• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

First release

The Great Apple said:
Eh? I thought Germany was GMT+1?

Yes when talking about CET (Central European Time). But right now we have daylight saving time in Germany, which is CES or CEST (Central European Summer Time). SimCutie said 23:00 GMT. GMT aka UTC is, by definition, no daylight saving time. SimCutie mentioned EDT which should be Eastern Daylightsaving Time (which came from EST : Eastern Standard Time). EST is GMT-5, so EDT is GMT-4. This matches with his other statement about EDT 19:00 and GMT 23:00 (-> difference of 4 hours).

Conclusion : EDT 19:00 = CEST 01:00 = BST 00:00 = GMT 23:00.

TGA : you should dial in at 00:00 and not at 23:00 if you're still in Cambridge ;)

I have my server up and online however it seems to me that people from the outside cannot get in to the FTP server. I am trying but it might be because I am testing access within my network, trying to go out and come back in again.

If someone could test this link (Link Removed) and tell me what they get I would appreciate it.

Now with the server up and fully functioning (except the connection part) and I am starting to get the hang of the CSV program I instaled, we might get the release without SourceForge.

Like I said the server is ready, I just cant get it to connect via my external IP. I have port 20 and 21 forwarded to my server.
Following Error message after a brief wait

530 Not Logged in. Username or Password Incorrect or user logged in too many times.

Am I supposed to have a password, I dont, if I was supposed to enter it someware I saw noware to do so.
I hope we can make the First Version by the End of the Month, CVS has been such a hastle to get up and running and the directory still needs to be cleaned out of various garbage files accumulated when we were unable to use webview and inadvertantly created gobs of directories.

I am wondering if we want to start a Thread advertising the First Release, kind of a Preview as many mods have. We could include a list of expected changes, ask for sugjestions, invite more moders into the project or ask others who have been doing SDK mods if they are interested in donating their code.
I got a window asking for my username and password - seems to be working.

As for potential chagelists - I need people to post up individual change logs as I asked in the first post of this thread... otherwise we don't have much to put in there!
Alright I forgot to set access to Annonymous. I will send out PM's to everyone shortly with their user name and password as well as the server IP link. I am going to dissable the links in the forum after everyone gets their PM.

As before, just PM me a new password if you want to change it. The password IS case sensitive as well. If you have any problems just PM me or post it here.

Also I will create folders with your individual names for posting update files and change logs not yet in the regular builds. Think of it like your scratchpad.
Right, looks like we're going to have to push it back again.

How about -

Release date: Thursday May 25th

Changes Locked: Monday May 22nd

This gives us the weekend to merge the code, and get everything working together. That should be plenty of time, assuming that the server is up and running by tomorrow.
OK, I'm back on track now. My changes are finished and tested and ready to be merged to whereever we have something. I'm fine with the date.

Right... looks like we are heading for another delay. I was hoping that the either one of the servers would be working fine by the weekend, but it doesn't seem to be the case.

I think I'll hold off putting out new provisional dates which won't be met unit one or other of them are working.
I give up on CVS..
It seems that it will not fixed any soon...
Spoiled Fruists's server is not working properly..
Now we have only one choice..
Lets use ZIP attach file...
We should finish first release without using CVS..
All moder here, How about post your code as attachement in this thread.?
Here is mine.. ( not yet cleaned up fully but all features are included)
jobs to do now: clean up codes, tide up few XML text entries, documentations..


  • Assets-SimCutie-0521.zip
    423.8 KB · Views: 77
SimCutie said:
I give up on CVS..
It seems that it will not fixed any soon...
Spoiled Fruists's server is not working properly..
Now we have only one choice..
Lets use ZIP attach file...
We should finish first release without using CVS..
All moder here, How about post your code as attachement in this thread.?
Here is mine.. ( not yet cleaned up fully but all features are included)
jobs to do now: clean up codes, tide up few XML text entries, documentations..

I think its currently best solution. If we do so, we should synchronize the merging via this thread here.

Everybody who is merging something should announce the start and end of this work here. Otherwise we have have overlappings which results in duble work.

I will try to start merging my changes into SimCuties attachment this evening [about GMT 20:00]. Before I start I will check here in the forum and post the status. If somebody else is faster I will wait of course.

Yes it seems this will be the only way for now, I sugjest we take turns each of us merging in out content testing and then uploading for the next person to use, As each person merges we can consider the code under lockdown so as in essense to do our own CVS'ing. If the file sizes exceed the upload limits of CivFanatics (very likly if we include XML and Python) we can resort to E-mail (Just think of it as a PBEM but with Code). I'm still polishing off a mod I realy would like to see included so I recomend someone else who is fully ready do the first merger with SimCuties code and upload their results. I will be pounding away at the code Sunday but then work Monday & Tuesday (and I work 12 hour shifts) so thouse days are no good for anything but the following 2 (Wed, Thursday) I have off and will definatly be ready (and if I am not I'll just skip that mod till next cycle).
We almost certainly won't hit max file size. You can upload up to 5 megs using the "Upload File" link at the bottom of each page.

Is there anybody else with files to include at this stage? If so, I'd suggest either starting your changes before GMT 20:00 (and telling 12m), or doing them after 12m has finished.

If this all goes to plan we should be able to do final testing on Friday, and release on Saturday - we should have to do so much testing as testing happens while we merge files. This is just in time for the pledge in my sig.

Also, once you've merged your files could you please post a change log here. I'm just going to update the first post with the changelog hidden away in SimCuties file.
I don't really have time right now to pour through the code finding answers to these, so I thought I'd ask.
SimCutie's ChangeLog said:
1.6 Added Great People Type and Civs name in Great person born announcement.
Old: "Albert Einstain has born in Frankfrut"
New: "Albert Einstain (Great Scientiest) has born in Frankfrut, Germany"
Is this configurable?

SimCutie's ChangeLog said:
2.1 "unitCreated"/"unitLost" :
"unitCreated"/"unitLost" event will not triggered on unit upgrade/ unit gift.
Replaced with "unitReborn/EVENT_UNITREBORN" on such case.


2.3 "combatLogCalc" : Removed. Replaced by "combatBegin"


Change 2.1, 2.3 can be turned on/off by run-time config (LEGACY_EVENT).
Turning it on will restore old behavior.
Surely this should not be runtime config? Event behaviour should be consistant throughout an individual mod, and should be controlled by the modder and not the player.
OK, then lets do it this way. I will start merging my changes into SiMCuties' this evening. I also will add a text file with a change log. Also, I will post as soon as I start and I will post when I'm finished.

BTW : TGA, your sig tells something about "SDK Community Civ 4 Enhancement Project". But isn't the name of this project "Civilization 4 Community Core Project" as it is announced in SF? In any case we should have a common name and maybe a common sig pointing at it.
12monkeys said:
BTW : TGA, your sig tells something about "SDK Community Civ 4 Enhancement Project". But isn't the name of this project "Civilization 4 Community Core Project" as it is announced in SF? In any case we should have a common name and maybe a common sig pointing at it.
It does? :mischief:

Forgot to update that bit - been there since the thread started.
I have to say SimCutie - that's ALOT of stuff in there. I'm quite impressed!

Documentation may be a bit lacking - I'd quite like to see examples of how to incorperate a new event manager, as well as define new options for the options screen. It would seem that you have to define them in an .ini file, and then in CvCustomOption.py, right?

You also seem to have alot of redundant files. From what I can tell the main interface changes aren't in effect, nor the civilopedia changes. We should really get rid of the files which don't actually do anything before the release.
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