Gary's Poser Unit Creation Thread and Workshop

I think the skatka is just a matter of taste. I like it without.

But if you decide to do it with skatka, please don't make it civ colored. That would just look weird.
@ ShiroKobbure: I think it would be a little too small to notice. I'll probably do bands around the arms or something for Civ color.

@ Usteros & Ares: I'll see what I can do for props for a Shatka.
Skatka as a detail of historic design have some features. Skatka was used only in the Russian Army and it's a marker that unit is a only Russian soldier, not other. About first Ares' photo: skatka as a rule wasn't wearing on the Russian quilted jacket (telogreyka), only on the summer uniform. Skatka and telogreyka are historically incompatible in one figure. And uniform on the second photo is rare: it's full dress of the Victory parade 24 of June in Moscow. This dress of course can't include skatka because skatka was detail of field life. Futher, classic wearing of skatka, ordinary for 1941-1944, had become rarely to the 1945 because thanks to the fact that Red Army were more motorized, overcoats were transported in the auxiliary wagons. But to the end of war in tne Soviet soldier design have appeared waterproof cape-tent (plash-palatka):

@ Usteros & Ares: I'll see what I can do for props for a Shatka.

Your PPSh gunner have very nice prop I think. It's civ or non-civ color is matter of Your taste.

@ ShiroKobbure: I think it would be a little too small to notice. I'll probably do bands around the arms or something for Civ color.
I can't speak for Shirou, but I know I'm entirely tired of seeing people put armbands on units that never had them. Maybe a full collar of civ color, or exaggerated versions of the epaulettes which are visible in the linked image, would be more acceptable.
Forget the civ colouring completly.
What's the point of it whan you make only flavour units?

If we have German, Frenc, British, Japanese, American, etc riflemen there is no need to use civ coloured parts.

It will greatly help with the "realism" of the units, will not really hinder gameplay, and will save you some headaches trying to find what to civ colour.

And you want have silly pink armband of flashy blue belts.

I really think civ colours often spoil good units a lot more than they are useful.
Forget the civ colouring completly.
What's the point of it whan you make only flavour units?
Because some of us use such units in mods where several civs share units. A perfect example would be the Indian gunpowder units someone may be currently working on. A scenario involving different civs in the India of the period would have similarly uniformed sepoys for the British & the french, as well as in mercenary forces employed by several of the Indian kingdoms. More examples are several of the more unique WWI units made recently that could be used as late era units in a steampunk scenario or both WWI & WWII units that could be used in the Turtledove AH. So at least providing a second version with civ color in an appropriate spot would be nice.
Forget the civ colouring completly.
What's the point of it whan you make only flavour units?

If we have German, Frenc, British, Japanese, American, etc riflemen there is no need to use civ coloured parts.

It will greatly help with the "realism" of the units, will not really hinder gameplay, and will save you some headaches trying to find what to civ colour.

And you want have silly pink armband of flashy blue belts.

I really think civ colours often spoil good units a lot more than they are useful.

I completely second that !
some of you might remember I expessed the same concept when requesting Viet Cong / North Vietnam infantry (very well done by Gary time ago). The same idea triggered removing civ colors for most of land units in El Justo Vietnam War scenario.
Because some of us use such units in mods where several civs share units. A perfect example would be the Indian gunpowder units someone may be currently working on. A scenario involving different civs in the India of the period would have similarly uniformed sepoys for the British & the french, as well as in mercenary forces employed by several of the Indian kingdoms.
Simple, ask two versions of the Sepoy, one with "French" uniform, the other with "British"
Civ colored versions are nice to have for mercenaries or spies (think Operation Greif).
Pre-camo era, so many nationalities used red (and more than a few dark blue) that I think it might be frankly annoying trying to separate, say, French and Prussian Napoleonic soldiers at Civ scale at 3AM.

I don't think Civ colored collars or shoulder decals are going to show up very well in game. They're just too small. Having a pixel of Civ color like a little dot on the figure is just going to look stupid. I can certainly go without Civ color. I'd rather go with Civ color, however. If someone is doing a mod with 30 different Civs in it, then having Civ color helps with easy recognition of which Civ a unit belongs to, even when all the units are Civ specific. Personally I like arm bands. To me it's kind of a generic, universal, standard way to differentiate troops, like a color swath used in military maneuvers.
... I can certainly go without Civ color. I'd rather go with Civ color, however. If someone is doing a mod with 30 different Civs in it, then having Civ color helps with easy recognition of which Civ a unit belongs to, even when all the units are Civ specific. Personally I like arm bands. To me it's kind of a generic, universal, standard way to differentiate troops, like a color swath used in military maneuvers.

Decision is up to you, of course, I will be personally glad to accept any decision you'll make for your (excellent) incoming units.
Nevertheless, shall I express a personal opinion... well if you decide to go for civ colored units I would rather prefer arm bands instead of clored backpacks, belts or straps. Any (otherwise) nice and detailed unit with... a pink rucksack won't look very well IMO
I agree that if you really want to use civ color, and don't have an obvious way to do it (like the cuff or collar for Napoleonic units), then it is better (or rather less worse) to have a discreet armband, rather than strange looking belt, backpack, strapsd, etc.
Because some of us use such units in mods where several civs share units. A perfect example would be the Indian gunpowder units someone may be currently working on. A scenario involving different civs in the India of the period would have similarly uniformed sepoys for the British & the french, as well as in mercenary forces employed by several of the Indian kingdoms. More examples are several of the more unique WWI units made recently that could be used as late era units in a steampunk scenario or both WWI & WWII units that could be used in the Turtledove AH. So at least providing a second version with civ color in an appropriate spot would be nice.
Simple, ask two versions of the Sepoy, one with "French" uniform, the other with "British"
That argument just doesn't work. "Uniforms" in that time & place varied by ethnicity & martial tradition, not by government. The same applies to
samurai. Or condottieri for that matter. You've also chosen to ignore (or perhaps concede?) the point that many of us would use a unit with civ color but the same unit would not be suitable without.

I understand the need of civcolour for a generic unit, and when there is not many available.

I don't really see the point when we have plenty of flavour units available.

Especially if the civ colours doesn't look natural or can spoil the unit, or forc eyou to use a colour for your civilization. For instance, if you use the coat for civ colour in a Napoleonic unit, then you need to make France blue, Britain Red, Russia green.

Now, if you want to make a 1700-1820 scenario, and the musketeer also has a civ coloured coat, you'll need to make France civ colour grey or white... And you have one civ with two different colour...
Perhaps a minor point but thought it should be brought up specifically for Gary's units, you still can turn on the civ color disks in the editor...
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