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Goody huts


Sep 2, 2004
Minneapolis, MN
Ok, with exp civs, it's pretty easy. Only build scouts and goody huts are golden. However, with non-exp civs (which I play most often), goody huts seem to be a VERY risky gamble since I usually scout with 2 warriors.

I'm wondering if scouting should be done by workers. It definately slows down initial expansion and they are dead meat if they happen across a barb (who will be attracted to them by their 0 defense). But, you never have to cringe when they pop that hut.

Has anyone tried this?
punkbass2000 said:
No, never scout with workers. They're too useful, especially at the beginning of the game. This is when each worker move is critical. Even if you don't lose the worker to barbs, it's not worth the time lost.

Yeah, it didn't seem like a very good idea to me either, but I figured I'd ask.
It's not a concept without merit, however. At 4000BC it is often worth moving your worker somewhere sub-optimal if it looks like there's a good chance of a better start location and is better than using your settler for the same maneuver. PErsonnally, I would generally do this once, though. Also, if there's a hut two tiles away from your start along a compass direction (ie. 2 tiles directly North, where it won't fall under your cultural borders after the first expansion) and you're starting on your starting tile it can be worthwhile to grab that hut. There's no chance of barbs when you have no military units, so its lik being expansionist for one hut. This is especially useful on higher level where huts tend to always be barbs. In a PBEM I started a month ago I employed this strategy and ended up with Myst. on turn three, allowing me to research Poly. at a 50 turn pace with reasonable assurance of being able to get to it first and have great trade advantages while still raking in the cash.
punkbass2000 is correct; as long as you have no military units you will not pop barb's. But if you have even 1 warrior just chillin' at home(or wherever), your 0 att/def units run a risk of death at the hands of barb's.
Mr. Hyperbole said:
punkbass2000 is correct; as long as you have no military units you will not pop barb's. But if you have even 1 warrior just chillin' at home(or wherever), your 0 att/def units run a risk of death at the hands of barb's.
Keep in mind, though, that the AI can pop a goodie hut and unleash barbarians, even though you have no military units. If the AI doesn't kill all of them, they will start roaming and may find your undefended towns.

For me, I have had such bad luck with goody huts that I don't pop them anymore. One thing I have noticed is that a hut that gets poped by a border expansion never contains barbarians. Is this just good fortune on my part or the way the game works? I have no idea, but I find it hard to believe that I have any good fortune where a goody hut is concerned.

As for exploration with a worker, only on the first turn to see if the settler should move. If there is a hill or mountain 1 tile away, you can usually get a good view by moving that worker. After that first turn, that dude is put to some back-breaking work!
I use workers to pop goodie huts, and just keep no military at all for the opening stages of the game :)

Sounds a bit risky, but the chances of you needing troops at the begining are near to nil. Particually as you get loadsa nice stuff in goodie huts, when you can trade away any potential invaders.

After an enemy has managed to find one of your cities though, build warriors quick or they may take advantage of the situation:(
If you want to emulate Charis and Sirian and play FRFR, scouting with your worker is a good option.
QuinEd said:
For me, I have had such bad luck with goody huts that I don't pop them anymore. One thing I have noticed is that a hut that gets poped by a border expansion never contains barbarians. Is this just good fortune on my part or the way the game works? I have no idea, but I find it hard to believe that I have any good fortune where a goody hut is concerned.

I have been raped by turn 10 expansion triggering goody hut barbarians many times. So often that if I see a goody hut within my initial 21 I pretty much have to send my worker over there before the first warrior is produced. Note that your first build needs to be warrior/curraugh in order to quickly establish contacts.

Aside from this though it is not worth it to scout with your worker, use warriors. On lower levels popping huts is in general a good idea. On higher levels it needs considerable thought, and it usually is not a good idea.
Just build a city right next to a goody hut and you
won't (never?) get barbarians.I didn't get any barbarians
so far using this method.
What about keeping people happy (or at least subdued) with a defensive unit back home? I have to build a warrior or whatever quick to make sure that my capitol doesn't riot when it reaches size 3 (which is usually does moments before I build my first settler).
Tatran said:
Just build a city right next to a goody hut and you
won't (never?) get barbarians.I didn't get any barbarians
so far using this method.

That's correct. When you pop a hut by settling while the hut is in the first 9 tiles around your city you'll never get barbs. You can however get barbs from all other borderexpansions.
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