Game Pace vs Map Size


Jun 26, 2011
Charlton MA
OK I refuse to play on any map smaller than Huge.

I also love LOTS of civs. My standard game is 13 civs and 27 CS (40 total votes for UN) and is usually played on standard pace.

I've been noticing that the early part of the game goes VERY quickly. Space gets gobbled up by the AI and I find myself rushing settlers and stuff but I still don't get my 4 cities down until around turn 100-120.

That's about the time you need to decide on a victory condition and I feel like my early game is over. No more time to explore or expand. No chance of expanding to another continent. Now its just a race to conquest or science/culture vic.

Should I increase the game pace to epic or even marathon? I have played marathon before and it is just TOO long. I don't like playing the same game for 2 weeks at an incredibly tedious pace.

What do most people do?
4 cities by turn 100-120 seems slow, even if going tall (and I take it from your question that you might prefer a wider strategy). Are you going Tradition or Liberty? What difficulty level? What are you prioritizing during those first 100 turns?
Emporer diff. I have been playing the Maya and doing 4 city tradition/liberty
First 100 turns I'm just building basic stuff. Monument, shrine, granary, maybe a barracks. Workers, settlers, workboats. 1-2 scouts.

I don't necessarily want a wider strategy but with only 4 cities you usually lack 1 or two major strategic resources. I often don't have horses or iron by turn 100 because there is none in my territory. I'd also like to be able to take more luxury resources because happiness is usually a problem for me.
Another option would be to set the sea level to 'low' which would offer more land mass - sometimes significantly more. It's fine if you're on Pangea where ocean tiles are of less consequence but it's a compromise otherwise.
I too mostly play on huge maps. I will say though 4 cities seems a little sparse. I've had the best luck basically just playing hyper aggressive on immortal. I will absolutely bum rush the closest guy especially if another civ is being aggressive against them. I also pretty much throw out worrying about national wonders until much later. Basically grab mining then archery then pump out archers while you tech for the luxuries you can spot. Trade tooth an nail to keep getting more settlers out.

Grab as much land as you can, suddenly you'll be the break away civ.
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