• In anticipation of the possible announcement of Civilization 7, we have decided to already create the Civ7 forum. For more info please check the forum here .

Forum Tools: Mark All Read (subforums)

I know there's an option for marking every topic as read on the main forumpage (at the bottom of the forums, before the who's online box)...

Don't think there's one excluding subforums though...
I don't know of one that excludes sub-forums, but there are several ways to mark a forum/sub-forum as read.
  • From the drop-down menu under Thread Tools click on 'Mark Forum Read'.
  • Double-click on the next to the forum name, which auto marks that forum as read.
Yes, thats not the issue though.
Mark Read: Civ4 - General Discussions, will also
Mark Read: Civ - Ideas & Suggestions

Whereas if you go into a subforum, and mark it read, it doesn't affect the parent.
Perhaps Civ - Ideas & Suggestions, can just be moved to its own non-subfolder?
"Civ4 - Ideas & Suggestion"
Perhaps a True Fix, would be for Forums that have subForums to make all their Boards subForums.
Lets take BTS For example, currently:
* Civilization Fanatics' Forums > CIVILIZATION IV
*** Civ4 - Beyond the Sword
****** Civ4 BTS - Official Mods & Scenarios
****** Civ4 BTS - Bug Reports
****** Beyond the Sword Screenshots

Changed to:
* Civilization Fanatics' Forums > CIVILIZATION IV
*** Civ4 - Beyond the Sword
****** Civ4 - Beyond the Sword - Discussion
****** Civ4 BTS - Official Mods & Scenarios
****** Civ4 BTS - Bug Reports
****** Beyond the Sword Screenshots

The main parent could have stickies, FAQ, Forum Rules, etc. But be locked to new posts.
Anyways, just a suggestion. I find it irksome that I can't mark certain folders as finished reading without it impacting all the subforums.
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