Great General Progress Bar (BTS 3.19)


Aug 2, 2009
Great General Progress Bar v1.3 (BTS 3.19)​

This is a very simple mod that adds a Great General Progress Bar underneath the Research bar. It keeps a running tab of the XP accuumulated by units in comparison to XP needed for the next Great General. There is also a mouseover for the bar. Oh and don't worry, it appears after the first turn.

There are only two files in the mod: and the .xml text file. They are easily mergable.

----Notes to Modmakers-----
Changes are commented as PIE Great General

------Version History--------
Spoiler :
Version 1.3
-Add a Checkbox
-Hover Text
-Fix for initial Turn

Version 1.2
-Fixed for High Resolutions

Version 1.1
-Standalone Port

Version 1.0
-PIE's original integrated version

It was developed by the BUG team, ported by Pie_at for Pie's Ancient Europe so that BugUtils/EventManager are no longer needed. I simply changed the location of the bar, its demensions, and icons. Great thanks to Pie_at for porting this.:goodjob:



  • untitled_kXr.jpg
    381.6 KB · Views: 664
Thank you for this!

By the way, do you know where is the code for the calculation of the next Great General? In Python or in the DLL?
Thanks and enjoy.

I am not sure about that. The BUG/RevDCM team might have more information on that. I want to say some of it is in python because this mod adds a python element. I think it is at the end of my file under defupdateGreatGeneralBar. I think those functions might call on the sdk code parts it coresponds to?

Spoiler :
	def updateGreatGeneralBar(self, screen):
		if not CyInterface().isCityScreenUp():
			pPlayer = gc.getActivePlayer()
			iCombatExp = pPlayer.getCombatExperience()
			iThresholdExp = pPlayer.greatPeopleThreshold(True)
			szText = u"<font=2>" + localText.getText("TXT_NEXT_GG_EXPERIENCE", (iCombatExp, iThresholdExp)) + u"</font>"

			szGreatGeneralBar = "GreatGeneralBar"
OK, thank you. You're probably right but then I can't do a thing about the sdk :(
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