Getting rid of Barbarians


Mar 6, 2003
New Haven, CT
I am trying create a mod with goody huts but no barbarians. I went into the scenario properties and set the map options to no barbarians. But I f I play on any level above emperor, they still show up. If I try to delete them as a civilization, the editor crashes. Any thoughts on how to get rid of them?
Wait. Clairify something here, you want them not to pop from Goody Huts? Don't have any units buildable by barbarians.
It's a bug in Conquests 1.22, I never seen the problem before then. You can do as Goldflash suggests and give them no units whatsover. You still get barbarian camps popping up but they're harmless and they yield gold (25GP)! A few changes to the script file and or the barbarian hut graphics and you've got a new feature for your scenario.
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