a bit different from the normal random generated maps :)

i thought i would test the game, and was having so much fun that i continued to play the game. although i can imagine it's much more fun for you guys that have the supprise of not knowing what's around the corner.
How long before we can discuss the game? I don't want to spoil it for anyone, but I also really want to hear some ideas on the game, as it was horribly difficult for me even on adventurer.

How long before we can discuss the game? I don't want to spoil it for anyone, but I also really want to hear some ideas on the game, as it was horribly difficult for me even on adventurer.


the first spoiler will be opened on wednesday. all events before 150 can be discussed there. please only look at the spoiler after you've reached 150, have met all AI on the starting continent and investigated the shoreline.

information about a what happens after 150 or what happens in a far away land will not be discussed in the first spoiler.
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