Gasp to Bride: You’re a fat joke. We don't want your custom. Thanks for complaining

Also for a lot of people its just not the weight. Even if you remove every little bit of fat if you still have a large bone structure (as I do) it can be hard to find clothes that fit.
You're insane. Fatter than she should be?

Perhaps he's not too familiar with bodies? She's curvy and has wide hips, but "fat" is not an adjective I'd use there.
I honestly think using clothes sizes for any kind of measuring (including clothes) to be completely useless.

But from what I can tell from her pictures:

She's fatter than she should be, but it's not too bad. I'd say she's very chubby, or somewhat fat, but not too fat (yet). Her size could certainly limit her shopping possibilities at some stores I suspect however, but I really don't know much about women's fashion.
You. Call. That. Fat? :dubious:

You kids today. :shake:

That. Is. NOT. Fat. :mad:
She's very husky... just saying she's big. While I don't condone the actions of the store, it stands to reason that she should have gone somewhere else for her clothing requirements. Shes chubby and very borderline from being called out right fat.
I think some of you guys might be chubby chasers. She's pretty fat in the face.

That is not what we would call a chubby chaser. Normally they are much larger than that. I do think she could lose some kilos but she is not that unattractive.
Yes, she probably could lose a couple of pounds, but she's only fat my modelling standards. Models are borderline anorexic when it comes to size anyway.
So only skinny women are entitled to buy wedding-related dresses? :huh:

I read some of the linked articles - at one point the clerk actually barged right into the dressing room and kept pressuring her to buy the dress. How is that not illegal?! I know that if anything remotely like that happened to me, I'd be yelling for the manager, and I wouldn't give a damn how many other customers were there.
Anyone willing to blow their money on high-end fashion probably deserves to be ridiculed in the first place! Would anyone really be able to tell the difference between a $500 dress and a $5,000 one? Of course, it's their right to piss away their money, but it isn't their right to be not offended when the snarky shop owner makes a crack about a client's weight.
^ Your last sentence doesn't quite make sense... :confused:
Nothing wrong with ridiculing fat people trying to look hot by buying expensive clothes (and she clearly is fat).
She is not fat. And not only when considering American Standards, in fact what I consider wrong with them is that by them you are either seem to be extremely thin or you are considered fat. That's probably why you get so many extremes. After all if you get called fat when looking like this woman, what does it matter if you add another 100 pounds?

And Riffraff is a jerk. Nothing wrong with naming who is talking spiteful nonsense a jerk, is there?
lol why so angry? No offensive, but she looks fat to me. Not that that's a bad thing, but I find it kinda weird that people don't see how she's chubby.

Because the standard of beauty that people are comparing her to is unhealthy.
Because the standard of beauty that people are comparing her to is unhealthy.

Forgive me, but I don't see how it's unhealthy to see a thin, in-shape woman as the ideal woman. Surely it's healthy for a woman to be thin than to be fat (to a point, of course I'm not talking about anorexia). Like I said, it's not as if being fat is unattractive, I'm sure some men like their women to have thicker curves. I just think that when compared to the average, in-shape woman this lady we're talking about looks fat. I just find it annoying when labels are attached to certain words that have nothing to do with the original meaning, and then people think of a word's labels more than the meaning when they think of the word. Fat doesn't necessarily mean unattractive, it just means having a large amount of excess flesh.
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