Graphics Problems - Help Please


Jul 31, 2006
Just bought the game...been waiting for a while for this game and I finally got it. Installation went fine, fired up the first game, and everything loaded.

But then I found land and the tree graphics are going nuts!! I thought i could play thru it, but its unbearable. HELP!!

I tried lowering the graphics to the lowest available, frozen animations, low details...BUT still, the trees are crazy. (yes, restarted the app after changing the settings)

I have an ATI Radeon 9700 Pro with the latest drivers (just downloaded and installed them to be safe).

I have NEVER had any graphics problems with ANY games until this one. Very disappointing.

Any tips? I GOTTA play this game!

Screen Shot Provided...


  • Trees.jpg
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it is either driver problem or it is a dying 9700 pro, i had one that died after 3 yrs of use. of course, it might be as well bug with game, but i have seen such polygons on my dying card.
yeah it certainly looks like death..or at least overheating. are you overclocked or do you have your case in a poorly ventilated area?
Do you have Civ4 ?

See if the same problem occur with Civ4
Hmmm...Thanks for idea of it being a bad card...i never really thought of that.

I do have civ4,swords. I am able to play highest quality and huge maps no problem. I have since uninstalled it and reinstalled colonization thinking maybe the two had conflicting config files or something. I know the graphics are supposed to be improved in colonization, so maybe im finally surpassing the limitations of the card...though the card does meet the specs as far as i know.

I know its an older card, but does anyone else have a 9700 pro that either has it working or has similar problems? If someone has it working with the same card, then i'd be ready to accept that the card may be dieing.
It kinda looks like overheating, usually textures tend to stretch much more than that
I am still on 9800pro, but I haven't get my copy of col2 yet :(

Wait for a couple day before mine arrives, then I ll let u know
that is either a cooling issue where your card heats up too much or the memory of your graphics card is severely damaged. these kinds of artifacts should not appear on your screen. If your system temperature is fine - around 60 or 40 degrees Celcius depending on the brand - you may want to lok into getting a new card.
wow, you guys are GOOD! I opened my case up and everything seemed fine...wasn't hot or anything....until i touched the graphics card. OUCH!! looks like the on-board fan hasn't worked in about 2 years. the thing near burned my fingers off.

thanks everyone for pointing me in the right direction...i would have been spinning my wheels for days looking for a software solution. I'll just pony up the 50 bucks for a new AGP card (they are dirt cheap now-a-days huh?!)

if that doesnt do the trick...i'll be back :) i dont care what it playing this game!
wow, you guys are GOOD! I opened my case up and everything seemed fine...wasn't hot or anything....until i touched the graphics card. OUCH!! looks like the on-board fan hasn't worked in about 2 years. the thing near burned my fingers off.

thanks everyone for pointing me in the right direction...i would have been spinning my wheels for days looking for a software solution. I'll just pony up the 50 bucks for a new AGP card (they are dirt cheap now-a-days huh?!)

if that doesnt do the trick...i'll be back :) i dont care what it playing this game!

hehe good attitude
I got my game BTW, and it was running nicely with my old Radeon 9800 pro :D

Completed my first game in Explorer .
But then I found land and the tree graphics are going nuts!! I thought i could play thru it, but its unbearable. HELP!!

Jaja! When did you get to know that it is impossible to play with those graphics???

After you had an entire army protecting something like... a forest??? :lol::)
haha, no...i played only about 10 turns. What you cant see from the screen shot is that not only were the tree graphics crazy looking, but they were going crazy too! They were 'vibrating' and 'spinning', if that helps describe it. Imagine a ton of crazy, vibrating, spinning trees on your screen all moving at different rates.

Needless to say, i knew it was impossible to play when my head starting hurting from looking at the screen :crazyeye:
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