German ethnic group in Phoenatica

Make suggestions to the gov., and gets a larger income for the rpg.
The time of glory approaches, and it would seem Friedenburg is going to win... We just have to finish the poll and start a new one. Bruder Shaitan has brought to my attention that we need to poll the general public on the exact change (Salamanca- whatever we decide.) I'll work on that as soon as this poll is complete.
Meine Brüder, müssen wir jetzt anschlagen! We have the ability to become German for the next game. We can do it! We currently have three votes. We CAN win.
*starts singing*
"Deutschland, Deutschland, uber alles. Uber alles in der Welt."
That song is SO offensive.
We need a new national anthem.
Stupid.... people from the fourties.
OK, people, if you haven't done so, go and vote in the rename poll when it comes back on line. We need to reach quorum. Also, lets vote Deutscheland for the next demogame. We're running out of time fast! Over everything in the world....
Just when I think of something that *SHOULDN'T* be said... I scroll up and see Stuck_As_A_Mac's post....
OK, der Tag des Sieges is approaching quickly. We're winning in the shortened poll. Stuck, I've been absent several days and need an status report on the city naming ASAP. If we can get the next DemoGame to be played as Germany, it will be the ultimate victory. Deutscheland hagel!
Seems like this thread got completely rotten and stuck. Why are you german guys so likely to start apologizing and self accusing?

It started to be quite interesting ... Anyway I am from Pilsen but now living mostly in Prague. Or should I say Ich bin aus Pilsen. And let me say .. Jeder kennt Pilzner Uquel, nicht wahr? :D

BTW, have you (and this is meant not only for german but for all guys nourished by the true european beer) tasted an american beer? Wie schmeckt es Ihnen?
The big name beers in America are truly awful. Fortunately, you can actually get good beer almost anywhere these days. An explosion of consumers demanding good beer in the mid to late 90's sparked widespread distribution of some excellent microbrews. Most good sized cities now boast their own microbreweries. You can get good beer here, you just need to avoid the AnheiserCoorsMiller stuff.
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