GOTM60 Final Spoiler

No doubt you have a Medic3 cav
No medic 3's in may take some losses but not as many as you might think. The key is to keep moving FAST! Before they reinforce cities, attack any/all units no matter where they are!
Well, this is certainly one of the most fun gotms ever, but I won't finish in time for submission - just too much carnage...for every city I take, it seems like 10 turns or more until the tides of counterattacks ebb off and I can proceed (provided my reinforcements arent needed to fend off Cyrus' constant stream of coastal attacks with grens&knights...)

In 1785, I've killed 900 units, lost 90, pretty sure i'll win, but progress is slow, and i'm still 30 turns away from tanks. No naval forces built yet. About 30% land, but still only 4th in pop and 2nd in military. Delhi is my science (gp) farm and Bombay produces 14xp cavalry almost each turn.

Guess I made 3 big mistakes:
1. concentrated on culture for too long but abandoned the plan because of bad GP luck, no cottages and the inability to get and keep 1-2 cities outside the valley early enough
2. researched all medieval techs including banking & divine right before edu & nat. dont ask me why, guess i felt too secure, and of course because of (1.)...
3. beelined for infantry which I got with liberalism, but in hindsight cavalry+cannons instead (and asap) would have been so much better. All those 99%-chance-defeats of 50xp units drive me crazy, better use cannons as, well, cannon fodder and finish those stacks off at 99,9% odds :/
To take advantage of the extra movement, I assume that you just ride up to a city and start attacking, without any bombarding of defenses, right? Don't you take some rather heavy casualties?:

Yes, pure cavalry stacks, no bombarding.
Sometime a hilled city with high culture defense and promoted lbows or pikemen is a problem but you do not always need to attack it.

Try it out with the Cavalry ... guess you will be surprised how well this works. Especially for Vanilla and Warlords this is one of the deity killer strategies.
Surely you need the tech lead...
... but you do not always need to attack it.

That's a profound piece of advice I'll do well to remember. ;) Alrighty, GOTM61 looks like a good place to give this a shot. Perhaps an old dog can learn new tricks. Thanks for the advice, all you cav spammers.
Its good to have a cav or two with the withdraw promotions as well. These will never have less than 30% survival odds against even the toughest defender (like mech inf), and can soften things up a great deal. That plus the seige flanking function can also speed things up some, with a single battle killing/damaging multiple units.
That plus the seige flanking function can also speed things up some, with a single battle killing/damaging multiple units.
Yes this works great in BtS....not so much in Vanilla....:D
Well, I tried the space victory.... and failed.

I had almost finished teching Fusion when Cathy launched in 2047.

I tried a couple of times to break out of the valley, but I think I left it too late and didn't take enough units.
Just got this done and submitted with 30 min to go, which explains why I didn't have time to micromanage the ending. Thought the diplo would be a nice ironic end to all the carnage, but tripped the dom as the UN victory vote came up (and I had my 62% of pop).

I will try to post more details later, but I founded four cities inside Rorke's Drift and built mids, parthenon, G Lib (and even henge, I think) to try to push a specialist based tech lead. Ended up with about 6 great prophets, one founded confu shrine and rest settled in capital. Oh, oracle > CS as well. Took A line with Lib later on.

Put a city on the gateway hill, then took a Chinese city at the SE corner of the mountain square, and settled in for the defensive carnage (six cities for Oxford, etc.)

Was surprised at my tech lead (AI suffocated by WW?), expected they would be trading like mad with each other. So I ventured out on two fronts, converting my Rorke's Drift defense into a Horns of the Buffalo assault. Fought most combats at > 90% odds, but the sheer number of units coming meant progress was slow. My Grens and Rifles vs maces and LB, and later my infantry and art vs grens and rifles. AI took forever to get cannons. The arrival of fighters and destroyers got progress moving swiftly.

The WW got so high that it kept my city pop's low, which is why my 62% of pop came with 62% of land and pushed me over the dom land limit.

Somebody better have a diplo before 1995 so I don't feel so frustrated about missing it by one turn! :lol:

This was one of the most satisfying games in a while, since I felt that I had to be careful every turn in managing the combat. On several occasions I had just enough troops to take out the approaching stack before the one behind it arrived the next turn.

Now for some sleep ...

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