Getting Started

Sorry i was wrogn about the hospital, the bonus is on the total food production and not on the surplus! :crazyeye:

For the problem of too much gold, i think that it could be usefull to raise the maintence cost of building or erase some gold bonus form building (like gold bonus on horses of the circus). In my games i never make any improvements thinking about gold and i had still much gold per turn

I also noticed that with the incresed production sometimes my cities has nothing to build, time to introduced new building?
Version 60 either has a problem on its own or with other mods.

When setting up an advanced game, the story of the leader and country that you have selected no longer appears while the game is loading. The screen is just black with the country name at the top and a single sentence explaining the bonuses of that nation, and that's that.

The list of units and buildings to choose from no longer appears when clicking the "Choose Production" button etc.

Additional problems/issues/bugs/compatiblity issues/whatever you wanna call them might be in there, i haven't checked yet since these bugs already makes it unplayable.

Running Civ 1.0.217 (or whatever the currently latest version is called), Beyond the future v1, City state diplomacy v2.9.2, InfoAddict v10 and Mod list v4.

You might think it's a compatibility problem, but i had no issues at all while using v57 of this mod with the stated versions of the other mods above. Seems a bit odd that the small change from v57 to v60 would create these issues!
I don't think that mod was ever integrated with TBC, so whether it worked or not may have just been coincidence.

Sure, but what I'm trying to do is to ask for help finding the problem as I very much like both mods.

I would also like to add that I have no part in Cultural Capital Mod. I'm just a long time player who likes to play the game - and especially with Civ V that seems to require a fair amount of mods for me.

I'm also experiencing a big issue in version 6. I can't choose anything to build in my first city. Therefore, I remain on turn one. Too bad I erased 5.7 which was working fine for me.:(
To be more specific. The choose production button on the bottom right of the screen as well as the choose production button within the city screen are unresponsive. Suppose I'll take a nap and catch some NCAA tournament action until Thal or someone else is able to solve this problem. Thanks for the help! :D
To be more specific. The choose production button on the bottom right of the screen as well as the choose production button within the city screen are unresponsive. Suppose I'll take a nap and catch some NCAA tournament action until Thal or someone else is able to solve this problem. Thanks for the help! :D

Do you have any other mods insalled? This is a known issue with mods using the ingame.xml file. Haven't tried v 6 myself though.

i disabled the other mods and tried again but still no success. I'll try deleting all the mods, clear the cache and redownload v 6.
Ah, I know Thal said he was taking a break from modding but he has quietly updated to 6.1. Gonna go test it out. I'm sure it must work since the update specifically stated a fix to a critical error in the building pop-up.
Actually I just tried with only v6 enabled and get the same result. I can open the city view but not the list of available items to build.

Thal, good to see you making some changes based on recent feedback.

I haven't d/ed 6.1 yet, wanted to see if bug reports kept coming in for it.

I wanted to check a few changes:

1) I see that seaports provide +15 sea unit XP. Do they still provide +1 gold per tile?
2) Coasts -1 gold/+1 food. While I mentioned that sea tiles gave too much gold in the late game I think this is even worse. Food is generally worth more than gold imo.
2:c5food:1:c5gold: unimproved river grassland
2:c5food:1:c5gold: unimproved coast

3:c5food:1:c5gold: farmed river grassland
3:c5food:1:c5gold: lighthouse coast

4:c5food:1:c5gold: upgraded farm river grassland
3:c5food:2:c5gold: lighthouse seaport coast
2:c5food:3:c5gold: upgraded village river grassland

I rebalanced gold in v5.0 so it's about equal in value to food and production, by shifting a number of income and expense factors for economies. The value of food is also capped by happiness. :)
I wondering if anyone can clear up my confusion on the Incan special improvement (forgot what they're called) that they can build on hills. The tool tip says this improvement adds 1 food to the hill and the squares around it, correct? I'm not seeing this reflected in the game. As it is, the effect on the hill itself is not any different than normal irrigation.
I wondering if anyone can clear up my confusion on the Incan special improvement (forgot what they're called) that they can build on hills. The tool tip says this improvement adds 1 food to the hill and the squares around it, correct? I'm not seeing this reflected in the game. As it is, the effect on the hill itself is not any different than normal irrigation.

It's not worth much if it's adjacent to only one mountain. It multiplies with more adjacent.
Hi Thal

Just thought I'd share a new, very interesting and enormously weird find of the incompatibility between your mod and Cultural Capital Mod. It's also posted here:

Copied from the above mentioned thread:


I just found an interesting thing about the incompatibility between Thals mods and Cultural Capital Mod (CCM).

Just to summarize:
  • CCM and Civ V Unofficial Patch and Thals Balance (v 5) (version 5.4) seemed to work fine together
  • Upgrading to Unofficial Patch and Thals Balance (v 56) made the mods incompatible (notice the name change in thals mod)

I searched a lot and finally found a solution - not that I understand WHY it works...

  • I delete all files from the Civ V Unofficial Patch and Thals Balance (v 5) folder save the modinfo file
  • I take the files from the newest version of thals mod Unofficial Patch and Thals Balance (v 61) (again not the modinfo file) and copy them to the other directory
  • I make a small change to the modinfo file one XML file changed slightly)
  • Basically I now have the old modinfo file with the old mod name but with updated XML, lua, ... files.

THERE - I can use the mods together. :confused:

Civ V modding is weird sometimes... :rolleyes:


\Quote end

Weird problem but I guess I now have a workaround.

I love the new change of swapping a gold for food on coast. I was dubious at first, but it seems much more natural that coastal cities end up being the largest in your empire. The only thing I'd suggest changing is to possibly cap things a bit by removing the one base food from ocean tiles. This would ultimately have zero change in the beginning of the game when coastal cities are still growing, but would limit their total size a bit by the end of the game, and even further emphasize proper coastal city placement along a bay or peninsula. From a balance standpoint, if coast is balanced against river grassland, then ocean should be balanced more against something like tundra or snow.

I also still feel like the seaport has too great of a benefit. I'd much prefer to see it return to only being buildable if there's a marine resource, and replacing the +1G on ever water tile with +2G on marine resources (in addition to the +2P it already provides), possibly reducing the price as well. That would mean it can still provide a really nice bonus in cities with 2-3 marine resources, but isn't anymore something you just want to spam in every coastal city you've got.
I also still feel like the seaport has too great of a benefit. I'd much prefer to see it return to only being buildable if there's a marine resource, and replacing the +1G on ever water tile with +2G on marine resources (in addition to the +2P it already provides), possibly reducing the price as well. That would mean it can still provide a really nice bonus in cities with 2-3 marine resources, but isn't anymore something you just want to spam in every coastal city you've got.

This makes sense, but you have to factor in that the Harbor has been nerfed at the same time.
It is now, but it wasn't recently. Thal may have adjusted them in tandem.

Well in older versions of the balance mod, it had the +1G effect that is now moved to the seaport, right? That was a step in the right direction, but I feel the effect itself is still overpowered even when moved there. Even before building the seaport, and even after the recent removal of the 1G coastal buff, my coastal cities are still my top gold producers. This is not a problem, but I feel like it's already pretty balanced before the seaport, but after building it they just seem insane.

I'd even rather see +1G per marine resource from harbor, then another +2G from seaport. That would give a possible reason to build harbors again as well. The ultimate effect would be that a city with three marine resources would get +9 gold bonus total from harbor & seaport, which would be pretty much on par with the current seaport bonus, and the rare 4-5 bonus cities would work out even better. Cities with just plain fishless coast would however would be more mediocre financial centers, which is as I think it should be.
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