GDC 2012 - Gods And Kings Summary


Say No 2 Net Validations
Oct 22, 2008

This week the Game Developers Conference took place in San Francisco, and on this occasion lots of new info was revealed.

We got 7 new screenshots from various magazines (e.g. GameInformer), which show some obvious new things like Dido, leader of Carthage, the artwork of Castle Neuschwanstein and the Leaning Tower of Pisa.
The other screenshots, besides the artwork for Boudica, lead to some different detective work in the forum:
Do we see here a possible indicator for Impi units of the Zulu, or are these rather Mayan units?
Will we get a marine unit and a police station screenshot)? Or is it maybe a supermarket or a gas station? Or something completely else?
Will the Netherlands get tulip fields as special improvement?

But also the information revealed in the articles lead to some controversy: Which language will the huns speak (click for discussion)?
And is it really Attila which is shown on the box art in this interview with Ed Beach? And should they maybe be implemented in a totally different way from the rest of the civs?
Or what about that there will be "also more flexibility in stacking units"?

But there's also uncontroversial but new material in the articles, like that you can't found all religions in a single game, that the English will get their Unique Ability changed, they'll get an additional spy, that ships will be able to send out ground troops to pillage coastal tiles, and that some spy options might be turned of for multiplayer.
In case somebody is interested in all the facts, we have a list of all articles below (and they are all worth reading), and the forum is sure still eager to discuss any detail.
-> We wish happy reading and discussing :).



  • boudicca.jpg
    29.5 KB · Views: 195,412
That guy looks like the dude from Escape from New York,...hahaha....if your not in the air in 30 seconds, he dies!
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