Great Mod - New have some Questions


Apr 4, 2007
First I gotta say - Fantastic work people. I didnt know this game was so mod-able. I was Looking through my installed games and figured I aint played civ4 for a while and I was just saying to myself *I wish they'd do a fantasy Civ*, and then i checked out the mod place here, now Im happy.

Got a couple of Questions - Ive looked around and I dont see the answer, forgive me if Im wrong, I cant seem to find out what all those Icons are for just above the roster/orders part in the lower middle of the main UI. Ive figured a few out on my own but isnt there a guide?

Also After playing the Elves as Arendel I seem to be doing ok, but then I meet the other races and they are so far behind. In fact mostly the Evil races, while im up at 2000 poins or so are stuck at 300 or 400, and are pretty much staying there. Ive tried going harder lvl and although the gap shortens a bit, they still get to a certain point and just basically stop gaining points. The good sides tend to fair alot better.

So I tried going evil - vampires and its still the same - my evil allies are rarely making any progress while me and the good guys rocket ahead. The neutrals tend to be inbetween (no pun intended).

Started on Noble (cos im a noob) and Im on Prince now I think.
Usually Huge/Large map, Epic, Ancient, Continents.

Any Ideas how I can configure this to make the evil guys do better?

Thanks in Advance and AGain Congrats on such a well done mod. Please get a Job with them for Civ5
welcome to our lovely family ....

1st - go ahead and ratchet it up to monarch then pull it down if you need to to test theories.

2nd - this mod is much more complex then anything your used to , your really gonna love it. each race has some extreme advantages and penalties.

3rd - you can play jsut fine ignoring that line of icons , there were a bring over from another mod to simplify things ( i still dont use them ) , lol

gl and have fun.
Do you have the most recent patch? Patch d.
There was an issue preventing evil civs from researching, I think.
The Bug thread that is stickied in this forum will have the most recent patches, you can check the readme to see what version you are on.
The AI will get some improvement in the coming months.
currently evil civs have some disadvantages because they tend to have worse relations against others and are more likely to start wars thus making them handicapped with being in war too long/too many times.

if you are playing elves you have huge advantage because you can put improvements in forest tiles and you can grow and research faster than others because of that.

theres my guesses for the issue :crazyeye: if these dont sound familiar it must be that you are just good player. im having real trouble with prince difficulty because i get wars all the time, sometimes even with multiple civs.
Do you have the most recent patch? Patch d.
There was an issue preventing evil civs from researching, I think.
The Bug thread that is stickied in this forum will have the most recent patches, you can check the readme to see what version you are on.
The AI will get some improvement in the coming months.

I started playing on patch c, played a few games then started on patch d about 2 days ago. Havent gotten so far in to see the difference yet.

Thanks for all the replies.

As for getting into wars, I tend to have to seek them out rather than get multiple ones;)
Got a couple of Questions - Ive looked around and I dont see the answer, forgive me if Im wrong, I cant seem to find out what all those Icons are for just above the roster/orders part in the lower middle of the main UI. Ive figured a few out on my own but isnt there a guide?
Patch (0.21)d addresses this issue. It enables pop-up windows describing what those buttons are.
Is there any way to remove those buttons?
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