[GS] GS impressions/random observations thread.

I'm curious what Sweden's start bias is. I literally have grassland, plain, and desert right in my capital and tundra and snow just a little ways to the south.
If anyone finds out what exactly was changed about Indonesia and Zulu, let us know :) The very first GS stream implied that they were tweaked, but the civ overview screen remains the same.
Nubia' Pyramids didn't get a buff as different terrain floodplains have their own associated tiles.

So Nubian Pyramids can only be built on desert floodplains.
Mentioned in the other thread:

Russian Lavras were most likely NOT nerfed. Civilopedia states the bonus GWAM points, while the civ pick screen doesn’t (this was the case in RnF as well).
Something must have gone wrong for me. No GS leaders in the list. But it said i had the GS exp. on.
Mali has tremendous swings in Turn 1 strength depending on where you start, due to the desert bonuses. This start is pretty incredible, for example (better with more hills):


But my first attempts to play weren't great at all. Often just one or two desert tiles.

Here's his ability, for reference:



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Maybe because i use the legacy start up that something is wrong in game
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