Font Size Changes


Mar 14, 2009
Eastern USA Coast
I'm a low vision guy. I need my font size in:game to be larger.
I play with Black interface option from latest RAND2 stable installer. Obviously I like that interface so I'm concerned about using Blue Marble installer because I want to keep Black interface.
So how do I go about increasing font size?
It's really easy, but the game doesn't like it. The UI wasn't necessarily designed to scale with screen size.

Step 1
Anyway, go to your game directory, which for me is:
C:/Programs Files(x86)/2K Games/Civilization 4 Complete/Beyond the Sword/

Step 2
Go to ../Resource/Themes/Civ4/

Step 3
Backup file Civ4Theme_Common.thm

Step 4
Open file in notepad, or whatever text editor you want and find the code below.
Note: your code may not look exactly the same because I edited some numbers.

with SF_CtrlTheme_Civ4_Control_Font
//				GFont	.Size0_Normal			=	GFont("Sylfaen",		"Regular",		10, GFlags(GFontFeature, GFC_FONT_ALPHA));
//				GFont	.Size0_Bold				=	GFont("Sylfaen",		"Bold",			10, GFlags(GFontFeature, GFC_FONT_BOLD,	GFC_FONT_ALPHA));
//				GFont	.Size0_Italic			=	GFont("Sylfaen",		"Italic",		10, GFlags(GFontFeature, GFC_FONT_ITALIC, GFC_FONT_ALPHA), 0, GRectMargin(1));
//				GFont	.Size0_BoldItalic		=	GFont("Sylfaen",		"Bold Italic",	10, GFlags(GFontFeature, GFC_FONT_BOLD,	GFC_FONT_ITALIC, GFC_FONT_ALPHA), 0, GRectMargin(1));

				GFont	.Size1_Normal			=	GFont("Sylfaen",		"Regular",		16, GFlags(GFontFeature, GFC_FONT_ALPHA));
//				GFont	.Size1_Bold				=	GFont("Sylfaen",		"Bold",			12, GFlags(GFontFeature, GFC_FONT_BOLD,	GFC_FONT_ALPHA));
//				GFont	.Size1_Italic			=	GFont("Sylfaen",		"Italic",		12, GFlags(GFontFeature, GFC_FONT_ITALIC, GFC_FONT_ALPHA), 0, GRectMargin(1));
//				GFont	.Size1_BoldItalic		=	GFont("Sylfaen",		"Bold Italic",	12, GFlags(GFontFeature, GFC_FONT_BOLD,	GFC_FONT_ITALIC, GFC_FONT_ALPHA), 0, GRectMargin(1));

				GFont	.Size2_Normal			=	GFont("Sylfaen",		"Regular",		18, GFlags(GFontFeature, GFC_FONT_ALPHA));
				GFont	.Size2_Bold				=	GFont("Sylfaen",		"Bold",			18, GFlags(GFontFeature, GFC_FONT_BOLD,	GFC_FONT_ALPHA));
				GFont	.Size2_Italic			=	GFont("Sylfaen",		"Italic",		18, GFlags(GFontFeature, GFC_FONT_ITALIC, GFC_FONT_ALPHA), 0, GRectMargin(1));
//				GFont	.Size2_BoldItalic		=	GFont("Sylfaen",		"Bold Italic",	14, GFlags(GFontFeature, GFC_FONT_BOLD,	GFC_FONT_ITALIC, GFC_FONT_ALPHA), 0, GRectMargin(1));

				GFont	.Size3_Normal			=	GFont("Sylfaen",		"Regular",		18, GFlags(GFontFeature, GFC_FONT_ALPHA));
				GFont	.Size3_Bold				=	GFont("Sylfaen",		"Bold",			18, GFlags(GFontFeature, GFC_FONT_BOLD,	GFC_FONT_ALPHA));
//				GFont	.Size3_Italic			=	GFont("Sylfaen",		"Italic",		18, GFlags(GFontFeature, GFC_FONT_ITALIC, GFC_FONT_ALPHA), 0, GRectMargin(1));
//				GFont	.Size3_BoldItalic		=	GFont("Sylfaen",		"Bold Italic",	16, GFlags(GFontFeature, GFC_FONT_BOLD,	GFC_FONT_ITALIC, GFC_FONT_ALPHA), 0, GRectMargin(1));

				GFont	.Size4_Normal			=	GFont("Sylfaen",		"Regular",		22, GFlags(GFontFeature, GFC_FONT_ALPHA));
				GFont	.Size4_Bold				=	GFont("Sylfaen",		"Bold",			22, GFlags(GFontFeature, GFC_FONT_BOLD,	GFC_FONT_ALPHA));
//				GFont	.Size4_Italic			=	GFont("Sylfaen",		"Italic",		22, GFlags(GFontFeature, GFC_FONT_ITALIC, GFC_FONT_ALPHA), 0, GRectMargin(1));
//				GFont	.Size4_BoldItalic		=	GFont("Sylfaen",		"Bold Italic",	22, GFlags(GFontFeature, GFC_FONT_BOLD,	GFC_FONT_ITALIC, GFC_FONT_ALPHA), 0, GRectMargin(1));

Step 5
Notice the lines that start with // are commented out, the game does not use these lines. The same uses .Size1_Normal, .Size2_Normal, .Size2_Bold, .Size2_Italic, etc. throughout the UI.

What you want to do is edit the number that comes before GFlags(...); That number is the font size.

For example if you were to take this:
				GFont	.Size1_Normal			=	GFont("Sylfaen",		"Regular",		16, GFlags(GFontFeature, GFC_FONT_ALPHA));

and make it this:

				GFont	.Size1_Normal			=	GFont("Sylfaen",		"Regular",		20, GFlags(GFontFeature, GFC_FONT_ALPHA));

Now all text in the UI that uses .Size1_Normal will be bigger. The bad thing is, I don't remember which parts of the UI uses which GFonts. I think .Size3_Normal and .Size3_Bold are used in the tech tree, but I could be wrong.

You will just have to experiment editing font sizes, saving, and then playing the game.

  • Civ4Theme_Common.thm is in a protected area on my computer, so you can either move the file to the desktop and edited it and then move it back, or use a program that has administrator privileges.
  • I believe you could make a folder path like /Resource/Themes/Civ4 in the mod, and then add a copy of Civ4Theme_Common.thm in there, edit that copy, and BTS should use that one over the actual non-edited one, but I haven't tested that.
  • I have uploaded my copy of Civ4Theme_Common.thm with increased font sizes. I did this a while back ago, and made sure it was balanced with the game UI. So feel free to use my copy.


  • Civ4Theme_Common.7z
    4.5 KB · Views: 1,484
Yes, ME too. Also the speed rate for flashing messages.

Also, my personal favorite pain in the A**, the white flashing line (press enter for next turn etc.) at the bottom of the map screen.
Wow , thanks!
I'm looking to increase text size inside hover:over cards so I can read Actual (whatever I need to know).
Yay, got it.
For reference, use the file name but inside Rise of Mankind - A New Dawn/Assets/Modules/Interface Colors. From there it is the same path.
Thanks again for your help!
Changes to Civ4Theme_Common file doesn't influence city names on main screen.I was wondering how I can change them?

Update for this topic: Civ4Theme_Common for AND is located in folder MODS\Rise of Mankind - A New Dawn\Assets\Modules\Interface\Resource\Themes\Civ4

It would be very helpful if someone could write in detail about Ci4Theme_Common.For example what font for each type of text.
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