Filling the Armies

I don't understand why make the 2 Cav Armies... they'll become obsolete quickly, keep the Cavs out of the armies.
My feeling was that, over the course of the next ten turns, we already have more armies than we can fill with our production panzers and still maintain tactical mobility, by having a half of our panzers operating independently. If we produce two cav armies immediately (or fill them with a mix of 3 cav to 1 panzer) we can deploy them instantly and get some work out of them picking off obsolete units.
Originally posted by Feodor Ardent
Just to confirm a suspicion of mine, I looked up "panzer" in the dictionary. It is not a proper noun and one doesn't have to capitalize it unless it just saved your empire from an invasion of Turkish sipahis* or similar.

If you are referring to the particular Panzer I's or Panzer II's you have to capitalize... the same goes for Tigers, King Tigers, Panthers, Elefants... etc.
We're pumping out panzers quick enough to have them all filled with panzers in a very short time. No need to put cav in there. Fill 2 up with infantry right away, deploy half of the existing panzer corps into the rest and fill as possible with new production panzers.
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