Futuristic Combat Vehicle (4/1/06)

Rabbit said:
I just became aware of a bug with team colors. If this unit is stacked with other units of the same type, then selecting one of the units from the stack causes all units to loose team color and simply show red instead of it. I'm working on a solution (there is one but I'm having trouble implementing it :\) but just wanted to let you know that this applies to anything I did that "supports" team colors.

I have seen this on a couple of occasions as well. Have you had any luck finding a solution?

dougm said:
I have seen this on a couple of occasions as well. Have you had any luck finding a solution?

Yes. It would make, reusing parts of that unit more difficult but I've figured out how to properly do team color. The only thing is that now I need to find the time to update this unit, it's been on my todo list for several weeks now. :)
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