GOTM - 57 Final Spoiler (Free-for-all)

Entry class: Open
Game status: Cultural 20K Victory for America
Game date: 1858 AD
Firaxis score: 1215
Jason score: 3206
Time played: 03:52:05

I doubt this will be a real contender for the 20k award, but you never know.

Settled Washington 1SE of the wines. Washington was my culture city.

Culture builds;
Palace - 3950 BC
Colossus - 2270 BC
Temple - 1750 BC
Library - 1500 BC
Great Library - 570 BC
Colosseum - 50 BC
Cathedral - 110 AD
Hanging Gardens - 320 AD
Sistene Chapel - 500 AD
Leonardo's Workshop - 760 AD
University - 830 AD
Copernicus' Observatory - 1070 AD
Shakespeare's Theater - 1250 AD
Newton's University - 1340 AD
JS Bach's Cathedral - 1475 AD
Theory of Evolution - 1695 AD
Universal Suffrage - 1764 AD
Hoover Dam - 1784 AD

Washington, a few turns after victory (I wanted to take a Roman town :lol:)

As with the Indian game last month, my biggest mistake was relying on the AI for research. Monarch AI's seem to have a tendancy to say "I refuse to research anything for you." I hate them so much... :mad:
azzaman333 said:
Entry class: Open
Game status: Cultural 20K Victory for America
Game date: 1858 AD
Firaxis score: 1215
Jason score: 3206
Time played: 03:52:05
it's refreshing to finally see a game in which Carthage is still alive and doing well ;)
ionimplant said:
it's refreshing to finally see a game in which Carthage is still alive and doing well ;)

They became the 1 of the 2 superpowers. Rome 'was' the other, but they attacked me a couple of turns before victory, so they were doomed in the not too distant future.
Not much to report except for a bit of whack a Greek delayed victory by about 100 years. My swordsmen finished off the last Hoplite in Athens but I didn't get a message about Greece being destroyed. As first I feared the settler in the boat, but then I spotted a on the coast NW of Washington, so off went my SOD to smash it. In route Cornith flipped back to Greece, so I split my troops into 2 stacks (about 10 swords west and a sword army with 6 swords east). As my troops approached Mycenae (the western city) I noticed it was not the capital, so I sent a pair of horses hunting the capital.

They found it in what used to be northern China just as the other 2 cities we captured. As my now recombined SOD neared Plebus Nexia, Sparta flipped back to Greece and I once again split my force. With the fall of the capital, I left a couple of swords there in case it flipped and hurried my troops S to support the attack on Sparta. That proved unnecessary as my first sword killed the only Hoplite and the final Greek city fell (and Greece was gone) in 610 AD. All in all a fun quick (less than 5 keyboard hours) game. My one and only MGL (born during the capture of Tokyo) created an army to hasten the fall of Greece. Those Hoplites defeated over half of my sword attackers, but I had numbers on my side. Final score about 6500 with a Jason over 10000.
:lol: Sounds like you were lucky your capital didn't flip to Greece!
20k reached in Washington 1720AD
Firaxsis 2883
Jason 7441

Culture builds
Palace 3950BC (638)
Temple 3150BC (1206)
Colossus 1675BC (1551)
Oracle 1100BC (1860)
Library 1000BC (1368)
Hanging Gardens 570BC (1644)
Great Library 330BC (2250)
Collosseum 310BC (744)
Pyramids 10BC (1308)
Cathedral 130AD (918)
Sistine Chapel 460AD (1350)
University 510AD (840)
Shakespear's Theatre 730AD (1168)
Copernicus' Observ 910AD (512)
Newton's Uni 1090AD (660)
Bach's Cath 1280AD (528)
Heroic Epic 1320AD (320)
Wall St 1340AD (152)
Magellan's Voyage 1365AD (238)
ToE 1400AD (192)
Smith's 1435AD (171)
Universal Suffrage 1480AD (192)
Sun Tzu's 1515AD (82)
Hoover Dam 1575AD (58)
Research Lab 1605AD (46)
SETI 1610AD (66)
UN 1645AD (60)
Internet 1680AD (32)
Manhatten 1690AD (12)

Ancient Age Spoiler

Spoiler :
Well a very different game to those above, sounds like a fun time with those BC victories .

Mine is a 20k game. Went kind of strange as I went into monarchy in 800BC sacrificing mid and late game research capacity for an early revolt and early shield boost through AA. How much it costs me later is yet to be determined.

Settled 1 east of starting position
researched CB first up building granary as temple pre-build, then settler to nab the wheat my scout found to the east. Settler got there just 1 turn ahead of Carthaginians who settled to my north.

Remained peaceful giving in to multiple demands (primarily from strong Romans who extorted 3 techs) until Chinese came knocking after I had 5 archers, so told them where to go. Unfortunately they didnt declare.

Only found 1 goody hut (deserted) before scout eaten by barbs near Rome
Bought 2 early slaves from Greece and Rome joining them to Washington early, size 12 reached 1375BC. Later in AA bought 3 Carthage, 1 Jap and 1 more Roman slave. With lack of food boni for Washington and long delay to get more than one wheat in New York's working tiles these were a big help and worth every gold piece

Washington 3950BC
New York 2710BC to east RCP4 -> granary, settlers, workers
Boston 1525BC to NNE RCP4 -> rax, miitary
Phily 925BC to NNW RCP4 -> cats
Atlanta 330BC 4NE of Washington RCP4

Enter MA 330BC up construction from the rest - Rome is looking the strongest, other AI are similar size to me.

Culture builds
3150BC temple
1675BC collossus
1100BC oracle
975BC library
570BC HG -> GA
330BC GLib
310BC colosseum
currently building pyramids, but Rome started it in 1575BC so likely to have to switch to GLH

Research / trades
3500BC CB -> myst
3450BC Alpha from Carth
3150BC BW from Greek
3050BC Wheel from Japan
2750BC Myst -> poly
2070BC IW from Greek and writing from Rome
1675BC Poly -> lit
1375BC Lit -> monarchy
975BC CoL from Rome, MM from Japan, HBR from Carth
900BC Monarchy -> revolt immed (4 turn anarchy)
690BC Maths -> currency
490BC Currency -> construction
330BC Construction -> Medieval Age

Medieval Age
Beat Romans to Pyramids, unfortunately they learnt construction 2 turns earlier so cascaded to GW. In retrospect I ought to have attacked them capturing Rome before the wonder build and I would have had access to GW as well (thanks Paper Beetle for the heads up re improved cpt of GW in PTW - any ideas why they made an already poor wonder another 100 shields more expensive in C3C?)

1st Carthaginian War
190AD Carthage dow Rome taking Pisae (RCP7 and hence 2nd ring to Washington). This sparked their GA. I take advantage of the opportunity and dow Carthage in 210AD razing Utica (RCP6) and resettling Seattle at RCP7.
300AD settle San Fran on hill 2 tiles west of Carthage
310AD capture Pisae after Roman legionaire kindly killed 1 of 2 NMs the prev turn (my cats are totally useless - no hits from 3 cats in 4 turns - is there a bug with them in PTW? I estimate the averaged less than 1 in 20 hits)
340AD capture Carthage with 8 archers getting me iron for MDI. ( Carthage was building GLH - one of about a dozen cities I captured this game whilst they were wonder building)
350AD peace with Carthage for Theveste (north of Carthage)- they have 3 cities now.
360AD get 3 workers from Carthage in trade
370AD Carthage and Rome peace, Romans complete GLH

1st Roman War
420AD settle on dyes on west coast squeezing between 2 Roman towns
590AD One of those towns - Pompei flips to me :D , time for war as have built up MDIs and Rome has started Leo's and Sun Tzu in Rome and Veii.
640AD dow Rome - capture Antium (unconnected on west coast) 650, capture Rome 690, capture Veii 710 getting 1ST MGL.
Not sure what I should have used it on - was only 1 turn from Shakes but research was limitting my wonder builds at this stage, alternates were heroic epic - best option for 20k culture, or FP to boost my poorly researching empire - I chose to build FP in Veii.
capture Neapolis (with GLH) 740AD, peace in 810AD after failed attempt at Cumae (lost 6MDI attacking size 7 on hill - only killed 1 pike)

1st Greek War
Immed switch to attacking Greece in 810ADas they have 3 cities in low corrupt region east of Veii (only other's are 2 small towns south of Carthage)
cature Sparta 870AD (lose 2 eMDI to relined Hoplites :sad: ), Corinth 940AD (horses), Athens 990AD (building Sun Tzu) -> peace

1st Japanese War
Meanwhile 900AD Japan demands mono, when I refuse they dow :crazyeye:
try leader fishing without success

2nd Roman war
1020AD dow and take Cumae in 1060 - Romans consigned to NE and SW islands, peace in 1080AD

Research - max research other than delayed educ a few turns to build up money to part-cash rush uni

30BC Mono
210AD Theology
310AD Feud and Engineering from GLib
330AD Printing Press
460AD Education
540AD Banking
660AD Demo
730AD Free Artistry (complete Shakes via big picture after having delayed completion 2 turns - then found my 8 workers waiting ready cant add to Washington as Shakes is different in PTW :( )
800AD Astronomy
860AD Guns
920AD Chemistry
970AD Physics
1020AD ToG
1060AD Metallurgy
1080AD Chivalry from Greece in trade getting them up in techs
1100AD Magnetism -> Industrial Age

Industrial Age
Gift up Greece (who go from furious to polite - they get steam :D , wont trade gpt as rep shot, so reneg peace when current peace treaty ran out in 1190AD and inlude large gpt payment for steam which I promptly break with a dow and they are furious with me again)

Now with knights I involve myself in multiple wars looking for leaders - I actually never got an elite knight and had to rely on MDI's and later tanks.
Never researched mil trad. Captured a number of cities building Sun Tzu - Leptis Magne in 1120, Osaka in 1160. Eliminated Greeks in 1230 so the knowledge I gifted them stayed with me. Carthage banished to 1CC on SW island in 1260AD
Build Leo's in Vei in 1270 to prevent any cascade, but this was never going to happen and in retrospect I could have left this to leader rush later.
Got MGL in 1315 which forms an army allowing a rather late heroic epic build. Losses against Jap samuries meant I got sick of attempted leader farming and removed them from starting continent in 1350AD
This left just China accompanying me on the starting continent so they they became the new target for leader fishing in 1365. Nanking captured in 1405 as they were competing with me for Sun Tzu's.
Next PTW disappointment was finding I couldnt get engineers with replacable parts - what with only 1 science each from my scientists in science farms I wasnt getting much return from corrupt cities.

Run out of culture builds after completing Hoover in 1575 - the same year I discover flight and enter modern age

1150 Music Theory
1190 Steam in trade from Greeks
1200 Medicine
1250 Sanitation
1280 Industrialism
1305 Corporation
1335 Electricity
1355 Navigation
1375 Sci Method, ToE -> free Atomic and Electricity (is free radio a better policy in PTW?) - at least electricity gave Hover pre-build at a time when research lagged behind culture builds.
1420AD Economics
1445 Replacable Parts
1465AD Steel
1490AD Combustion
1510AD Mass Production
1530AD Motorised Transport
1555AD Radio
1575AD Flight -> Modern Age

Modern Age

After MT I decide to load a few tanks up to transport to the Roman NE island. Just at tanks loaded onto transport Rome dows :rolleyes: . They only have 3 towns, 1 building Sun Tzu's (investigation had shown it would take 74 turnns just a few turns previously) My tanks are all trained to elite and eventually MGL comes to be shipped back to hurry SETI. AS dom limit close I have to abandon or raze these towns

The last turns are trying to get as many leaders as possible - tanks make this a much better proposition, but in the end I was running out of healthy elites so attacked last town with 2/5 and 3/5 tank v spears and lost one :spear:
MGL in 1645 -> rush UN, 1675AD -> rush Internet and 1680AD -> rush Manhatten
I built Iron Works in Cincinnatti (only settled in 1475AD) just for fun
completing 1660AD.
Chinese destroyed 1660AD, Japanese 1695AD, Carthage 1710AD and Rome left with 1 size 1 town in former Chinese territory with 1 spear in 1715AD as culture reaches 19,995 so have to wait for 1720AD to reach 20k

I would be very interested in any comments on my use of monarchy. On the plus side it got me off to a good start allowing early revolt to non-despotic government and early GA resulting in getting most AA wonders. It allowed me to stay in wars a while longer because of no WW (although I had problems with large number of foreign pop -> "stop the aggression against mother country").
On the negative side I found it a struggle getting enough commerce to research at an adequate rate. I ran out of culture builds at completion of IA and had to slow my wonder build waiting for free artistry.
Republic may not have done so well on this map with only 3 lux. Troop support was never an issue as my troop numbers remained low throughout, indeed having to keep 2 MPs in each size 12 city (3 for those without market) meant I had not a lot of avail troops for leader fishing.

It was fun to try something different with 20k on PTW - rushing wonders is great, but I needed to get more serious in my leader farming - it should have been possible to snag all wonders.
Andronicus said:
It was fun to try something different with 20k on PTW - rushing wonders is great, but I needed to get more serious in my leader farming - it should have been possible to snag all wonders.

Yes; I played through again (my submitted game was conquest) as a 20k, to get this result:

20k in 1650ad, with all 25 wonders. Foreknowledge of the map was quite a factor in this result though; the capital went into the wheat field to do a fast settler, 4-turn factory, and a stream of workers to bulk up the 20k town. And of course knowing just how feeble the AI would be gave me the confidence to let them build wonders sometimes, and dow them other times to kill wonder builds.
I built always the best cpt-per-shield wonder to hand, and resarched hard for Artistry, and then on to the industrial, so actually I don't see how I could have done much better, so I am left a bit bemused as to how Lord Hamster got his 1460ad win in COTM15... and that without leader farming :confused:.

Re: Monarchy versus Republic... I find it hard to evaluate 20k strategies against each other, but my current theory is that research is king. When you reach Industry, your town's spt increases by about 150%, so I am certain it is worth getting there as fast as possible, and then turning around and building whatever medieval wonders are left. So if you need Republic to maintain 4-turn research, then I would say it has to be the government to go for. But monarchy got you a pretty good result there :goodjob:, so maybe I'll think about it some more...
PaperBeetle said:
I built always the best cpt-per-shield wonder to hand, and resarched hard for Artistry, and then on to the industrial, so actually I don't see how I could have done much better, so I am left a bit bemused as to how Lord Hamster got his 1460ad win in COTM15... and that without leader farming :confused:.

Looked at Hampster's COTM15 end game save and Redbad's comments on his COTM15 20k game. 1460AD was indeed impressive. The difference with conquests is there are more early high culture wonders (Hampster got very early SoZ as well as MoM) and leaders can still rush small wonders (Hamster rushed HE in 250AD and rushed at least 4 more small wonders). The big difference in Hampster's game was the rapid research allowing earlier builds of high culture Shake's and Newtons and much earlier entry both IA allowing boost in spt with steam much earlier. I agree fully with your advise that research is king, so my monarchy approach is definitely suboptimal.
The Battle of Carthage
Los Angeles is founded in 110 as Washington loses the wonder races and ends up with an expensive market. I declare on Carthage and send 11 archers and 3 cats. The big battle takes place in 190.

Cats score 2/3. At least 3 regular numidians.
archer1--no damage, numidian promotes to vet.
archer2--wounds vet numidian.
archer3--no damage vs. numidian.
archer4--makes clean kill, goes leet!
archer5--wounds vet numidian, but it goes leet.
archer6--no damage
archer7--redlines vet numidian.
archer8--kills wounded vet.
archer9--kills wounded vet.
archer10--no damage vs. redlined leet.
archer11--at the last possible moment, succeeds and takes Carthage!
We have the Lighthouse, Colossus and iron! Move workers to road Carthage.

Out, Brown Spot!
In 300 Nashville is built. 3 turns later we take Leptis Magna and rename it Miami. In 400 we raze Theveste and 3 turns later build St. Louis one square NE of the ruins for better placement. We wait for Carthage's cities on the second continent to expand before moving in. Leptis Minor is taken in 500 and renamed San Francisco. Detroit is built 2 turns later. After that, we learn invention and trade it to Greece for mono. Carthage dies in 600 after we take Sabratha, renaming it Sacramento.

What Would Homer Have Written?
I go after Greece next under the pretext of them not giving us furs that I demanded. The attack on Corinth is a disaster, two maces barely scratch a hoplite. I do better in 650 when I take Pharsalos on the second continent and rename it Fresno. Next turn I learn chiv and go for the guns. Satsuma flips to us in 710 and it is renamed New Orleans. Washington builds Sun Tzu 3 turns later, having sold off my rax before hand. Corinth also falls at this time. I send 3 maces, 5 cats, and a longbow to raze Delphi as it's poorly placed.

Go Broncos!
In 790 I use a combat settler and mace to build Denver, claiming horses. We also learn guns, and take a settler that Greece foolishly tried to send thru my lands escorted by a puny warrior. Next turn Houston and Cincinatti are also built, and we are saddened to see that Sparta has muskets. I cut their saltpeter near Sparta, but they have another source just inside the Japanese border.

Under Siege
Neapolis, renamed Naples flips to us at last in 870 as Sparta finally falls and we get dyes. Next turn Atlanta finishes the FP as our first knights come online. We learn chem in 920. We are breaking our teeth trying to bite off Athens, so we pillage the roads to isolate them. An assault in 1010 leaves a wounded hoplite, but we can't finish, but we do learn metal. By 1100 we learn military and shut down research as I start upgrading knights to cav and cats to cannon. I start getting weird results as my cannon destroy the palace, Great Wall and the Great Library. I also trade chem to Japan for Theo in 1180. Next turn 2 leet hoplites inexplicably leave Athens and it falls at last. Copernicus is the only wonder left.

Opening Japan
An outrider send toward Thermopylae spots that their defense is all regulars. It and Edo fall in 1250, wiping out the Greeks, as Chicago is built at this time. Next turn we declare on Japan and wipe them out by 1305. Kyoto was defended by a sam, 4 pikes, and a longbow. We are 117 tiles from domination as we then march on Rome.

The Ides of March
We take out many of their maces and get a leader, moving him to safety to build a cav army. We also bribe China into the war by trading metal for republic+12+1gpt+WM. Pisae and Pompeii fall easily. We then bring the cannons to bear against Veii, defended by 4 muskets and a longbow. It is taken with no losses. We get a second leader taking Antium. I figured that with this much land already in our possession we should've dominated by now, so there must be a third continent out there. I send ships east to find it and they succeed by 1350. Next turn Rome falls and after that Cumae is destroyed.
We get our third leader as we wipe out the Chinese and our conquest is complete in 1375. 3676 Firaxis, 8128 Jason. I ended 2 tiles from the domination limit. Replay showed a fourth continent to the northwest; it never came into play.
I got crushed. Took Carthage before I knew it had iron, they had a settler loose, settled and respawned a new Numidian and archer right after my whole surviving army was redlined taking Carthage, then a Hoplite walked into Washington and I took my Civ Cd out of the drive and threw it across the room. I might not submit again for a while. Cheers!
Marsden said:
... and I took my Civ Cd out of the drive and threw it across the room. I might not submit again for a while. Cheers!

:eek: :wow: You should learn to cool your temper... :rolleyes:
Oh, I'm fine now, and my disc landed on a pillow(! not intentionally either) I just don't like losing to an AI, especially a monarch level one. It's not as if it was Sid or Deity. I confine my bad temper to inanimate objects, but it's true, I get in to the game and when I lose I'm Angry. I did learn always pop a settler first, take the city second. My devious side was impressed that All enemy capitals were on the resources, although this probably just shows my inexperience.
Marsden said:
I got crushed. Took Carthage before I knew it had iron, they had a settler loose, settled and respawned a new Numidian and archer right after my whole surviving army was redlined taking Carthage, then a Hoplite walked into Washington and I took my Civ Cd out of the drive and threw it across the room. I might not submit again for a while. Cheers!

I've lost a COTM wihtout scoring before.
azzaman333 said:
I've lost a COTM wihtout scoring before.

:lol: Was it the MacFanatics game; lose-the-settler-on-the-high-seas gambit?
I'm expecting another red ambulance shortly. It will be my third! :)
Not much interesting to say at this late stage - just catching up with my spoilers...

A Missed Opportunity
Although I send my scout east to start with, I only see one of the patch of wheats, and don't consider it worth hiking the settler for. So Washington is founded 2NE, and the scout turns north before meeting Carthage. The first man to find a spot on my F4 screen is Caesar, in 3650bc. Mao is met in 3500bc, Hanni the turn after and Alex joins the party in 2710bc. The site 2NE is good for an RCP3 layout, but Hanni quickly founds a town which puts a couple of those wheats out of my reach, so my start is a little slower than it ought to be.

Resource Comedy
In 2430bc I meet Toku, and have a jolly trading session, bringing in both Ironwork and Wheel, and discover the amusement that is every AI capital on iron or horses, and barely a spare resource besides. Ah well, these guys are all acting feeble, so I'm good to go with archers. I'm guessing the AI development is being held back by barbarian activity. I get to buy several slaves, and even settlement seems to be a bit of a stretch for these guys; by 1830bc, Mao still has only two towns :rolleyes:.

Growth and Research
Perhaps underestimating the simplicity of the task before me, I concentrate on setting up my nice ring of towns, and research my way through Maths and Currency, as a way to trade in most of the other techs. Getting Philosophy out of a hut behind Carthaginian lines also helps :). It isn't until 1025bc that I issue my first dow. My victim is Caesar, and I send an overkill of archers towards Rome, which is defended by a veteran legion. Of course, it is his only legion, as he hasn't connected any other towns, and is busy building a wonder...

QSC Stats
7 towns with 19 citizens and 60 tiles.
85 food in the bin, 48 shields in the box, 406g in the treasury.
2 granaries, 4 barracks.
2 workers, 5 slaves, 2 scouts, 2 axes (reg), 18 archer (17 vet, 1 elite).
All ancient techs except for Construction, Polytheism, Literature, Monarchy and Republic (36 beakers gathered).
5 contacts, 5 embassies.

Good Luck, Bad Decisions
It only costs me 2 archers to take Rome from the legion and a regular spear, which certainly counts as good RNG. I then decide to split the remaining stack (leaving some to heal in Rome) and head for the eastern and western Roman provinces simultaneously. This is a bad plan. These much smaller stacks of archers are vulnerable to the RNG, and fall in droves trying to kill regular spears in towns which just autoraze anyway. In 750bc I give Caesar peace for a town and a slave.

New Target, New Weapons
With Rome now hooked up, I have iron, and thus swords. The target of my swordsmen is my other neighbour, Carthage. I sign a ROP the same turn I give Rome peace, and start sending in the troops. I rape the ROP in 670bc, and promptly lose 8 swords in 2 turns. Those numids are brutal. Anyway, I capture Carthage, which crucially contains Colossus; one of my traits is satisfied.

Dawn Of The Medieval
One-town Hanni gets peace in 590bc, and my swords head north to Greece - I signed ROP with Alex just before attacking Hanni. Unfortunately, this campaign is rather delayed by the arrival of the medieval era, and the accompanying barbarian uprisings. Floods of horsemen insist on clogging the roads I want to use, and sniping at my troops. I push through the scrum, and attack Athens in 390bc, the same turn that I finish a six turn anarchy by founding the American Republic.

First Kill
Again, Alex gets peace when he is down to his last town, in 210bc. Soon after, I pick off the last two Roman towns - Caesar is the first casualty in 90bc, mainly becasue he is on the way to China. Back in my core, I actually start my golden age :woohoo:, by building Pyramids in 110bc. Rather foolishly, I managed to forget the The Wall would also suffice, for only half the shields, but never mind. I don't really need extra production any more, but it won't do any harm...

Winding Up
I get ROP from Mao with no questions asked, and wipe out the Chinese between 70ad and 110ad. Toku gets the same treatment in 90ad, but he has a number of junk towns spread around, so I can't finish him off so easily. I sink a Carthaginian galley the same turn, and take one of their two towns, but it flips back soon enough. Bleh, another free numidian. Alex leaves the building after a sneak attack in 130ad, and I finally get shot of Hanni in 210bc. So the last man standing is Toku, who built a junk town on the continent's southern tip. I should have reached it earlier, but my logistics were poor. Conquest is declared in 250ad. 7674 Firaxis points net me 11367 Jasons. At 25 1/2 hours, this was remarkably fast for me, although it was of course my earliest ever finish. Fun game :).

I have finished game with result :)

Game status: Conquest Victory for America
Game date: 775 BC
Firaxis score: 11607
Jason score: 12935
Time played: 01:35:54

I badly know English and have misunderstood rules. Reloads I did not make, but started three times because had not time to play without reloads.:crazyeye:
Unfortunately and 58 I have played similarly. If probably please accept result - the following games I shall be more attentive.:rolleyes:
(Translation is made by a computer)
Jason score: 12935 fnd Time played: 01:35:54 !!!!!
Crazy rezult

I have only
Game date: 630 BC
Firaxis score: 11008
Jason score: 12597
Time played: 01:17:25

Is somebody before 1000BC?
Jason score with my replayed Conquest win at 1150BCE was 13427. Conquest win is overly rated in this game.
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