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Having the game jump to a city that was done producing...

Not 100% sure, but it sounds as though you may have different preference settings on each computer.
Mr. Hyperbole said:
Not 100% sure, but it sounds as though you may have different preference settings on each computer.

yeah, that's what I thought, but I wasn't able to spot anything. That's why I was wondering. I am not even sure what setting was making it jump to the city like that. It definately comes in handy when the empire gets larger.
Do you have the "Ask for build orders after Unit Construction" flag checked in your preferences? (It shouldn't be, most likely). And do you have the "Always build previous built unit" flag checked? You want the first one to be on, but the second one to be off.
Ginger_Ale said:
Do you have the "Ask for build orders after Unit Construction" flag checked in your preferences? (It shouldn't be, most likely). And do you have the "Always build previous built unit" flag checked? You want the first one to be on, but the second one to be off.

This is the way I have it setup. I still dont get the popup message when a city is done building.
If you have "always build previously built unit" on, it will not ask you for orders after you have produced a unit.

If you have "ask for orders after building a unit on" it will only ask you for orders if you have "always build previously built unit" off.

Personally i don't like that. I would like them both to be on and active. Meaning it does ask me for orders, but it always uses the previously build unit by default so i only have to press enter to build the previously build unit.

I now use "ask for orders after building a unit on" and NOT "always build previously built unit" in early game. Later on, when i usually am only producing the most advanced unit everywhere, i make him build the previously built unit. (Just check production in every city that has a newly produced unit before moving out the unit.)
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