Guess the City!


Fridge Magnet Porn
Mar 10, 2006
In this thread you have to guess what the city is from a picture posted by somebody (usually the winner on the previous picture)


1. The picture you post has to be on a city or very large, famous town.
2. The picture has to contain something from the city that makes it recognisable.
3. The cities should be at least known in the country.
4. Wait until the previous poster has stated that your guess is correct, then you can post a picture of a city.
5. If the picture poster takes as long as 2 days saying whether anybody was correct, it is invalid, and another poster gives another picture of a city.

Googling and other searching is allowed.

I start!

Spoiler :
Yes, but what city? Admittedly, it's hard.
Grillick is right! The building was Il teatro alla Scala. Grill's go.
Haha. You're kidding! I was like, "What's a city in Italy people wouldn't think of right away?" Okay, here we go. Hopefully this'll be easy.

Small picture...
No, but you're getting warmer.

And I'm cold, so I'm going to bed. Hoepfully a correct answer will have arisen by morning.
Haha. Very good. I'm so clever, posting a picture from the city I live in, aren't I?

If I had a digital camera, I would've gone out and taken one myself. ;)
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