Fox08 - The Bad Joke Continues

No, mr Fox , you can't defy a resolution outside a AP/UN vote...

And the defy :mad: only applies if the resolution passes.... not that it matters much in a globe-OCC civ :whipped: :p
We should pretty much defy any UN resolution that comes up unless we want that particular civic change (for example, to environmentalism?). Got it, will see what I can do.
Our loss of bureaucracy really hurts our hammer production :( But enough griping. We have a very interesting offer that I think we should consider. First the report:

Turn 340: Free speech is adopted by everyone. grr :mad:

Turn 341 - Izzy and Gilgamesh make peace.

Turn 344 - GS born, settled.

Turn 345 - A random event gives our clams +1 commerce.

Turn 346 - Open market is put to a vote (defied). I'm hoping it'll slow down the AI.

Turn 347 - Radio is completed. All of the wonders are gone :eek:

Turn 348 - Toku wants our assistance vs. the Spanish. Riiiiiight.... He's now furious with us :D

Turn 349 - We strike the motherload! 65 Gold. This event needs to scale with time :lol:

Turn 350 - Toku vassalizes to Izzy. She starts spamming him with Buddhism. Ahh yes, the religious nut.

Turn 352 - Our 1st thruster is complete. Universal Sufferage is also put to vote and defied. We're not along though as Toku joins us in defying.

Our next thruster is going to finish as satellites finishes. I thought about putting off the SS parts until the elevator but the parts take more hammers in bts so we need to get cranking. I've hired engineers for the time being to speed up the process instead of the merchants. We may need to start begging around and/or trading backwards tech for gold though.

So here's the interesting proposal:

Izzy must be nuts, or she must have more power than we can see. JC has modern armor + mobile artillery. Izzy has artillery + paratroopers + marines + SAM infantry. So here's my proposal. JC still has too much on his hands (no clue who he's going after here...) but if he's after us, we're toast anyways. How about we send Izzy after Gilgamesh first, hope she vassalizes him while trying to get her to tech to at least laser, hopefully composites. Then if we still have a good tech lead on her, we may be able to send her after JC. Alternatively, we can try getting a DP with her once she cleans up Gilgamesh too.

The power ratings were put out and JC was first, followed by Izzy then Gilgamesh. We have no idea of their relative strengths though :( I hate how you can't see power graphs without espionage points now.

Does anybody know if Manhattan has been built?


  • Fox08 AD-1935.CivBeyondSwordSave
    371.7 KB · Views: 91
Pretty silly to not be able to defy a resolution except when it is being voted ... stupid Firaxis. (yeah, I am trying transfer my own guilt to Firaxis).

Sounds good, the idea of sending Izzy against Gilgamesh, then JC. So we are glooming her to be the counter to JC.

Feedback and Imhotep are both UP, whoever post a Got-It first wins.
Lurker- shame about the UN thing.......good game to watch guys, thanks!
There is no reference about Manhattan in the log, so it is open yet. ATM only Izzy and JC can build it...

We need to bog JC in a war somehow, he has Sattelites and Fission on us....
As crazy has it looks, maybe the Izzy deal may be our only shot, but....

About power: JC has 5999700 soldiers and the second to last civ in that regard ( we are the proud last ones ;) ) has 998000, and the average of all the 5 civs except us and the deceased Darius ( RIP ) is 2438800.... Doing a back of the envelop math, that means that Izzy+ Gilga+Toku ( Charlie looks to be the weakest one IMHO ) have 5199000 soldiers, and that Izzy at top will have 3203000 soldiers ( assuming that Giga, Toku and Charlie have all the same power, a very unrealistical assumption ) and more realisticaly IMHO Izzy have something in the 2000000-2500000 soldiers range, 2-3 times less than JC. As it is a AI-AI war and JC has a better army, Izzy would be eaten alive. Do we want to give JC a excuse to eliminate his only bump in the way to his desired Dom/conquest win? OTOH it could delay JC SS buildup enough for us to win.... This one is a tough choice.
Getting JC bogged down in a war with Izzy is just about the only way to get him off the SS. The guy's going for a domination win anyway so beef up Izzy with some tech and allies and hope she can keep him occupied for a good while.
A joke: If you're American when you go into the bathroom and American when you come out of the bathroom, what are you while you're in the bathroom?
Spoiler :
Speaking of jokes, I forgot mine:

A criminal who just grabbed an old lady’s handbag was being chased by a cop. He ran in the nearby mortuary and lied down next to a dead man.When the cop arrived @ the mortuary, he asked ,"Anyone who didnt die of AIDS, please raise your hand!"The criminal raised his hand and was arrested.

I don't think we should send JC after Izzy. If JC has 2-3 times more power and much more advanced troops, it won't take very long for Izzy to die. However, I think we should definitely send her after Gilgamesh and hope for a quick vassalization.
well, if the choice is to have her only declare on Gil, then I think that's wise for now. It can only help Izzy in the short-term, but meanwhile, JC's still plugging away at parts, and has enough on his hands already . . . hmmm . ..

I say we go for the war. It'll bog JC down for a little while, hopefully long enough for us to make a transition to mostly space parts before he settles down to continue building parts. Would the AI build parts if it were going for Dom/Conquest win?? I hoenstly don't know how intelligent it is ~

in an off-topic note, i see our friend shyuhe won GMinor29 ~ congrats!
Thanks pholk. It was a luck fest though :D

I honestly don't know if sending JC vs. Izzy will help. I think it'll just make it that much more likely that JC will try for domination instead of space, which given his army strength is not very difficult.
Oh god... :sad:
Skippy skippy joke again:

Why should you never run in front of a bus?
Spoiler :
You will get tired.

Regarding the war... Well, I think if JC goes to Izzy now she is toast. And, of course, I didn't look at the save, but having a large part of the tech tree to go yet, I don't think we can make it while JC crushes Izzy and Gilga to a domination win.
On the other hand, if JC has his hands full I don't think sending Izzy away from her cities to Gilgamesh's land is the way to go too. We don't need to slow Izzy down.
What would I do in that regard? Nothing. :D
But I haven't played in a while and I've never played Immortal... So, take this with a huge mountain of salt... :mischief:
^^We can always try to estimate Izzy and Gilga power by reverse engineering the score board and to remove all the non-power contributions to it ( pop, wonders, techs , ... ), but that would a tiresome exercise ( and would require a lot of bibliographic research... But it would be a nice case study for the future: " How to know your enemies power without spending in espionage" :lol: )..... Someone wants to do that ( besides me, of course... have 2 SG to play tonight when I get home ) ?
There is no power contribution to the score board. The score is based purely on land, pop, wonders, tech. So we have no way of guessing the strengths of the two other than the world report that came out listing Izzy above Gilgamesh.
Ok, forget what I said.... :hammer2: There is always the " count chickens" method: sent a spy ( if no OB ) or a regular unit and count units. Tiresome, not exact and not very useful....
The bad joke (beware, this one is M-rated ;) ):

Spoiler :
Three daughters promised her mother that they would call her after the marriage night to tell her how things went. The first one called and said: "Jacobs Coffee." The mother was confused until she saw an Jacobs Coffe ad saying: "Satisfying to the last drop." Then she was content. The second one called and said: "Rothmans." The mother looked for a Rothmans ad and again was pleased, because it read: "King Size". The 3rd daughter called and said: "Austrian Airlines." The mother screened all papers for an ad, until she finally saw one and yelled out loud: "Oh my God !" The ad read: "Seven times a week, 4 times a day - all directions !"

Well, I thought some time about the war options. In the end thinking didn't turn out that hard - just because I made an easy decision which turned out to be meaningless anyway.

After consulting the Victory Screen I decided that JC has a long way yet to go for Dom, so I bribed Izzy to war with Gilgamesh.

I then opened borders to a furious Toku - a thing you won't see in another game :) .

At least Izzy was putting forth a serious effort:

But it was all in vain as in 1937 the war horns sounded. JC had found another victim:

Poor Gilgamesh lost 5 cities on the first two war turns. Sharing a border with JC isn't that wholesome...

Speaking of JC, he tried a Diplo Win Vote. He fell short of some 50ish votes though.

That's the display of utter dominance:

We got a f****ing random event:

...and JC continued grinding Gilgamesh to dust...

As the event had eaten up most of our ca$h I decided on this deal to keep our research alive:

JC has built the Space Elevator. I don't think we can win this.

Another hilarious moment in the JC Gilgamesh war:

Another trade:

And JC is again UN secretary. I voted for him to gain the +2 modifier.

Conclusion: I don't know how JC couldn't win this. Still, there is no shame in being 2nd to this guy as he's completely out of the roof...

Spoiler The Log :

Logging by BUG Mod 2.11 (BtS 3.13)
Turn 355/500 (1935 AD) [14-Nov-2007 19:19:48]
Isabella(Spain) declares war on Gilgamesh(Sumeria)
Tokugawa(Japan) declares war on Gilgamesh(Sumeria)
Reminder: On Turn 365, Stop playing

A Mine was destroyed near Munich
Attitude Change: Gilgamesh(Sumeria) towards Tokugawa(Japan), from 'Friendly' to 'Cautious'
Attitude Change: Tokugawa(Japan) towards Gilgamesh(Sumeria), from 'Pleased' to 'Cautious'
Civics Change: Isabella(Spain) from 'State Property' to 'Environmentalism'

Turn 356/500 (1936 AD) [14-Nov-2007 19:25:14]
Tech learned: Satellites
Munich finishes: SS Thrusters


Turn 357/500 (1937 AD) [14-Nov-2007 19:26:25]
Research begun: Genetics (12 Turns)
A Mine was built near Munich

Julius Caesar(Rome) declares war on Gilgamesh(Sumeria)
Charlemagne(Holy Rome) declares war on Gilgamesh(Sumeria)
Attitude Change: Charlemagne(Holy Rome) towards Gilgamesh(Sumeria), from 'Pleased' to 'Cautious'
Attitude Change: Gilgamesh(Sumeria) towards Charlemagne(Holy Rome), from 'Pleased' to 'Annoyed'
Attitude Change: Gilgamesh(Sumeria) towards Julius Caesar(Rome), from 'Annoyed' to 'Furious'
Attitude Change: Isabella(Spain) towards Charlemagne(Holy Rome), from 'Cautious' to 'Pleased'
Attitude Change: Isabella(Spain) towards Tokugawa(Japan), from 'Furious' to 'Annoyed'
Attitude Change: Tokugawa(Japan) towards Fox08(Germany), from 'Furious' to 'Annoyed'
Attitude Change: Tokugawa(Japan) towards Charlemagne(Holy Rome), from 'Cautious' to 'Pleased'
Attitude Change: Julius Caesar(Rome) towards Tokugawa(Japan), from 'Annoyed' to 'Cautious'

Turn 358/500 (1938 AD) [14-Nov-2007 19:28:14]


Turn 359/500 (1939 AD) [14-Nov-2007 19:30:12]

Attitude Change: Charlemagne(Holy Rome) towards Gilgamesh(Sumeria), from 'Cautious' to 'Annoyed'
Civics Change: Gilgamesh(Sumeria) from 'State Property' to 'Environmentalism'

Turn 360/500 (1940 AD) [14-Nov-2007 19:31:15]

Attitude Change: Charlemagne(Holy Rome) towards Gilgamesh(Sumeria), from 'Annoyed' to 'Cautious'

Turn 361/500 (1941 AD) [14-Nov-2007 19:31:52]

Attitude Change: Charlemagne(Holy Rome) towards Gilgamesh(Sumeria), from 'Cautious' to 'Annoyed'
Civics Change: Tokugawa(Japan) from 'Organized Religion' to 'Theocracy'

Turn 362/500 (1942 AD) [14-Nov-2007 19:33:26]
Munich grows: 28
Munich finishes: SS Thrusters

A Mine was destroyed near Munich

Turn 363/500 (1943 AD) [14-Nov-2007 19:33:43]

Confucianism has been removed: Uruk (Sumerian Empire)
Confucianism has spread: Uruk (Roman Empire)
Attitude Change: Charlemagne(Holy Rome) towards Gilgamesh(Sumeria), from 'Annoyed' to 'Cautious'

Turn 364/500 (1944 AD) [14-Nov-2007 19:34:37]
A Mine was built near Munich

Attitude Change: Charlemagne(Holy Rome) towards Isabella(Spain), from 'Annoyed' to 'Cautious'
Attitude Change: Charlemagne(Holy Rome) towards Julius Caesar(Rome), from 'Pleased' to 'Friendly'

Turn 365/500 (1945 AD) [14-Nov-2007 19:35:41]
Reminder: Stop playing
Nice, 4 SG to play ATM :suicide: .....

Things are getting a little out of control, aren't they? JC is really close of winning in 3 ways ( Dom, Space and Diplo ) and I simply don't have the slightest idea of how to stop in a single one of them...

Oh, well.... let's see if I not the gravedigger of this SG ( I'll let that job to Pholk :p )
JC's early conquest of Darius really messed this game up. If it weren't for that, we may have had a better chance at winning since we'd have more AI to bait against each other. But looking at the map, either JC was going to break out of the box and eat Darius or JC was going to get boxed in with 4 cities and would have been a non-factor all game. Tough break but let's bring this home! :lol:
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