Fionn's PBEM Game: Napolean

sent to Fionn early this morning
OK, as far as I am concerned, this PBEM is dead. Sorry Rubberjello for draging you into it. Really thought it could live again, tried quite hard...
it shouldnt be dead whos holding onto it. i sent it to you recently, at least it shouldve gone thru :)
FionnMcCumhall said:
Ill resend it then, i was under the assumption it went thru

You know I think Normaland is out too. He kind of disappeared from my Napoleonic PBEM (grognards)...
its resent if he is out of the game i hope he either finds a replacement or we can start this over again
resent ? You men angry ?
Then I guess it is against me. If it is about the city I razed, fair enough. It was a mistake and I should not have done it. If it is because change of alliance, well, that definitely is part of the game. If he thinks all the other people (except you of course) would just help him freely then give him their lands, then I think he prefers playing against AI. Less interesting IMHO but everybody has one's own preferences.

Finding a replacement ? Well, considering the few turns played, if he really dropped I would be more in favor of restarting, and with more humans (Spain, Ottomans).
Is this game dead or stalled?
That's my last record of it also. I sent it to Eric A on the 24'th of May.
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