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give me a self-playing mod please


Aug 15, 2002
Columbus, OH
Is there a mod that would make CIV play itself? We could just sit and watch... The potential for running different tests would be limited only by imagination.
Is there a mod that would make CIV play itself? We could just sit and watch... The potential for running different tests would be limited only by imagination.

I fail to see what the point would be.

The ability of human players generally wouldn't improve if they emulated what they saw the AI do.
Rather than watch the game play itself, watch any of the many excellent LPs that are out there. You can observe human strategies and tactics and benefit from the (usually) thoughtful commentary.
First, go to your config.ini. If you don't know where that is, try documents->my games->civ 5. Open it up in notepad, and change the line, "EnableTuner = 0", "EnableTuner = 1". Then, download the SDK from steam, locate the folder it installed to, open the folder called FireTuner, open the .exe, and when you start a game it will fill with tabs that give you different controls. Under the tab, "Game" (I think), it should give the option to autoplay. In the tab, "Map", there is an option to reveal the map. Very helpful.
Rather than watch the game play itself, watch any of the many excellent LPs that are out there. You can observe human strategies and tactics and benefit from the (usually) thoughtful commentary.

actually I think it would be interesting seeing how a computer would play...
I think it would be interesting to watch a game. It would probably get boring after a while, but would be interesting to watch at first.
I find it interesting as well. Even playing a team game with AI is enlightening. So many ruins...
I would like to be able to do something like this to test the civs I've created against each other, to see which ones tend to do better than the others, so I can tweak things accordingly.

I don't know that I would want to sit through an entire game just watching, but I'd like to see the end results, like each civ's final score and a breakdown of the demographics at the end.
This is a great idea and would be very, very useful.

It would give some introducing insights on how the AI works.

Watching someone else's YouTube playthrough is also interesting but isn't quite the same, since you don't have access to what the AI's are doing on the other side of the world.

When I finish a game, I always enjoy going through the Messages log, because it shows you what was going on with all the AI's before you met them.
First, go to your config.ini. If you don't know where that is, try documents->my games->civ 5. Open it up in notepad, and change the line, "EnableTuner = 0", "EnableTuner = 1". Then, download the SDK from steam, locate the folder it installed to, open the folder called FireTuner, open the .exe, and when you start a game it will fill with tabs that give you different controls. Under the tab, "Game" (I think), it should give the option to autoplay. In the tab, "Map", there is an option to reveal the map. Very helpful.

Thanks. Did you test it, any comments?
Well do you see the thing that says SINGLE PLAYER click that and not multiplayer.
Well do you see the thing that says SINGLE PLAYER click that and not multiplayer.

He's asking for a MOD so he can just watch an all AI game and not be a part of it. I'm pretty sure he knows how to start a single player game...
I fail to see what the point would be.

The ability of human players generally wouldn't improve if they emulated what they saw the AI do.

Improving one's playing abillity is not the only (or probably even the usual) purpose of watching AIs play.
actually I think it would be interesting seeing how a computer would play...

I've watched it play many a time, after turning off the fog of war and observing what they do with/to each other, when the lights are turned on. It's horrifying. Like watching a ******ed chimp try to play chess. The only way they ever win anything, is by sheer mass of numbers and out-teching their opponent. Intelligence of tactics or strategy is entirely missing. I can only take watching the trainwreck for so long before I have to turn the fog back on. Some things are definitely best left unseen.
I particularly like watching a game with civ-randomizer. Who doesn't like seeing Montezuma marry a city state then transfer his b17 mass there?

I also like to hold tournaments to see which Ai is best. Dido is bad.
I bet that the civ developers have something like a self playing mod. I'm sure they do human testing, but it would be too slow and time consuming for humans to test everything.

I'm sure that they run thousands of simulations to make sure everything is balanced correctly. The simulations probably aren't pretty or anything, the computer probably does everything is the background with no visual effects or anything, and then they can look at the results at the and and see what happened. It might only take a computer a few minutes to simulate a game from start to finish.

They must have the capability to do this. For example, they might run 1000 simulations where infantry has a strength of 75, but after looking at the results, they feel infantry is overpowered. So then they do the same thing all over again but change the strength to 65. Then if they feel it's underpowered then they bump it up to 70, and keep running simulations until they get results they are happy with.
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