Gladys of the Coritani : era-specific update

Rob (R8XFT)

Ancient Briton
Retired Moderator
Aug 11, 2002
Leeds (UK)

This is the all-new look for Gladys of the Coritani. Do you like her :D ? I've made a real effort in each era to make her look her best for that epoch. Whilst I realise that her hair gets blonder in the Medieval era and blonder still in the Industrial era, it's what I was looking for in terms of the style. I'm claiming artistic license on that!!

Please tell me what you think; I've come away from the head and shoulders look to the more revealing shot of the upper body. Incidentally, Gladys posed in each era for the shot above, so they're not taken from the .flcs!! It's a marketing ploy ;) .

One question (for Flamand) is this: would she be allowed in the leaderhead competition? Whilst Gladys has been around before, I've completely re-posed and re-styled her.
No offence, but why does all female leaderheads have to show their big breasts off these days? I can't remember if I ever seen flat-chested female leaderhead.
R8XFT said:
Does anyone else want me to make her flat-chested?
Probably not, since most posters around here are teenage boys:p

All I'm saying is that far from all woman have big breasts, so it annoys my historical-accuracy gene.
I think I'd agree with Yoda Power, at least to some extent. Maybe it's just me, but it seems to me that her breasts are unrealistically low rather than too large. I don't know if this is an unchangeable characteristic of the figure or if I'm just wrong, or if simply reducing the bust size is all that's needed. But I can't help feeling that there's something not quite right about her body shape - it may be something completely different.

Otherwise, I think the costumes and locations look great. The industrial era is especially lovely.
On the frame.
I think I prefer this wider frame. It is intersting. It gives you more of an image to look at. It is not overly distracting in game.

On her boobs.
I agree that they are very low, uncommonly so. But not impossbily low. But are rather a-typical. They are also considerably larger than normal. They are nearly comic book large. That said, I don't care about their size one way or another. I do wish their position was more in line with normal. If I were to decide to resize them or not, I would go slightly smaller. But it is alot of work, and except for the modern image they aren't really that out of place looking. You don't need to be an F-Cup to be attractive.

Other comments
But that is not what jumped out at me. What I saw first was her hair color was all blonde, but the shade varied quite alot. Could you use the coloration from the modern era through out? Also the modern image is perhaps not the best. It does not look like a leader, but a cocktail waitress at some primitive-styled night club. The leopard print, the style of the necklass. That image says, hey she's cute... and look at that figure. But, it does not say leader. I think attire more like what Thatcher wore would work better.
R8XFT said:
One question (for Flamand) is this: would she be allowed in the leaderhead competition? Whilst Gladys has been around before, I've completely re-posed and re-styled her.
Who could say no to that? ;) I do however agree on the breast size and position. Her head seems so small in comparison...
aaglo said:
about the breast size: I think they are a bit too large only in the leopard top (big and saggy)...

Nah... It's just because of these padded bras young girls are wearing these days.. :mischief:

On a side note, I just love the Industrial era one. Very original!! It's just perfect for a scenario taking place in the first half of the 20th century, around the 30s.
Actually if the head could be bigger, I think proportions would be better.
I like a lot her look in the Ancient Age, and I think nothing should change in this era ( :love: ).

In the industrial era her breasts are extremely low, and in the leopard costumes they are too big. Apart from that, it's perfect in my opinion. And I like this new style of yours. It adds a lot of variation to the original style, and if they change body position when changing attitude, it is even better.
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