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First Deity game completed


Sep 17, 2013
I have been fooling around on a deity here and there for a while and decided to play a full game. I chose something easy for the first time. Science victory with Babylon. I won in about 325 turns not bad but was kinda frustrated that I was only able to pump out 3 cities. I planned on dropping a 4th city but due to happiness had to hold off then it was too late. Persia snagged my location. I didn't want to go to war since I only had 6 CB's and 2 Knights and they were my nieghbor I would need them for a much larger threat, the russians. I pretty much went the whole game without a conflict by wheeling and dealing others to delcare war on each other untill the last 30 turns or so. Russia brought a massive army with 3 atomic bombs but they never laid one on me. The only thing I could think of is that the way the city was set up Persia had 2 close boarders to it and would have hit there land if they dropped it. I made sure to spread out my units to defend on the flank and not have them bunched up so that if they did drop a A-bomb it would be minimal loss. All in all I am happy that I won the game but found myself scared to push the AI around because it was a science game. I now realize that I will have to step it up if I want to take on a domination game.
Congrats on your win!

I hate settling only 3 cities. I always think Ill take another by conquest but never get round to it as I pursue yet another SV
Congrats on your win!

I hate settling only 3 cities. I always think Ill take another by conquest but never get round to it as I pursue yet another SV

same here, 3 cities just doesn't have the late game potential as 4 or more cities do. But good job on your win.
I won in about 325 turns not bad but was kinda frustrated that I was only able to pump out 3 cities. I planned on dropping a 4th city but due to happiness had to hold off then it was too late. Persia snagged my location.

4 cities is optimal, but many maps don't allow you to settle a 4th city. In the beginning, I always went for 4 cities. And it was some horrible game, bad location, happiness issues, war that I can't win. Sometimes, I sold my 4th city.

So, don't bother with that. With experience you'll learn how to settle 4 cities and mostly, if you should.

Congratulations far your win. But T325, despite 3 cities, is late for Babylon. No mountain city ?
I had 2 mountain cities and no room to build 4th city. I had to build up an army because Persia was next to me acting friendly but would not accept DOF so I got a little scared and all the other AI spies kept informing me he was plotting against me. I did not want a war with Persia because I had trade routes with them and if war was to happen I would fall behind in science and money.

I finished the game 7 techs ahead of everyone else and there never was a threat of losing this game to any other victory condition. The game was mine to win, If I were to lose it would because of Russia invading me and nuking my cities but I feel I played a very strong diplo game keeping everyone on my side even though I went Freedom and everyone else but Persia went Order.

I had a fairly easy civ lineup Russia to the north, Persia to the west. On a fractal map. On the other side of the world was France, Swedan, America, Morocco, and Denmark.
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