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Germany by Dumanios


Oct 24, 2008
Now I make the German Empire with a unique unit artstyle. This was based off of StrategyOnly's Germany.

Most of the units.

Spoiler :
Row 1: Scout, Explorer, Warrior, Maceman, Pikeman, Musketman
Row 2: Rifleman, Grenadier, Infantry, SAM Infantry, Marine, Paratrooper
Row 3: Mech Infantry, Longbowman, Crossbowman, Chariot, Knight, Cuirassier
Row 4: Cavalry, War Elephant, Panzer, Modern Armour, Gunship, Cannon
Row 5: MG, Artillery, Mobile Artillery, Caravel, Galleon, Frigate
Row 6: SotL, Ironclad, Transport, Destroyer, Battleship, Submarine
Row 7: Carrier, Airship, Fighter, Jet Fighter, Bomber, Stealth Bomber

Progression of Settlers, Workers, Swordsman, Axemen, Spearmen, Horsemen. Archers, and the Great General

Eat Bratwurst here!

Spoiler :
Swordsman, Axeman, Archer, Chariot, Horse Archer: Ambrox62

Grenadier, Cannon: charlie88's Bavarians

Infantry, Marine: Coffee Junkie's WW2 Germans

Medieval-after Spearman, War Elephant, Transport: Ethnicae

Carrier: Walter Hawkwood's Carrier conversions
Version 2 released

Axeman bug should be fixed.
Updated Spearman and War Elephant graphics.
Added German Transport graphics.
Changed Artdefines name of Destroyer as not to conflict with Next War.
Changed Knight animations from Knight to Cataphract.
I don't really like the graphics you replaced the destroyer with, it does not look like the Z class at all. How can I unmod this unit? Deleting just the graphics folder leaves a one big red ball in the game?

I kind of a noob in this :)
If you want to remove the Destroyer, find it in the art-defines and simply delete it from there. You could also make it an Ironclad replacement. Meanwhile, I'll look for a more Destroyer-era unit to use for the destroyer.
btw. Is there anything specific I should remember when stacking the new civs into a quasi personal expansion pack mod?
Not really, there shouldn't be any problems.

Anyway, an update that'll include a Z-Class as well as more Medieval versions of ancient units will be up as soon as I'm back at my computer.
Version 3 Released

Added Z-Class Destroyer as a Destroyer
Moved Dreadnought art to the Ironclad.
Changed Medieval Infantry animations to Vulture from swordsman.
Added Medieval Swordsman, Axeman, Archer, and Horseman graphics.
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