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Funniest Pictures Thread XXX ... +1.

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Is that just a funny massive picture stuck / photoshopped onto a building, or an actual crashed giant billboard running on windows??

The mind is boggled.

If I had to guess, I'd say that a computer runs a series of screens on the outside of the building to cover it in a moving image, and that it isn't working as planned. Downtown we have a building where the top is covered in screens that make it look like it's on fire.
"Do you know why I pulled you over?"

"No officer..."

"Your tail light just bit a pedestrian."
What do Osama bin laden, Hitler, Qaddafi and Saddam Hussein have in common?

They were all perfect saints who never did a single thing wrong, and had lots of false libelous things written about them to make them look bad.
To be fair to Fisk, that article was published before there was any real indication bin Laden was turning into a terrorist nutter. At that point he was actually relatively popular in the Middle East and appeared to be someone who fought both the Soviets and the corruption of the House of Saud.
As opposed to just "U.S.S. Eisenhower"?
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