Full Price Beta

Do you regret spending as much money as you did on this game?

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I wouldn't say it's beta, but maybe gamma. :undecide: The game is a lot of fun to play, but it does feel unfinished to me, as if it needed a few more weeks of work before release. But I guess that's okay. I'm very happy to be playing, even if there are a lot of UI issues.
Reading that... I think the game isn't so much "unfinished" (as in not being complete) and more "unpolished" - lacking that attention to detail to make it really shine (exempting the graphics, they are really full of detail an polish).
I did... for one or two games before laying it to the side and waiting for the add-ons... just like civ BE and 6 now in fact.

also I had a pretty crappy laptop at the time that was always giving me issues, so I might have gone easy on it because I couldn't tell what was the game and what was my bad graphics card.

Perhaps you should avoid pre-ordering the games or buting them on launch. If you do not enjoy these products until they have been polished, then you should be holding off on your purchase until you can catch them on sale.

Anyone arguing that this had better release than CIV V or BE. Please set a huge map. On Immortal, in continents and Marathon or Epic speed. Let me know if you do not get battered by turn 25, consistently :)

The difficulties never translated between Civ versions. On some I could play Immortal with relative ease, while on others I would struggle on Emperor.

I'm currently doing well on a Emperor with a huge map. Maybe I'll try my hand at Immortal next. Might not be too difficult as Russia, given the ability to settle productively in tundra while the AI fights over the more temperate reaches of the world.
Reading that... I think the game isn't so much "unfinished" (as in not being complete) and more "unpolished" - lacking that attention to detail to make it really shine (exempting the graphics, they are really full of detail an polish).
I think you're being charitable by calling it "unpolished." Some of the UI issues are so painfully obvious that I'm surprised someone at Firaxis didn't say, Now wait a minute, we can't release the game in that condition — not until this, this, and this are fixed.
Help me undesrtand please because I havn't bought the game yet and reading this forum it seems clear to me that the AI is the poorest, worst buggiest piece of software ever seen in pc games history. Now, in this poll, it seems 65% of you are really proud and happy of civ vi.

I'm puzzled.

Someone is wrong, who ??

Read through the other civ forums, especially V, and you'll encounter more or less the same hyper-histerical responses just after release... The AI is not a true opponent but it's far from being what some of the people here want to make it.
That said a few patches will be needed in order to help balance and lift AI behaviour....
I think you're being charitable by calling it "unpolished." Some of the UI issues are so painfully obvious that I'm surprised someone at Firaxis didn't say, Now wait a minute, we can't release the game in that condition — not until this, this, and this are fixed.
My guess would be that they were like:
"Now wait a minute, that stuff is (still) borked. But I don't think we can crunsh even harder to get it fixed until the release date [that was set by management and can't be moved for business and organisational reasons]. Let's hope we get some time for polish to fix it some day in the future."

Empire building is fun, but AI leaves much to be desired.

I'm okay with it for now as I'm still learning the mechanics. I'm hoping for at least some AI improvements in the future. In the mean time I'm having fun.
Played 11 hours so far and it seems to be more fun than Civ 5 was early on and definitely Better than Civ 4 was at launch. Others have reported trouble deleting units as well as crashing or getting stuck when closing. I have not had the delete issue but it does get stuck upon close. But if you close to main menu then close to desktop perhaps that will clear that issue up for some. It did for me. I had trepidation about the districts but that is gone. I like it. I like the graphics, although it is a bit cartoony but I think I can get past that. Diplomacy needs some help, it seems to be bare bones at this time. I think I'll get many hours out of it so the more I play my cost per hour just keeps going down. It is the first game I have bought at release and at full price for quite some time and no regrets so far.
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