From the ashes... Prince Level


Nov 7, 2005
Montréal, Canada

I'm still fighting the prince level. In my last game i think i have done okay, i had a good economy, two good friend (Viking and Spain). I started to attack the civ next to me who was the ottoman and take 2 city around 1400 AD. I was already only a middle civ in the score and was far behind the two leading civ, but i was keeping up in technology because i was trading with the Viking and Spain often.

After i took the two city i did peace and was starting to build a new army to go more deep in ottoman terrirtory. The ottoman declare war to me 100-200 years later, this was expected. Spain had a defence pact with me so she go in war with ottoman too, and then germany the second strongest civ go to war againt ottoman too. I though this was going to be easy to conquer the ottoman.

All was going well... Until the strongest civ declare war on me and his 2 vassal too. This was game over for me...

The map was large and i was not ready for war very fast against the ottoman, maybe that where is my failure.

I still don't known what wrong with me and why i can't really be confortable at prince. I lost 20 games in a row and not even close to victory.

My start are good usually and i'm able to be #1 civ until 600-700 AD came and then i start to get late in the score.

Here is my last save game, if you see something bad i did, comment are welcome.

In this last game i was England, i had a lot of commerce city with cottage economy but i was not lucky enought to find a good spot for a production city until i took the two city from the ottoman who had a lot of hill, but i lost the hill because of the ottoman culture... crap... My city was not producing fast enought to build a proper army to defend myself again everybody.




  • moonzar AD-1776.CivWarlordsSave
    446.9 KB · Views: 57
1400 AD is a good time to finish wars, not to start them.
Especially at prince and above levels, you are much better off starting wars in the BC years.

If you take good care, a worker stealing war in 3000 BC can pay off greatly :)
When you talk about a 'worker stealing war' what exactly do you mean?

Is it a surprise war declaration to try and catch the workers out in the open, then run home with them without attacking any cities? Or is it a city, razing expedition with the idea of capturing the workers who've taken cover in the cities?

Sorry for such a basic question.
When you talk about a 'worker stealing war' what exactly do you mean?

Is it a surprise war declaration to try and catch the workers out in the open, then run home with them without attacking any cities?


Or is it a city, razing expedition with the idea of capturing the workers who've taken cover in the cities?
good move too, but not doable in 3000 BC except with incas.

Sorry for such a basic question.
no problem
I made a quick glance into your save file and even I don't have an experience from large maps but I don't think 5 cities will do it very long. I think next time if you get only 5 cities at the beginning be prepared to make an axerush. You said it yourself you waited way too long with your first war with ottoman, In general your cities looked good but 5 cities just won't do it I doubt on Large map is it even possible to get Diplomatic Victory with 5 cities.

Second thing didn't you see that HC was growing way too powerful. I didn't counted his cities but probably 20 maybe more that has huge power in production and I guess what HC did as he declared war on you he was probably going for an easy Domination Victory. Be alot more aggressive next time.

EDIT: I checked your file again and just my observations. You didn't have a GP farm what was essential for me to win my first wins on Prince and I didn't see unit factory you were definitely lacking in units. Unit factories are basially a cities what product units entire the game only thing you want to build there early is barracks after that units when you have 2-3 units per city and an army of 10 units near your enemy borders. I liked how you seemed to take every commerce out in your cities could be done better though but that's probably the reason why you were doing good in economy you shouldn't have any kind of problems in future just be more aggressive get more cities and little bit of city specializition. You had one unimproved Clam near at London. It's +2 more food so could be 1 extra scientist for example.

Something to read. Specialization of Cities by iwas at War Academy.
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