Greatest Victory Ever


Jul 9, 2005
What do you think is the greatest most:
- astounishing victory
- Flukey Victory
- Just plain Skill Victory
- Greatest Victory of all time
The kind where I win :yeah:

And shouldn't this be in one of the Civ III forums?
SuperBeaverInc. said:
The kind where I win :yeah:

And shouldn't this be in one of the Civ III forums?

Not unless he's talking historically then it belongs in World History section.

Hmmm....Flukey victory eh? Mongolian invasion of Japan? Think what would have happened if not for that storm...=)
skill victory would be Alexander or Hannible or Ghengis which are pretty much a standard read in the history of War.
But the most important victories were probably luck- ie. mankind was better suited to the environment -than say Neanderthals-
Mammals were able to scurry in holes where Dinosaurs just died-
Someone found Iron and sliced through Bronze armed peoples ect.
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