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[GS] GS impressions/random observations thread.

When setting up a game, if you enter Advanced Setup and try to load a Configuration (even one created in Gathering Storm), all the new leaders disappear and wont reappear as leader choices until you exit back to main menu.
OK, game is installed and running --- I've to go to work now. There are things that can't wait to be done there :cry:

I think I'll take time to get more used to the more bright Civ colors we have now with the jersey system (I tend to prefer softer/darker colors), but it Will be posible.

Also, ¿did resource icons zoomed in-out before? (now, they are getting smaller as you zoom-out).
Arg! I've turned off all my mods and can't see hills at a glance anymore! :wallbash:
Up to turn 18 of my first game.
I decided to just go down the list since all the GS Civs are on top.
Of course this means I am playing as Dido First.
I put the next GS Civs as my 7 opponents... No Double Civs.

After looking at Dido I feel she is the worst New Civ for my flavor.
Nothing really good for me and find her to be kinda useless.
I suppose Free Writing Boost is ok but who doesn't ever get that anyway.

I set up the game as Deity, All Standard, Pangaea Map.
I rolled an ok Start and had to move one tile to save a tree for a chop.
This got me closer to the Tobacco so I could work it to get the Pantheon up faster.
Hoping for Harvest as usual.

I am only up to turn 18 but I did not know Huts can give +1 Envoy.
That was nice since I found a Culture CS and wasn't first.
So I think this addition to Huts is good for my game experience.

My start is blocked in by a large mountain chain.
No Horses nearby so it is going to be a bit of a struggle to eventually break out.
These are more of builder/settler starts and I find them kinda boring in general.

My B.O. was Scout, Builder, Warrior... Settler Next.
I got a Free Scout from a Hut as well which is nice.
Also +1 Population from another.

Tech Order was AH, Mining.
Gonna have to get Irrigation and Sailing since those are my only Luxury Options.

Oh and I did not see the World War scenario in the list as well that someone mentioned earlier.
So when you discover a tech or civic now, the screen behind the blurb with the quote etc is locked out until you close that blurb.
That's annoying as I like to start moving units as I listen to Sean wax lyrical about cats, dogs, and pigs :confused:
So, you know how units that have already used up their moves have their badge become sort of transparent?

Well, for Sweden, that's really hard to tell.
Got 60 horses from a goody hut. Looks like I currently have a cap of 150.

Scotland better not be in this game. Russia's away jersey will look just like theirs to me.
No new map scripts available in the setup - I know some of us were hoping for a new Mediterranean or African map

I also had my fingers crossed for a TSL map that scaled... especially larger.

Man, I decided to try Hungary out, but started over when I hadn't found a single city state in the first 50 turns. Like, not just not near me, just none at all. I did play them long enough to confirm that Pearl of the Danube is a real nice ability.
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Well so far:

1. Civ6 Civilopedia remains awful! First thing I did was go to the civilopedia to see if the Cultural Victory was changed add an in-game definition of what a Domestic Tourist was and how to win a Cultural Victory. Nope! Any new info in the civilopedia that includes the new Great Musician stuff/rock bands? Nope! Go to the Tourism tab to see if there's an entry that directly goes to information about rock bands? Nope!

Can I just type in "rock band"? Yup, and that's only because I know about that system outside of the parameters of Civ6's documentation.

2. Why am I allowed to go to my production queue and just spam the "monument" button? How did the expansion launch without preventing me from hitting the button more than once on a building?

3. Hey, I can spend 30 diplo points to prevent Australia from settling near by cities. Uh... why am I not allowed to know how long that deal runs?
Playing as Inca.
Barbarians feel more present. I used them to get a classic golden age with 3 +2 clears. I've earned +9 more era score in the classic age from danger on the doorstep heroic moments and will get my second golden age in a row easily. What feels different to me is the camps are spawning much closer to my cities than before and much quicker.

Starting location would be an amazing Canada start but is a less than ideal Inca start so no huge mountain chains just a few small ones and lots of tundra so no terrace farm fun. But I am by two volcanoes so there is that.
I feel like I made a good choice with Initiation Rites, since the barb camps are popping up like weeds.
I was hoping to actually complete my first map, but it put me (Canada) on a small island with just Cyrus and two CS's (Continents, Huge). I got Stonehenge too! Sad to abandon that, but it'll be a boring game.
Undocumented feature (not in the patch notes): Finally there's a save/load configuration option for multiplayer.

Also the jersey system is really neat. You can choose out of four colour combinations.
50 turns in (random civ as usual - turned out to be Russia):

- No random map size option, still.

- Barbarians seem less aggressive, but also cleverer. I've had them bait a unit by retreating into another barb, and moving in to shoot my slinger first. Presumably this will apply to all such units, not just barbarian ones.

- Very early impressions of diplomacy are positive, except for the turn-after-meeting denunciation if you forget to send a delegation still being there. Denunciation still seems broadly unconnected to actual AI behaviour - for instance Saladin denounced me but I saw no sign of his army until the denunciation had expired. I bought him off easily and then established friendship.

- No evidence yet of aggressive forward-settling. In my current map Hungary is along the Congo fairly close but hasn't taken the site I'm targeting with a settler along the nearby Volga. Saladin is across a large expanse of useless desert - his failure to attack me actually makes strategic sense.

- Both AIs I've so far met are going aggressively barb-hunting; it was no doubt coincidental, but I like to imagine Hungary stationing a spearman on top of my trade unit the turn before a scout could pillage it was an effort to protect a trade route going to a Hungarian city.

- The river labels are an excellent feature that really add a sense of place, prompting me to think in terms of settling along the Volga, exploring upriver along the Congo etc. My concern is that river names per civ appear to be extremely limited. As Russia I ran across the Ural, the Volga ... and the Congo. There's no sign of an African civ anywhere in the vicinity and Hungary is the only civ I have seen in that direction, which leads me to think that either (a) features can have randomly-generated names (perhaps of civs not in the game) if they're a certain distance from a civ's starting area, or (b) either Russia or Hungary was the first to name the feature and had run out of river names already.

- City states still die off in quantity ridiculously early. At least 3 have been taken out by turn 50, and I think more.

Mentioned in the other thread:

Russian Lavras were most likely NOT nerfed. Civilopedia states the bonus GWAM points, while the civ pick screen doesn’t (this was the case in RnF as well).

I'm definitely getting the points for culture GPs, and I'm pretty sure this is shown in the tooltip in the Production menu.
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