G Minor 4

If its any consolation Murky it took me 4 full attempts to get below 1900AD :)

On the first 3 games I played out, I tried to drag the rest of the world along with me trading and gifting techs etc, but I couldnt pull it off. In the end, I gave up on relying on tech trading/gifting and decided to play a game going it alone.

I used a creative/financial civ to make a massive land grab and fast expansion easier, played about 10 maps upto ~2000BC until I had one with a few local luxeries, some well placed lakes for aiding the land grab and plently of floodplain nearby. Then I spammed the cottages so the economy could keep pace with lots of early cities and a near constant 100% tech rate (except for a period of about 15 turns or so at the end of the land grab while the economy caught up). Probably only traded for about 4 or 5 techs, and they were mostly dead-end techs I didnt need, done more to keep the other Civs friendly than anything else. I didnt have a single battle, never mind war, with anyone during the entire game.

I reckon players who excel at the tech trading thing could easily post a 1500s launch.
Murky said:
LOL. I have been where you are at now. It's apparent to me what I was doing wrong now. I'll make one more attempt tommorrow.

Best of luck. I'm also having another try....
godotnut said:

Damn. I submitted the 1820 game, but it turns out that I overwrote the correct start file, so it's invalid. Will you continue to accept submissions until the update? Can I try another one today?
No time. Sorry.
Murky said:
Can we submit games to the regular HOF using these settings? I would like to have another go at this sometime.

yah of course.. just wont count toward this 'contest' cuz it's over
Yeah Murky, what dwarrior said. All of the gauntlets use settings which are allowed for normal HOF play so you can play them anytime you want. I have played a couple past the end of the gauntlet just to have one last try and see how I can match up.
The Gauntlet is concluded!

Congratulations to those who won and submitted:
Rank Player Date Score
1 WastinTime 1725 AD 22536
2 DaveMcW 1745 AD 22604
3 Andrei_V 1845 AD 24089
4 ori 1850 AD 18803
5 fret 1860 AD 22887
6 Thalatta 1885 AD 20866
7 dwarrior 1890 AD 18235
8 Miraculix 1936 AD 13973
9 Grifftavian 1964 AD 3187
Murky said:
I submitted a 1942 win. Was it too late?
No, it just got missed somehow. The new results:

Rank Player Date Score
1 WastinTime 1725 AD 22536
2 DaveMcW 1745 AD 22604
3 Andrei_V 1820 AD 20815
4 ori 1850 AD 18803
5 fret 1860 AD 22887
6 Thalatta 1885 AD 20866
7 dwarrior 1890 AD 18235
8 Miraculix 1895 AD 17637
9 Murky 1942 AD 12190
10 Grifftavian 1964 AD 3187
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