Greece First Look (Pericles) Video

Greece Bonuses:
- 1 extra wild card slot regardless of government
- hoplite unique unit that gets bonus for adjacent hoplites.
- acropolis unique district gives extra culture, especially when adjacent to city center. Must be built on hill
- Bonus culture from being a suzerain to a city state

Well, i dont see anything in there that is really special or original, but it still sounds like a solid set of bonuses. The acropolis bonus when next to the city center might be really good as it would allow to just ignore the adjacency bonuses to benefit from it and\or save a good spot for another district.

Hoplites "pack of wolf" type of bonus makes sense and could do huge damage early.

Suzerain culture bonus sounds like a good extra deal for focusing on the already very interesting CS bonuses you can get.

And obviously, the free wild card slot is insanely good and offers a tremendous versatility to Greece.

8/10 would play greece again
Extra wild card slot seems strictly superior to Germany's extra military slot, no? It's certainly very strong at any rate. Of course, the extra military policy slot also includes Barbarossa's bonus versus city-states... but if unrestricted leaders were to become a thing, it seems to me that Greece with Freddy as a leader would have two extra policy slots.
Nice Greece and cool leader. But I can't be the only one disappointed in the lack of scientific bonuses for Greece. It is one of few most umportant civs for history of science and even the word 'eureka' is theirs. Ehhh...
The bonuses seem pretty passive --- they are all "spreadsheet" bonuses (+X to Y) --- but otherwise seems like a strong civ.
This may be subject to change, but the video shows that the LUA grants percentage bonus to culture, not flat. It shows him being the suzerain of 2 city states, which grants him 10% extra culture from what he is currently earning. Coupled with the acropolis, I guess this would really make him a culture powerhouse late game, assuming there is an effective strategy to become the suzerain of a lot of city states.
Well, this civ looks BORING. I'm usually not this emphatic but I can't hide it: the Hoplite is bland, the Acropolis is another "get extra yield" thing and the LUA seem generic. Even Pericles sounds tired.
I'm not saying Greece is weak or overpowered. I'm just saying it could benefit from a little more personality.
Nice Greece and cool leader. But I can't be the only one disappointed in the lack of scientific bonuses for Greece. It is one of few most important civs for history of science and even the word 'eureka' is theirs. Ehhh...

While true that Greece is renowned for its scientific prowess in the Ancient Era, when Pericles was alive, Greece was more akin to how they are being represented in Civilization VI. Pericles turned the Delian League, a collection of Greek city-states, into the Athenian Empire and promoted culture at all levels.
Well, this civ looks BORING. I'm usually not this emphatic but I can't hide it: the Hoplite is bland, the Acropolis is another "get extra yield" thing and the LUA seem generic. Even Pericles sounds tired.
I'm not saying Greece is weak or overpowered. I'm just saying it could benefit from a little more personality.

I agree, especially compared to how unique some of the recent revealed civilizations have been (Norway, Kongo, India), Greece seems very tame. It's good to have another Culture-focused Civ, however. But we really need to see some Science civs!
hmm, one extra wildcard strictly better than Freddie's one extra military card.

- And that is why Freddie also gets bonus against city states. I think they are pretty equal in strength.

- Greece and Germany will not be friends. Barbarossa does not like Civs that interact with city-states.

- Greece led by Pericles is strong with great people, culture and city-states.
But what's about this war helmet on top of an otherwise civilian clad guy?
I'm also afraid he will tip over due to the high mass center.

Pericles is very frequently represented wearing a helmet to signify his status as a general. Dunno if the actual guy would've worn it when doing his oratory, but it's very iconic.
Could Sparta be its own stand alone civilization as opposed to an extra leader?
But what's about this war helmet on top of an otherwise civilian clad guy?
I'm also afraid he will tip over due to the high mass center.

Yeah I know where that detail came from and all, but I think that if I were the designers I'd have lost the hat.
This may be subject to change, but the video shows that the LUA grants percentage bonus to culture, not flat. It shows him being the suzerain of 2 city states, which grants him 10% extra culture from what he is currently earning. Coupled with the acropolis, I guess this would really make him a culture powerhouse late game, assuming there is an effective strategy to become the suzerain of a lot of city states.

Pete Murray just tweeted that he won a culture victory with Greece and that the "surrounded by glory" ability is quote "amazeballs". So, I am thinking that the culture bonus from city-states might really add up to a powerful bonus, depending on how many city-states. If you become the suzerain for a lot of city-states, if the bonus is indeed a %, it could really add up!!
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