G. Earth map


Mar 6, 2009
I am sure this question has been made several times, but after digging up a bit in this section + using the search i didn't find anything useful, so I decided to ask for help.

I know I have asked before the same thing, but it was 2 years ago and the links are long dead since then.

So here is the question again - where I can find a giant or gigantic earth map which includes the specific components of this mod? It would be a huge inconvenience for me to have to add resources and stuff before starting a new game.
Realistic starting locations is also desirable
We don't have a resident map maker. Sorry. :(

Its in the Mod itself.

you can only use the map with ROM-AND 1.75 onwards (at a guess)

I was using the latest SVN 610, but its been part of the mod since 1.75 (just checked, it is available there.)

That or Earth2, are both approximations. Earth 2 has more naming on the map of bay's, mountains and such if that 's what you like.

Both have a disjointed North and South America, Australia is just a Square (personal gripe, find your own country and gripe about that) Japan is virtually non existent.

Both load with the Rom-And mod. 1.75C and 2.1 SVN 611 (latest SVN)

Is that what you after, both loaded in Gigantic games
I have spent some time looking for this, but sorry if I overlooked something...

Is there any way to get the very realistic earth maps with the correct civ specific start locations to run on the current SVN version? Something like Carter's or Ghengis Khan's?

From the previous posts, it doesn't seem like this is possible, but I wanted to ask just once before giving up.

No, there isn't a gigantic map with correct starting locations. IIRC I've made one for myself a long time ago but I don't know if I still have it somewhere, as playing on such a gigantic map was impossible with AND versions before AND2. I'll have a look anyway and if I find my map again, I'll share it with everyone or I will push it into some of the next SVN versions.
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