[Graphic Mod] Varietas Delectat v9.2 [civ specific unit sets]

Apologies if this has already been answered (or if it's not the right place to ask)

It's regarding the Native American Knight, which appears as a red blob when using the BAT mod

I wondered if anyone could help me fix it, because I gather that BAT uses the graphics from this one?

I don't use this specific mod, Varietas Delectat (though I will like to try it at a later date) - I just use the BAT with BUG mod, but I read on another thread a reply to someone with the same problem:
QThe second issue was with my (Native American) knight unit. The model appeared as a giant, red sphere of death!!
A Looks like the art is missing or specified incorrectly. The unit art comes from Varietas Delectat 7.0 (and there's a 7.5 out already). It will probably be fixed in the next BAT update, but it couldn't hurt to post this bug to the VD thread.

I also have a problem where the leader Washington has pink eyeshadow. (poss. related)

So could anyone please advise if this problem has been resolved or how to fix it? Many thanks.
Apologies if this has already been answered (or if it's not the right place to ask)

It's regarding the Native American Knight, which appears as a red blob when using the BAT mod

I wondered if anyone could help me fix it, because I gather that BAT uses the graphics from this one?

I don't use this specific mod, Varietas Delectat (though I will like to try it at a later date) - I just use the BAT with BUG mod, but I read on another thread a reply to someone with the same problem:

I also have a problem where the leader Washington has pink eyeshadow. (poss. related)

So could anyone please advise if this problem has been resolved or how to fix it? Many thanks.

The error you mention is corrected in v7.5 (see changelog)

I'll check that Washington issue.
The error you mention is corrected in v7.5 (see changelog)

I'll check that Washington issue.

Thanks very much.

As I am not using this Varietas Delectat mod yet, can you tell me please how to install just the Native American Knight fix into my current installation of Civ 4 with BAT/BUG 3.19? Or is that not possible until the next BAT mod reflects your changes?

I am not experienced at installing units, but I have done it once before so I think I could manage it if it is just a little bit of XML editing.

I'm not ready for the full version of Varietas Delectat just yet, although it does look very good, I need to know more about whether it will conflict with my existing set up. (Probably not but I haven't read enough about it yet)
Great mod.

I did not read through the 98 pages of this thread, but is there some documentation that explains how to mod this mod, such as adding unit art and such?

First: Great mod! I love it!

I use it within BAT 2.0 and I also experience the purple eyes of Washington. This was according to EmperorFool "a known issue" with VD 7.0. Is this corrected in VD 7.5?

Also, I play with the Greeks (BAT 2.0) and I noticed that the Granary is a red blop in the Civilopedia and in the City Building screen. Is this an issue of VD or have there been some problems with the bundling in BAT?
Is there a possibility that you could release a new version of VD which addresses the pink forge issue? Because I tried to fix it manually but got confused!
Great Mod really love it.:thumbsup:
Especially the Persian units which look totally awesome, the only thing I would like to ask is if its possible to change the Persian cavalry a bit. I mean give the Horseman the model of the knight and the knight that of the heavy cavalry and give the heavy cavalry some other model, because the current knight looks much lighter than his counterparts of the other civs.
On the other hand could avain tell me how to switch the models of the knight with that of the heavy cavalry, I would be very gratefull for that.

Thanks in advance.
does v7.5 and MEE change the cvGameCoreDLL at all?

currently on my Linux box and I can't check.

Thanks alerum68

:D You've made my day
On the other hand could avain tell me how to switch the models of the knight with that of the heavy cavalry, I would be very gratefull for that.

Thanks in advance.
Look for VD's xml (in assets/Modules/VD/xml not assets/xml) and find the VD_Persia_CIV4UnitArtStyleTypeInfos. Open it and look for the knight and heavy cavalry entries, then switch the art tags between the two.
Just asking, if it does not touch the DLL at all, what is it than that makes a compatability difference betwen patches?

I meen, in theory if it does not touch the DLL at all it should be able to run even on 3.13 or vanila? Or am I wrong here?
Avain, is there an image you'd like to have associated with your Mod in the BAT Mod Help file? Or should I just use the VD Earth you have on the first page?
Avain, is there an image you'd like to have associated with your Mod in the BAT Mod Help file? Or should I just use the VD Earth you have on the first page?

Hi, yes, VD Earth is ok. Sorry for not getting back to you about the svn, hope this weekend I'll have a version I can upload for you!
No worries. I'm working on a new help file for BUG/BAT/BULL right now, so wouldn't have had time for a merger. Has there been any outside testing done yet, or just on your PC?
updated to v8.0


- updated to GeoModder's Cultural Citystyles v0.80 (with WH's Mongol cityset)
- added Portugal sailing ships, Rifleman and planes (JustATourist,asioasioasio,The Coyote)
- added Viking sailing ships (JustATourist)
- added what-if Roman Sailing ships (JustATourist)
- added Tsar Tank (snafusmith)
- added Rommel as German Great General (bernie14)
- added KV-1 heavy tank by asioasioasio
- added Japanese Heavy Tank, Tank Destroyer and Assault Gun (danrell)
- added Joan of Arc, Trung Nhi and Native Great Generals (Achilleszero)
- added Portugal industrial units (The Capo)
- added Swedish industrial units (avain, Rifleman based on The Capo's)
- added Korean industrial units (The Capo)
- changed Russian Infantry
- changed Russian Modern Infantry
- changed Russian WW2 Marine
- added Spanish Swordsman, Axeman, Spearman and Chariot (The Capo)
- added various Xebecs (Achilleszero, The Capo)
- corrected Me-109's and Ki-10's models (Achilleszero)
- corrected Russian Battleship to use Destroyer animations (Achilleszero)
- temporary correction for the missing European Forge texture

Units from Total Realism:
- added English Crossbowman
- added African Galley and Trireme
- added English and Ottoman Carracks
- added (EE2) Coracle
- added Drakkar
- added (EE2) Galleass
- added English Axeman

- removed not used Marine with M-16
- removed African Wargalley
- removed English Caravel
- removed (old) Coracle
- removed Norman Knight
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