Grand Strategy WW2

Mmmm, well Dutch East India (nor Portuguese Timor) was an `enemy of the British empire´; on the contrary, it was invaded and conquered by Japanese forces just as Malaysia and Birma were.

(Singapore in fact was one of several Dutch possessions taken over by the British, like Sri Lanka and South Africa, during the Napoleonic era.) The only time the Netherlands were ever viewed as an enemy of the English was during the17th century Dutch Wars (known as English Wars in the Netherlands); needless to say that at that time there was no such thing as a British empire.
On the Pacific front, is that the beginning position for Japan? I don't think they had ever expanded that far into China, and certainly not by 1940. Also, it would be more realistic if there was a Communist China to the north, at war with China proper and Japan
I'd love to play this, but looking at the screen shots, i can tell my graphics card would take a dump on me pretty quickly. Hopefully they get the huge map crash bug fixed soon.
not to be picky, but France, while having a poor display of terrestrial forces (short on armors) at the time, did have the biggest naval force, reason for the british to sink half of it at Mers el Kebir and the rest was saborded in Toulon when Germans invaded the free zone...
I would love to see the UU you had in mind for this scenario, this is one of my favorites.
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