Governors must die


Oct 31, 2001
New England
So I've got a pretty big empire right now and every time I create a military unit, the freakin governor changes the production to something ridiculous like the pryamids or such. (God dang it man, we're at war - its like Rockwell stops building cruise missles so it can manufacture Elvis collector plates) Is there a better way of dealing with this besides going into each city manually and telling the governor to bugger off?
If you hit the G key on the city screen, it brings up a dialog that you can use to direct what the governor does. I've never seen the governor overriding my selections yet, but he does have his own recommendations when something's done. Don't know if you can disable the governor entirely.
that is interesting...i found in my game the lame duck governor tried to be all pacifist, but about 2000 years of war caused him to follow my lead (something the manual predicts will happen) now the bugger won't stop building Knights, Cannons and Rifleman...:p
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