
BYZANTIUM: want to make an alliance? Together with my huge army and your powerful navy we can bring peace to Europe forever! Deal? ;)
Turn one- The ferice Vandal tribe has sent scouts and settlers to the distant isle of Brittianica. Meanwhile the Vistagoths expand their land on the mainland. The Vikings take over Sweden and the islands off the coust of their capital.


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From:Euric of the Vistagoths
To:King of Vandals

Your ships passed my bases in Gibraltar and Cadiz on their way to Britannia.You'll need my OK if you want to hold contact with your men there.So I propose an alliance and a mutual promise you won't settle in Europe and I won't settle in Africa.
The Vandals

The vandals in africa have decleared that ALL africa shall be theirs! and as first move to do it we will settle ALG, MOR, TUNI.
while in anglia we will settle SE!
this will ensure the vandals control over seas for their defens!

To Visigoths:
So you won't settle in africa and anglia, and we won't settle in europe? is this agreed? and would you like to create the Sea-Alliance? this for defending us both in sea, a place we both need very good defens at.

more to be added later

We agree to the alliance.Together we'll rule the Western Ocean and the Western Mediterranean.

-Train our seamen so the status of our navy becomes OK
-Send settlers to BAQ and LEN
-And,if possible,to Baleares,Corsica and Sardinia
And Pachy,don't forget to update 1st page with the country stats
*No Story today, no time. That's why couldn't make orders before*

Byzantine Orders:

Expand borders West and North into SPT, MACE, ALB, and ROM
Increase Army size


To Slavs;

That is unacceptable! HUNG and CRIME and MORD. Otherwise we will be left with relitivly nothing. You will still gain huge amounts of land.

To All:

The Byzantine Empire claims all land East of Italia(Italy), North of Arfica and South of border made with Slavs
I am really confused about how to make orders for this, can someone help me?
HUNG CRIME and MORD are yours if you agree to alliance.

ORDERS: Expand to fill area shown in my map [but not HUNG, CRIME, or MORD] and upgrade my military from Weak to OK.
To: Visitgoths
From: Normans

We wish to have an alliance with you. The only this that I request is that I control BIS

Move into BIS, BRIT, PAR HOL
Uorgrade Navy
To Slavs: We agree to the alliance.
I claim DNA, HOL, RNT, DNG!!!!!!!!

To Slavs and Byzantin:
I want to join your Eastern Alliance

Begin to settle DNA, HOL, DNG and RNT
Increase army and send it to HOL
And send one half of my army to DNG

Hey my name is Heine not hine

We agree to let you have BIS and to an alliance.Vandals,Visigoths and Normans together will be unbeatable.

[Just noticed Vikings and Normans want to expand into HOL.Seems like the trouble begins.]
Il only take HOLand and will not go longer down in france, I got better tech, army (small but strong), navy, so if I was you..........
And when Troq and Warman17 go inside her again iv'e hope I got two big and strong partners
To Byzantion
from Vandals[/i]
You will never have north africa!, if you want we could settle on giving you control only in EGY and SUD, but nothing else! we will be the african power here!

settle ALG, TUNI, MOR and SE, send sea troops to defend african cousts, and land armies to Tunis, after i'll settle there, and always keep some armies in england. and some ships...
more is build fortifactions to London, and in northern england.

to Vikings
you can have SC, DE,DL and NE.
Thanks, deal!!!!

New Orders (forgett the older one):
Begin to settle SC, DL, DNA, RNT and DNG
Incraese army to medium and in same "mood" (if I got money to it).
and send half of my army to DNA

To Normans:
Ok you got HOLand.
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