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Germany, the walking empire

The Mass Leader

The One and Only
Mar 11, 2003
Rio Grande do Sul state, Brazil
Once I was playing with the Germans in earth large map. Well, not only I declared war on the english because the Russians asked me to, but I refused to pay the zulus (englishmen´s allies) any kind of tribute. I was smashed and lost half the country. Then the Russians entered my lands and started to fight the english. Everybody was in the Cavalry-Riflemen age. Well, it was a very confuse game. The enemies were near Berlin and I still refused to pay anything or negotiate peace. English armies invaded germany from the north while I was clearly crushing the zulus in the south. Every city I lost in the north border, I compensated with the conquest of another zulu city in the south. Germany started to literally walk to the south. When I entered middle east (the zulus had a giant empire), the Russians were able to enter my lands and fight off the english. It gave me time to kill the zulus and build a large army. In the end, the british conquered the entire european germany, while I builded a new empire in the south - the zulus were eradicated.

It was very weird. I had a hard time invading Africa while my armies just disappeared when the english took my cities.

Well, I left the russians and english beating each other for a while. Then I attacked in the british islands with a lot of transports filled up with cavalrys. It was a massacre. I´ve lost tons of units just to take 2 cities. The Russians, however, were able to attack by the east and take parts of my former territory in Europe. England was then surrounded by enemy cities, and lost the islands, Italy and the eastern europe. I created the firts armors in the game, and everything became easier.

The Russians signed peace with the english everytime they took a city. It was annoying. I had to call them back to war every 5 turns!!!!

In the end, Russian-German borders were located in real-world France. It was 1991, and then I could dedicate my resourcesto science. The game ended in 2040 - the game ended because the time limit was 2040.

But the funny stuuf about this is that, after the adventure of making Germany run south to escape English invaders, I was never able to retake Germany again. Berlin ended up in the hands of the Russians. For a long time, the english were the owners of former Germany and I was the owner of former Britain. The only ones who remained with their original cities were the Russians.

(Before anyone asks: Yes, the Zulus were really weak and were under a big social crise, with riots of disorders spreading everywhere, so it was easy to defeat them, while I was being defeated by the English).
that sounds like a REALLY wierd game! I presume everyone started on their standard positions. Were you allies with the Russians, or just letting them walk all through your territory? Did you try to finish the game? Was there anyone in the America's? If you ended up focusing on science, did you end up winning with the spaceship? (Wow, I do have a lot of questions)
Interestingly, history offers an example of this sort of 'walking empire.' In the middle ages, the European Christians spread their faith into Northern Europe mainly by force. At about the same time, the Muslims were conquering the southern shores of the Mediterranian and even up into Spain. Spain eventually returned to the Christian fold, but North Africa remains Muslim territory today. If you accept Christianity as a 'nation' it effectively walked to the North.
Something sorta similar (yet different in a way) is happening to one of my opponents in one of my games :D I'm currently the English on the large world map. Early in the game I wiped out the nearby Vikings, then ran up against the Russians. While I was conquering them and settling Northwest Africa I found the Chinese--right after they had wiped out the French in South Africa and taken Paris (near modern-day Pretoria) as their own. Russians got wiped out, I got into a war with China after barbarians sacked one of my African colonies and they took advantage of this to take it as their own, and now I've pretty much wiped out all of their Asian possessions and "trapped" them in Africa.

Incidentally, the early game was pretty hectic. One of the green civs (can't remember which) got wiped out and respawned as the Japanese (in Argentina; they also have a former Sioux city in South Africa), the Mongols got wiped out and respawned as the Sioux (in Australia), and the Vikings resurrected somewhere in western Canada after the demise of the French--right in the path of the Aztecs. After the two waged a short war, the Aztecs reduced the Vikings to one city and made peace. The Romans popped up in Siberia after the Russians fell, but they only have two cities and aren't a real threat to anyone.
Welll, I will try to answer the questions of some of you.

First, yes, there were civilizations in America: The Americans

Second, Yes, this is a weird game.

Third, no, I did not finished this game. After my empire moved south, I spent a lot of money in technology. Then, I builded the first nuclear arsenal, and everybody wanted to sign peace with me.

The game went boring and I started to build my spaceship. The only nation with enough technology to compete in the space race were the bankrupt Russians. I realized that I was about to win the space race. Then I stopped playing, because the outcome was pretty obvious. It was already 2040. The game would end. Either I would win because of the end of game lenght, or because of my spaceship.

Before I forget to say: I play for the fun, not only to see the victory cinematics (which I have seen a thousand times...).

Sometimes I just stop expanding my empire when I feel I am going to have a too-easy game.
I once started my Empire in Europe, and moved to Asia Minor, Africa, South America, and then Norht America because fo this "Walking" civilizaion phenomenon. It worked in my favor however, as I built many Wonders but by the time they were captured were ussually unusable. I had a city with Great Pyramids in Ireland, which I kept until near the end of the game. For centuries the Russians, Mongols, and French had battered this city, and despite it's excellent defenses, it eventually fell. Shame too as it was 3rd on the cities list(easily fell off it after being captured though)/
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