G-Major LX


Hall of Fame Staff
Jul 23, 2008
While the general Hall of Fame is an ongoing competition, we like to run time-definite competitions between updates that we call Gauntlets. Standard Hall of Fame rules (*) still apply, but any games meeting the settings will be counted towards the Gauntlet.

(*) Please read the >> HOF rules << BEFORE playing!

  • Expansion: Brave New World
  • Victory Condition: Domination (though all victory conditions must be enabled)
  • Difficulty: Deity
  • Map Size: Standard
  • Map Type: Arborea
  • Speed: Standard
  • Leader: Any
  • Opponents: Any
  • Version: SV8
  • Date: 2nd May to 1st June 2015
The earliest finish date wins, with score as a tiebreaker.
Pangaea is an option for Arborea, right? Attila's the obvious choice then. I'll try to get a good finish time with a different civ though, maybe one that I still need for VVV, like Zulu or China.
As the Huns, I am wondering if one city challenge is the way to go. I think you are counting on winning with only horse archers and battering rams/horsemen so tech requirements are not that onerous. Getting enough units out may be an issue though. If you think you will need crossbows or stronger, then one city challenge won't cut it I think.
I just realized Arborea can be set to Islands too. Forests don't slow down ships, and taking into account the finish times in the archipelago game that's actually a good option I think, provided there are shallow water connections. Still, Huns with a central position on a pangaea > all.

OCC makes some things easier, that's for sure. I hate hitting the unit supply limit though.
I just realized Arborea can be set to Islands too. Forests don't slow down ships, and taking into account the finish times in the archipelago game that's actually a good option I think, provided there are shallow water connections. Still, Huns with a central position on a pangaea > all.

OCC makes some things easier, that's for sure. I hate hitting the unit supply limit though.

Yes I saw your t69 win in the HOF. Amazing.
Packed it in on my first attempt. I had the idea of setting landmass to islands and doing a Turtle Ship rush with Korea. These things have 36 combat strength, which is pretty beastly. And they upgrade from Triremes. Throw in Korea's science bonuses, and you can get a swarm of Turtles surprisingly fast. I managed to have 9 Turtles on Turn 107, despite losing several Triremes beforehand. Having 15 on this turn is not infeasible.

Unfortunately, the map was not so friendly -- too many capitals with only one tile to hit from. Once I realized I would have to wait for Frigates, I gave up. I still think it would be funny to bash down a Deity map with melee ships, but it doesn't quite line up right. If melee ships could move after attacking it would be different story.

Think I'll just go back to being Polynesia and see if I can get sub-115 that way. You guys can keep your Attilas... slogging through forests seems like such a hassle when you can just sail freely over the open ocean :smoke:
Pretty dreamy map. Settled on Gems, with Bananas in the first ring. Three unique luxes and seven sea resources in the capital*. Kiliminjaro in my second city.

*Although I realize just now that I forgot to buy one of my Fish. So clearly there's room for improvement here. :\

My science was very strong and I got to Compass at turn 74 without closing Liberty. I had a Cultural ally, Kiliminjaro, AND built the Writer's Guild (in city 2, interestingly), and still my science was too fast. Took 32 turns from Compass to victory. Sweep time seems like it should be pretty consistent for Polynesia, since you move so freely. I feel like getting that down under 30 wouldn't be too hard with practice. Experience helps a lot with estimating how big your navies need to be and how fast cities will fall.

Polynesia seems pretty OP for water maps, overall -- Get ALL the ruins! Find ALL the wonders! Meet ALL the CS! Plunder ALL the trade routes!

Speaking of trade routes, I think they're one of the most interesting things about this sort of game. Cargo ships net 200 gold apiece, and with Polynesia you really can plunder every single one on the map... But I don't think you want to do that. Trade route science is a very real bonus for the development stage, so you want to keep at least one civ friendly for trade routes.

Trade route possibilities are maybe the most important consideration in settling a second city. In this game, I settled toward Venice and was rewarded by him sending me three of his trade routes. Of course, if those routes weren't going my way there would be double trade routes to plunder instead. Enrico is a cash cow either way.

I'm interested in seeing what people turn up on Pangaea. I haven't tested it, so I don't know how much of a pain the forests are or are not.


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Pretty dreamy map. Settled on Gems, with Bananas in the first ring. Three unique luxes and seven sea resources in the capital*. Kiliminjaro in my second city.

I'm interested in seeing what people turn up on Pangaea. I haven't tested it, so I don't know how much of a pain the forests are or are not.

Very nice game! Extremely well played.

Aside from the fact that your map was insanely good, that is Arborea? Did you cut down all the trees? Man, might as well call this a Tiny Islands map with a few more trees on it! Adding Arborea to the list of water maps I guess... NiceOneEmlyn take note! Playing a naval civ on this Arborea map seems a no brainer. Since Polynesia trumps all, your map and your excellent execution will be tough to beat.
Pretty dreamy map. Settled on Gems, with Bananas in the first ring. Three unique luxes and seven sea resources in the capital*. Kiliminjaro in my second city.

*Although I realize just now that I forgot to buy one of my Fish. So clearly there's room for improvement here. :\

My science was very strong and I got to Compass at turn 74 without closing Liberty. I had a Cultural ally, Kiliminjaro, AND built the Writer's Guild (in city 2, interestingly), and still my science was too fast. Took 32 turns from Compass to victory. Sweep time seems like it should be pretty consistent for Polynesia, since you move so freely. I feel like getting that down under 30 wouldn't be too hard with practice. Experience helps a lot with estimating how big your navies need to be and how fast cities will fall.

Polynesia seems pretty OP for water maps, overall -- Get ALL the ruins! Find ALL the wonders! Meet ALL the CS! Plunder ALL the trade routes!

Speaking of trade routes, I think they're one of the most interesting things about this sort of game. Cargo ships net 200 gold apiece, and with Polynesia you really can plunder every single one on the map... But I don't think you want to do that. Trade route science is a very real bonus for the development stage, so you want to keep at least one civ friendly for trade routes.

Trade route possibilities are maybe the most important consideration in settling a second city. In this game, I settled toward Venice and was rewarded by him sending me three of his trade routes. Of course, if those routes weren't going my way there would be double trade routes to plunder instead. Enrico is a cash cow either way.

I'm interested in seeing what people turn up on Pangaea. I haven't tested it, so I don't know how much of a pain the forests are or are not.
Fantastic game Manonzee! I wil try Attila once, i have no experience with him, and after a water map. EDIT: just read this one. I must have been drunk or something. Manpanzee.
So I only see one entry for this. Hypothetically speaking, if I play and lose but post, would I get the silver medal? :crazyeye:

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Haha. I know the Deity gauntlets are usually short on entrants, bit there will be more than 1 . I am trying to get a reasonable G-minor in but the maps have been horrid. After that I will try the Huns with Pangaea.

Island settings seem ideal for this, but Manpanzee's outstanding game looks tough to beat. Best water civ pretty much, with a map I can't improve on and his excellent play makes it daunting to beat that time going with Islands. Will try with horse archers on a Pangaea to see if land troops have any hope of beating Polynesian sea forces. If not, I'll try to put a solid islands game in.
So I only see one entry for this. Hypothetically speaking, if I play and lose but post, would I get the silver medal?

There will be more than a few submissions,...I ignored the first half minor, and am concentrating on finally getting a submission for a Deity Gauntlet.

I have been trying some different things, now it is time to actually complete a game.

Y'all better submit some games. I've gotten the fastest time on a G-Major once before, ever (America/Immortal/Domination/Terra/Quick/Large), and there was only one other submission. Made for a really satisfying victory. :rolleyes:

But seriously, if anyone is dissuaded by the potential difficulty of Deity domination on Arborea, I really recommend trying out the Polynesia strategy. It's surprisingly easy. You get to play a relaxed science game for the first 80 or so turns, then romp all over your foes because the AI neither builds nor uses ships. Even if the AI has Galleasses, they are literally incapable of moving and shooting in the same turn. And you don't need to worry about terrain or Worker-baiting or whittling down unit spam in the ways that typically make Deity domination a micro-heavy struggle -- instead, you have fast units that can go in straight lines everywhere, you can bypass every non-capital city, and the AI units can't even interact with you. The level of difficulty feels closer to King than Deity.
Y'all better submit some games.

Trying to but made the mistake of thinking I'd turtle and go heavy firepower with Elizabeth's Ships of the Line. Going to be slow and might end up submitting the "silver medal strategy" I referred to in my earlier post! :D

I stole my way to first in science but am now back in sixth... Seems to happen every time I switch gears and go to war?

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Will give this a shot soon, I don't really want to do islands again so I'll play Pangaeas. Thinking about different options here, obviously there's the Huns, but I'm also considering trying a Heathen Conversion + faith-buying units game, for example Celts can get a really fast religion and good fpt with all the forests. Was thinking about giving the Inca a try as well for the movement bonus, or Shoshone for some early CBs inspired by the current GOTM, or just a good ol' Camel Archer rush.

Edit: wow, the forests do make things really annoying and slow. First impression is that T106 is out of reach on a Pangaea.
Edit: wow, the forests do make things really annoying and slow. First impression is that T106 is out of reach on a Pangaea.

Yes, I had pretty clear memories of a previous Arborea non-islands game, and I figured the Huns' horse archer might be the only early effective unit that can move fast enough to possibly compete on a Pangaea. Problem is that you still need to move slow melee units or to get to horsemen to capture cities and even horse archers can get slowed a lot by bad terrain to fire on caps from.

If Arborea didn't have the islands setting, this one would have been more interesting to try different things to be competitive.

I suppose like last month's deity challenge #1, Venice or Byzantium caan be given a go, but I think the edges for Polynesia are evn greater on this map.
Rage quit my England game. Ethiopia had only one city. I had four range promoted SOTLs and privateers but he kept a spamming privateers so I'd get the city to half, withdraw and take down the privateers then repeat.

Will try Poly now.
Islands with high sea levels?
Pump out three expos?
Trade routes for science?
Galleas rush?

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