Finally, gotten rid of Civ3!!!


Sep 11, 2003
I uninstalled civ3, including play the world and Conquest from my computer last night, thus ending the long and great gaming experience with Civ3.
Civ3 was the 2nd game I had ever pre-ordered in my life, the first being Resident Evil 3-PC version. Civ3 was so fun that I sometimes spent the entire night civing, w/o the worry of food or sleep. Othertimes, I spent hours modding the game to my own liking. I got pretty bad reputation among friends for being such a mass killer, wiping out the whole race at times. LOL, that was fun, even as recent as two weeks ago, it helped me killed great amount of time in JFK airport when my flight to Hong Kong was delayed for more than 4 hours.
I declare that the age of Civ3 is over and I will no longer be playing this game, not till civ4 is out.
the same happened to me about 4 months ago. I would spend far too much time playing and would forget to sleep. I said the hell with civ for 2 months and now i am a moderate player (30 min a day).
Moderation is the key to long term game lasting thing. you play a little every day or so and the game lasts much much longer and you enjoy it more.
The game woudn't last longer if you play it less everyday. If you think about it, you would still be playing the same amount of hours in total.
but over a longer period of time. say you play 15 hours everyday, you only enjoy the game for about a 1-3 weeks. but if you play like 1 hour everyday, you can enjoy it for months.
Yeah, but you enjoy the game for the same amount of hours. So if you play more, you'd just be saving time and have more time to play other games. :cool:
"the age of civ3 is over"? pffft.

you'll be reinstalling it in a few weeks. ;)
LLXerxes said:
yeah, true. happens most of the time

that's what happens with all games. you only play games that suits your current mood so some games come on and off.
Sad story... very sad story...
Well, I really wish I were brave enough to actually remove Civ from my HD for good. Because for the last ten months it has taken 99% of my free time... and at least 50% of my supposedly-not-free time. When your girlfriend is about to come over and you're desperately hoping she'll be late so that you can play one more turn, there's definitely something wrong.
>Mr. Cynic arrives to spoil the fun< :satan:

Bah, you're just saying that now...

You just wait until Civ 4 Does come out and it looks Juuuuust like MOO 3!!

Har, you'll wish you'd saved your patches and map files for Civ 3 when you reinstall it All over again.


Now seriously, take a break from the whole Civ experience and try something completely different, like the Sims 2 or Beyond Good & Evil. ;)

happened to me too... played civ3 like crazy when it came out...

finally got rid of it - lasted more than a year. Then you start reading about upcomming expantion packs (C3C) .... you consider buying it (and are already lost but you just don't know it yet).

Indeed - i ended up buying the expantion pack - and the cycle started all over again...

Guess i'll get rid of it in a few months - just long enough for Civ4 to come out.

Actually - there's no game like this - it's addictive as it gets...
don't think there's any other game i played i spend (or wasted) as much time with as the 3 CIV games.
There are lot's of games i spend less time with then 1 CIV game (typically +60 hours).

and they say cocaine is addictive
It's very easy to quit on playing Civ3. I've done it like twenty times. :lol:

As a matter of fact, sad as it is, I quitted smoking without much of a problem, but, erm, I'm having problems with doing the same with civ3. I should follow the 12 steps for civ addicts :mischief:
I think I found a solution, at least it works for me. When I start to get tired of CIV3 I switch to SMAC. When I start to get tired of SMAC I switch to CIV3 again. If I do not feel like playing any of them I switch to Railroad Tycoon 3 or Simcity or just read a book, but none of these lasts longer than a couple of weeks before I go back to CIV3 or SMAC...
I played civ like crazy when I first got it. Five or so months later I go tired of it, then a few months after that I started playing it again, and the vicious never-ending cycle continues to this day.

Oh and just a suggestion...don't delete the game from your computer, it does not harm staying installed. :)

BTW, civ is not like these forums in one respect: I can quit playing civ for awhile, but verry rarely can I ever quit coming to these forums.
I hope you hung on to the CD's you might change your mind in a week ;)
Elgalad said:
>Mr. Cynic arrives to spoil the fun< :satan:

Bah, you're just saying that now...

You just wait until Civ 4 Does come out and it looks Juuuuust like MOO 3!!

Har, you'll wish you'd saved your patches and map files for Civ 3 when you reinstall it All over again.


Now seriously, take a break from the whole Civ experience and try something completely different, like the Sims 2 or Beyond Good & Evil. ;)


BLASPHEMER!!! That would be the worst thing ever... MOO was the BIGEEST disapointment in my gaming career. Never finished a single game...

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