• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

[GS] GS impressions/random observations thread.

Or maybe they are not bugs after all.
The best we can do is report then to 2k support.
At least there is a record of it and it is 100% the correct place.

Making demands don't add any grievances.
I think they are making demands due to grievances so giving more became se of this behaviour would seem odd to me.
Speaking of demands, has anyone ever got the AI to agree to one? I never have.
I’m sure I’m super-late to the party on this, but Egypt’s flood immunity feels super nice in-game. IDK how strong it actually is, and the fact that flooding was quite frequent in my online speed game may have to do with it, but watching my tiles rack up food while my neighbors had their infrastructure destroyed felt pretty awesome. Combined with floodplain- and river-boosting pantheons and other boosts, it really felt like building cities along the Nile was rewarding to accomplish.
Not sure if it has been mentioned here yet; but now when the game zooms in to show you a natural wonder you've just discovered, it no longer keeps the white outline showing where your unit could move while zoomed in. This may be a small touch, but it's much appreciated for my experience :)

Spoiler :

Crater Lake.png

Edit: Since posting this I discovered another wonder where the white line was still present. Gah...
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I had hoped that this major expansion might have fixed a few cosmetic things, like the idiotic bits in the loading texts - "great beasts of the Stone Age" indeed! What - woolly mammoths? I noticed one the other day I hadn't spotted before - a reference to "the barrel of muskets". So an army has a large barrel to store its muskets in, and each soldier takes one before a battle. Of course, it should refer to "the barrels of muskets".
like the idiotic bits in the loading texts - "great beasts of the Stone Age" indeed! What - woolly mammoths?
Well, to be fair, there was indeed more variety of megafauna extant 10,000 years ago (which is, what, 6,000 years before the game begins?). What's more hilarious is that the narration seems to imply that the "stone age" predates upright hominids. :lol:
Well, to be fair, there was indeed more variety of megafauna extant 10,000 years ago (which is, what, 6,000 years before the game begins?). What's more hilarious is that the narration seems to imply that the "stone age" predates upright hominids. :lol:

It's a reference to the motto of the GS Design Team:

"Rocks to Rock Bands"

or maybe

"From Stones to Stoners!"
I had hoped that this major expansion might have fixed a few cosmetic things, like the idiotic bits in the loading texts - "great beasts of the Stone Age" indeed! What - woolly mammoths? I noticed one the other day I hadn't spotted before - a reference to "the barrel of muskets". So an army has a large barrel to store its muskets in, and each soldier takes one before a battle. Of course, it should refer to "the barrels of muskets".
They can't change that without getting a new audio recording; I can't see them going to that trouble. I take both of those examples as poetic license...
I presume they had to make a new recording session for the diplomatic victory text? (I haven't seen/heard this yet).
It's not Sean Bean.
Another reason why I'm over the infatuation with celebrity narrators.

I don't need the guy who reads my tech quotes to always be "that guy from that Scifi-fantasy series." I guess this is a big deal for some people but I don't get it.

Find a pro's pro who is awesome at his craft (and maybe more available; and, probably more relevant here, a tad cheaper).
Another reason why I'm over the infatuation with celebrity narrators.

I don't need the guy who reads my tech quotes to always be "that guy from that Scifi-fantasy series." I guess this is a big deal for some people but I don't get it.

Find a pro's pro who is awesome at his craft (and maybe more available; and, probably more relevant here, a tad cheaper).
Also relevant here: someone the voice director isn't so starstruck by he can't say, "Excuse me, Mr. Bean, but you pronounced that wrong." :p
Another reason why I'm over the infatuation with celebrity narrators. I don't need the guy who reads my tech quotes to always be "that guy from that Scifi-fantasy series." I guess this is a big deal for some people but I don't get it. Find a pro's pro who is awesome at his craft (and maybe more available; and, probably more relevant here, a tad cheaper).

Or better yet, get over this infatuation with animated characters and voices completely.

It's a waste of development resources and time. It limits revisions to the game, as we can see above. Who bothers to watch the same old animation & speech over and over again? The most we need are three static leader portraits -- happy / neutral / angry -- and the devs can write whatever text they want for the leader's message.
Or better yet, get over this infatuation with animated characters and voices completely.

It's a waste of development resources and time. It limits revisions to the game, as we can see above. Who bothers to watch the same old animation & speech over and over again? The most we need are three static leader portraits -- happy / neutral / angry -- and the devs can write whatever text they want for the leader's message.
Maybe you're playing the wrong game? If I want an amazing 4X game, frankly I'm not playing Civ. If I'm playing Civ, it's for the historical flavor--including the historical leader personae.
But I love the leaders...

I love the leaders too, just not the presentation. See below.

Maybe you're playing the wrong game? If I want an amazing 4X game, frankly I'm not playing Civ. If I'm playing Civ, it's for the historical flavor--including the historical leader personae.

And if Firaxis shifted resources from developing animations and voice overs, perhaps they would be able to give us a few more civs with more historical leaders for you to enjoy.

It's all about development priorities and what is going to be best for the game. Maybe there's a huge segment of players who would refuse to buy Civ if there were no animations, I dunno. But more often I read posts from people complaining / wishing that their favorite civ would be added.

At least there are game options to mute the voice overs and turn off the animations so I don't wear out my ESC key, so thanks for that Firaxis. :thumbsup:
I think the entire game should just be blank tiles with x's and o's on it. No more graphics than that. After all, it's all about the gameplay amiright? :)

I noticed that you can't build a railroad on Golden Gate Bridge. I'm assuming the real one doesn't have a railroad, I've never been to it (though I was in San Fransisco for 1 day).
Maybe there's a huge segment of players who would refuse to buy Civ if there were no animations, I dunno.
I'd certainly be one of them. Graphics aren't everything, but in a game you'll stare at as long as Civ having a pleasing art style, including for leaders, is essential. On which topic Civ6's leaders are less vocal than Civ5's, and I think that was a poor decision. In Civ7 they should go with a less famous narrator and pay more for leader VAs IMO. And writers. Both the Civilopedia and the intro narratives could be much better written.
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